Friday, January 2, 2009

A Quiet and Peaceful Day

In our home, New Year's Day is often a relaxed day, and it was again this year. Our New Year's Eve was low key--we met my sister-in-law at a restaurant for dinner and then came home afterward. Hubby watched some TV and I read a book. Today, we puttered around--well, I puttered; Hubby watched more TV for the most part. How can there possibly be THAT many football games on all at the same time, all day long?!

This morning, I did a little blog surfing, and I read where Vicky over at LA Quilter said, "Don't forget - whatever you do on New Year's Day, you do for the rest of the year! So take a few stitches!" Well, I took Vicky's advice and spent part of the day in the Sweat Shop, sewing more sample blocks for the Valentine class I'll be teaching. Once the class is done, I'll have some already partly-made projects to finish up quickly and show here.

This evening, I looked up New Year's traditions on the internet and found this: "According to lore, you should not cry on New Year's, or you'll be crying all year. You also should refrain from sweeping or dusting on the first day of the New Year, or you will sweep away your good luck." Check! I think I'm good there!

Besides the sewing, I read a little bit and I even took a nice, little nap. It's been cold and foggy out today, and having time to take a nap felt like such a luxury, but with four days off work, I have plenty of time to just relax a little.

Dinner was simple--tamales! Then I headed back into the Sweat Shop for a little more sewing fun.

I hope your New Year's Day has been all that you wanted it to be, with plenty of stitching, no crying, and no cleaning! And if it wasn't? Well, there's always tomorrow!


  1. YIPPEE! I think I'm good for this New crying, sewed and did no dusting, sweeping or cleaning of any kind.
    Have a wonderful New Year!

  2. I'm good, too! I decided to vacuum the night before - whew!! Got a few stitches in, cooked, and celebrated the day with my closest friends! It was a perfect day! Happy New Year, Kim!!

  3. Ok, I think I'm good, I did absolutely nothing yesterday but go to breakfast with the hubby, sew, sew, sew, ran a few errands and sewed some more. See the trend here? I love these 4 day weekends!

  4. Sounds like we all pretty much did the same thing. Celebrated low key and did some sewing.

    Happy New Year!

  5. Well, crap. I didn't sew. But I did knit! I'm saying that counts. And cleaning? Well, you should know by now that that rarely happens in MY house! LOL

  6. Ha, I'm good on the cleaning dusting or sweeping. I sat on my rear and sewed all day watching the "Bones" marathon! Luckily the arm is MUCH better and I got quite a lot sewn with breaks.

    Happy New Year!

  7. Oh my, I did some sewing BUT I also took the broom and swept up areas of the house "just so it looked cleaned"....needs serious vacuuming when the crew vacate Monday! Does the quick sweep count? Yikes!!

  8. PS...forgot to mention I made your pork schnitzel recipe is a keeper.

  9. Well unfortunately I did do some crying on New Years Day, but lets just hope and pray that is all I have to do this year. I caught up reading on your blogs and you just crack my up with your humor - thanks for the smiles and outright laughter in 2008 and now in 2009. Happy New Year to you!

  10. I guess I really screwed up because I steam cleaned my carpets and other house cleaning all day!
    Chris in Sacramento

  11. I'm safe - no cleaning and lots of stitching on DH quilt.


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