Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Kim's Big Teaching Adventure

Last night, I pulled out some of my Halloween decorations and put on my fall sweater today. Am I suffering seasonal confusion? No, I just had my first Hey Ghoul Friend quilt class at Bearpaws & Hollyhocks, and I wanted to set the mood. I have six "students" in this one, and I think we all had a fun time--at least I know I enjoyed myself!

Old Archie came out of the closet and made an appearance. Remember him? I gave everyone an Archie pattern, although a few gals in the class are experienced doll makers, so Archie was probably pretty simple compared to what they're able to make! In fact, I'm hoping they'll bring some of their dolls in for show and tell in the next few months. That's something I've always been interested in but haven't fit into my schedule yet.

For those of you who follow my thrifting exploits, yesterday was 50% off day at Goodwill (I went to two stores--one during my lunch hour and one after work), so some of the things in the photo were bargain finds. The orange and white checked table cloth was $1; the orange wagon (filled with Trick or Treat goodies) was $1; and the wooden "Welcome Fall" sign was 50 cents. I think I'm going to do something between now and next fall to spruce up the sign a bit, but it served its purpose for tonight.

And see that yummy treat on the table? My friend Shirley works at Bearpaws, and not only did she graciously offer to stay and help with things like working the register, cutting fabric, and closing up the shop, but she also made us a cranberry loaf so we didn't starve to death. Isn't she great?! I also enlisted Shirley's assistance in drawing a winning entry for the Valentine heart mini I made for the shop's open house last Sunday.

Wilma S. won the quilt as well as a goodie bag from the class filled with a copy of the heart quilt pattern, treats, and--maybe best of all--a Johnny Depp/Pirates Valentine (with tattoo). Woo-hoo Wilma!

Now I'm sure some of you are thinking, "That's all very nice, but HEY! What about ME?!!" Okay, I know--you want a chance to win something too, right? Well, here it is--drum roll, please!

I think a slight majority of you who commented liked the pink one best, so I've saved it for you. It's not quilted yet, but I should be able to get that done in the next few days. So, do you want to win it? Just leave me a comment telling me you want in on the drawing and I'll put your name in for a chance. AND like Wilma, if you win you'll not only get the quilt, but you'll get the pattern and the goodie bag too (including a Pirates Valentine and TATTOO)! Sweet deal, eh?! I have a little something for a couple runners up too--nothing too exciting but probably better than nothing, right? I'm going to keep that a surprise for now though. I'll close the drawing Saturday night and draw a winner then, so make sure to check in on Sunday to see who won! Good luck!


Pat said...

I'd love to win the heart wall hanging Kim! Please enter me in the drawing.

Your classes look like such fun... bet you put the other teachers to shame. Hope you have as much fun as I'm sure your students do.

Anonymous said...

Kim, that is just my favorite of your heart wallhangings. Please enter my name in the drawing. Thanks. Bonnie in

Anonymous said...

Kim, please enter me in your drawing. I realized that I have not made any Valentine quilts nor do I have the appropropriate fabrics in the stash to make one. I would love the one you made to get me through this year until I can make one of my own. Thanks.

Julie in the Barn said...

I love your valentine hanging. Don't put my name in for the drawing. I already won your fabulous Happy Jacks so it wouldn't be fair to try to win again. But I am going to try to make one like it for myself. I wish I was as creative as you are! If I lived a bit closer I'd be taking your classes just because you make it so much fun.

antique quilter said...

me too,me too!
thats the one I loved the best.
Please put me in for the drawing too.
Love all the goodies from the thrift store, you certainly know how to shop!

antique quilter said...

me too,me too!
thats the one I loved the best.
Please put me in for the drawing too.
Love all the goodies from the thrift store, you certainly know how to shop!

antique quilter said...

me too,me too!
thats the one I loved the best.
Please put me in for the drawing too.
Love all the goodies from the thrift store, you certainly know how to shop!

Lorraine said...

Ooooo! pick me .....pick me......! your class looked like a fun time....would be nice if I lived closer so I could come tooo!!!

Vickie E said...

