Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to all my Blogland friends!

I hope 2009 brings you peace, contentment, and every other good thing you could hope for, and when the less-than-happy times come along, as they must in each life, may they be short, reasonably painless, and only serve to emphasize all that's wonderful around you!


  1. what a sensible realistic thought for us all - and the same to you Kim - Happy 2009

  2. Same to you Kim!! and to your family! It's been a different year for me, and I really hope this next year goes by much s-l-o-w-e-r!! LOL!

  3. As long as I can remember I have always had a friend named Kim. The longest known Kim moved to Colorado in August and I was the only one at the going away party that cried.

    I finished my Hometown Christmas and will be giving it away today. The good news is that my dughter will show me how to email pictures, but since the recipients are living close and will understand, I will borrow it back again and bring it to your first class to take a picture there. I'm signing up on Saturday when I go to the Saturday Sampler. It was so exciting to see your name there listed as a new teacher joining the staff. I know you will be great! Happy new year!

  4. Happy New Year to you and yours too!!!

  5. Happy New Year Kim! I hope 2009 brings you much happiness and quilty joy!

    Jen :)

  6. Hi Kim, popping in to wish you(and all the other Kims) the happiest of new years. You're one of a kind with me kid! Hugs, Finn

  7. Wonderful sentiments - and right back at ya! Looking forward to following your adventures in the new year.


    Your wish for each of us who read your blog is very meaningful to me. My is the same to you.

    Happy quilting in 2009!

    I signed up for your classes yesterday and I am looking forward to quilting together in class.

  9. Hi Kim! Thanks for keeping us laughing all year long! I look forward to more of that this year! Have a Happy Happy 2009!


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