I liked the pink quilt best too! Wish I were in I could take one of your classes...sadly I am in Ohio freezing my butt off...

Robin said...

Hey, Kim, pick me! I liked the darker quilt best, but the Johnny Depp tattoo/Valentine make my heart go pitter pat! The quilt would look great above our fireplace...

Laurie said...

Please enter me into the drawing. I wish I was in Cal so I could take a class as I think you would be a creative and inspiring teacher and definitely keep the class entertained! I enjoy your blog.

Jessica White said...

I'd love to win the heart wall hanging as well. Where could I get a copy of the pattern?

I actually have some of that same ME fabric.

Anonymous said...

I'd love to win. Wish I were close enough to take one of your classes. They look like fun!

ranette said...

pick me, pick me! I love the cute little wallhanging and would be thrilled to win it.

Thank you for thinking of us in blogland too.

Anonymous said...

Kim, I'd love to be entered in your drawing! Your blog is one of my absolute favorites....thanks so much for sharing with us.

Darlene said...

Oh, just pick me and maybe I'll stop begging for a quilt. LOL Everything you do is delightful. :-)

Appalachian Mercantile said...

Oh, you know I want to win! I've even been known to bribe! **wink wink**

Nancy Near Philadelphia said...

I'd be tickled PINK to win this -- it was my favorite of the variations.

Carol said...

Your classes sound like so much fun. I would love a chance to win this quilt. More great finds at Good Will, I really like that wagon, so cute.

kcenya1950 said...

Oh, Kim, I so much want to win because I NEED the tattoo to go with my Johnny Depp Pirate's License.....
Glad your teaching exploits are going well

Anonymous said...

You don't have to ask me twice, I'd love to be entered in the drawing. Now, I don't really need the tattoo, I have a couple real ones of my own! LOL

Anonymous said...

Wish Texas wasn't so far from California, I'd enroll in your class. Enter me in the drawing.
Thanks. Vicki.

Michelle said...

How exciting! I'd love to win the heart quilt! Thanks for entering my name!

Tracey in CT said...

I love the wall hanging, it would look great on my living room wall! It sounds like you are having a blast with your class, I hope that your students are loving it too!

AverettLadyNana said...

I love the Valentine Quilt. Yes, Please enter me in your drawing.
Thanks so much...

MJinMichigan said...

Kim, I'd love to win the heart wallhanging! Please enter me in your drawing.
I love your blog and read it everyday. Love your sense of humor.

PunkiePie (Jen) said...

Pick me! Pick me! Pick me!

MichelleB said...

I definitely would love to be in your drawing! So good to hear that your class went well. Your becoming a pro.

Anonymous said...

I would love to win your wallhanging. Please enter my name in your drawing. Your blog is one of my favorites.

Paula said...

I'd love to be in the drawing. I need a heart quilt right now. LOL... a friend of mine "borrowed" my heart quilt like 2 years ago to help her finish her quilt. She didn't understand the pattern. Anyway, I suppose I should call her, huh? Nah, instead, just send me the new heart quilt, please! LOL

Anonymous said...

I would love to win a Kim original. Please enter me in your drawing. Thanks Sharon Mac

Richelle said...

This was my favorite of your two also. I would love to be included in your drawing.

Pat said...

You do such geat work and you are so generous. I would love to take a class from you. Let me know if you ever move to NY!

Lady of the Cloth said...

I love the heart quilt and would like to be in the drawing as well. You have such good ideas, wish we lived closer, I'd be in your classes!

Lynn Osborne said...

Congrats on the Goodwill finds. Thank you for the chance to win the hearts quilt. I would love, love, love to be the winner!!!!

Anonymous said...

I would love to have one of your quilts. This is one I really like.
Glad to see your classes are going so well. I knew you could do it.

Linda Z

Ruby said...

Woo, Hoo! Please enter me in the drawing! Thank you!!! Are you doing your Hey Ghoul friend a a block of the month?

Anonymous said...

Hi Kim! You really go all out for your classes. How Fun!!
I would love to be entered for the heart quilt =)

Tamara said...

Of course I would LOVE to be entered in your valentine giveaway. I am so glad you choose the pink one for us. Thanks ;)

Anonymous said...

Hi Kim,

I'd love to be part of your drawing. I'd hang in my house for everyone to see.

Anna said...

please count me your hearts...anna

Anna said...

please count me your hearts...anna

Erin said...

Kim I wish I were in your area I would take your class for sure! I am in cold brrr..NH! I love the hearts quilt please add my name for sure!!

DAWN said...

I would love to win the heart quilt, it would look very nice in my craft room. Please enter me in your drawing. Thanks

Kim West said...

I would love love love to win your heart quilt! I have the perfect place in my livingroom for it!!!

Shirley--Knot-y Embroidery Lady said...

Wow! Count me in - love it! LOVE IT! love it!

Linda said...

Love that quilt and the tattoo is to die for. LOL Linda

Unknown said...

Kim~PICK ME PICK ME! I would love to have one of your creations! I love the Goodwill. I found so many treasures plus even a good bargin for me occasionally! I wish I lived near by so I could take one of your classes. Thanks so much for sharing though. Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

I know I have already won in my life (wonderful husband and two "almost" perfect children :-), but for the first time in my life, just for fun, I'd love to win the heart wall hanging, Kim! Please, could you enter me in the drawing? Have a nice rest of the week.
Hugs from Finland,

Terry said...

Oh I love that little quilt! I'd love to be entered in your giveaway! Thanks so much! :0)

Linda said...

Of course I want to win it! :D
It is just too cute! Good luck to all the "contestants"!
I really wish we had a Goodwill like yours near us!! We travelled an hour to the closest one and there was NOTHING under $5.00! A pair of jeans was $15, shirts were $10 - $15, and sheets(which I like to use as padding or backing for quilts) were $10. Very dissapointing trip that was for sure! I wanted to comment on your 1/19/08 post - In the interest of full disclosure... There are times when I read blogs and I dream of a life like theirs, alas... not in the cards for me! lol I like that you show me how human you are - the good the bad, the happy the sad, the dissapointments & praise. Thank you for your blog!

Anonymous said...

I'd like to win too. Thanks for listening. :)
jazzy's mama

Judy said...

Me!! Me!! Me!! I want to play too.

Okay I have to find out when 50% off day is at my goodwill, although we have nothing like your goodies. GREAT finds!

Cindy L. said...

Hi Kim
Oh great quilt goddess, please enter me in your wonderful drawing!! Please, please, please!!! Any chance in the future you will make this pattern available for purchase for us poor souls who do not live anywhere close to your sunny warm part of the world? Thanks so much for your inspiration.
in cold snowy Minnesota

Unknown said...

I just love this little quilt - please count me in :o)

Sinta Renee said...

Please put my name in the hat! You are such a sweetie. Thanks for the chance at the wallhanging.

Mariel said...

I would love to win your heart wallhanging. I haven't shopped too much at the good will stores, but when I do I'm always looking for men's plaid shirts for scrap quilting. After reading your blog and seeing all the little goodies you find I think I will shop around the store a little more.

inese said...

Oh yeah! Please enter me for a chance to win that cute lttle quilt. Your quilts are always wonderful and you are very inspiring. If you ever
publish your quilt patterns I would definitely but them. Great work!

Winona said...

Oh Yeah, Kim, this is what I have been waiting for.LOL I love your projects and would be honored to have one. Please enter me in your drawing. Winona

Juli said...

I'd love to be entered to win your wallhanging it's gorgeous.

Brenda S said...

I would love to win your wallhanging, please enter me to win. I very much enjoy reading your blog you have just great ideas. Thank You. Brenda

Anonymous said...

Please enter my name in the drawing since I didn't win the other one. I was really hoping to win! Are you selling the pattern? Where can I get a copy just in case I don't win?
Chris in Sacramento

Anonymous said...

Hello Kim, I enjoy your blog everyday! Please enter my name so I have a chance in winning this quilt! You have the best sense of humor. I don't have my own blog but I hope I have a chance!!!! Thanks, Doris from CT.

libertythreads said...

You really scored at the thrift store, you are my kind of girl!
Please enter me for that darling pink heart quilt.

Beth said...

HI Kim! I love the quilt and I love your site! Please put me in the drawing :)


Busy Little Quilter said...

I went thrift shopping on Saturday trying to find a white lacy sweater. Instead I found a heart shaped wreath fo 50 cents and an adorable 100% cotton skirt that I can cut up and use the fabric.

I love the quilt. Of course I would love to have a quilt you have made, so please enter me in your drawing. I do talk to you every day. Remember that, okay?☺ lol

Anonymous said...

I LUV your quilts and your blog! I would luv to win your heart quilt, I fell in luv with it the minute I saw it! I wish I lived close enough to take your classes--however I am on the East coast! So for now I have to follow your blog! I would truly appreciate having one of your quilts, I can only hope that I am fortunate enough! Thanks for all of your sharing! Barb

Lynn Jones said...

I'm in it to win it!

Tudy said...

I want in your drawing. Thanks.

quiltmom anna said...

A friend of mine would say I am in like Flynn- Its a lovely wallhanging- I am sure that your Hey Ghoul class will be tons of fun- they are lucky students-
You always are doing nice things for others- Thank you.

Cheryl said...

Woohoo, I was just thinking boy I would love that pattern...and now a giveaway. Please enter me! I know your students had a great time in your class.

Anonymous said...

Count me in! Sheesh, you wouldn't believe all I had to go through. The ancient laptop had poor connectivity all day. When I finally got online, I had keyboard issues. Had to wait for DH to leave for the store to get on the desk top so I could comment! I read your blog every day! I voted for the pink. Remember, Valentine's Day is my birthday...really!

Teresa said...

Wow..I am entry #73, Hmmm...7 and 3 are both lucky numbers.

Manders said...

Wow already 73 comments... well put me in too! I would LOVE to win!!

Dorothy said...

Hi Kim
Love your blog! I sure wish I lived in CA, then I could have fun at the quilt shop, it sounds like a great shop. my email is and my blog is

Greenmare said...

Oh I am totally in!!! I love love love that heart wallhanging and I don't have ANYthing like that for Valentines day............ poor me huh?

Sandy said...

Last year I made 3 Crazy Quilts from men's silk ties and almost cleaned out our local Good Will.
What a lucky lady Wilma S is to have won the quilt and able to attend your class. Congrats Wilma C.
So please include me in your blogland contest.
Sandy in Nebraska

ytsmom said...

I think they are both adorable!

Joyce said...

Kim, what a great giveaway. I would love to win this. I really don't have any heart quilts. Thanks for entering me in your giveaway.

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy for Wilma S. It is a beautiful wall hanging. SO, here I am putting in a chance for the next one. You have inspired me with all these give-aways. I am thinking of doing something similar with my guild. I am going to be in charge of the fat quarter exchange and I think a few give-aways will spice things up!

Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

It's beautiful! I would love to enter my name into your drawing please! kelley from kentucky

Patricia said...

Thank you Kim! You are so generous and inspirational in so many ways!
Patricia in New York

Anonymous said...

Count me in - I love goodies!

Ltenhage at gmail dot com

Lisa said...

I love your heart wall hanging...please enter me in your drawing and pick my name :O) Thanks so much! Lisa

Unknown said...

absolutely LOVE the hearts!

Anonymous said...

I'd love to win that beautiful quilted wallhanging! Your work is always so nicely done.

Sorry we aren't seeing you at Thimblberries--I'll miss you.


Anonymous said...

You know I'd love to win! Toss my name in will ya! I was hoping for some tattoos!! Oh wait, quilt! Yeah, met to say quilt!

Anonymous said...

Today I had the gift of a day off work. I went to my LQS for Valentine fabric and she had none! So instead, I'm finding new blogs to follow and printing out tutorials of gifts I want to make. Thanks for the opportunity and for your inspiration!!
Florence (NJ)

G'G'ma said...

I'd love to be in on your drawing 'cuz I love the quilt!!

Anonymous said...

Hi-- I'm not trying to cheat with two comments -- but I just read on another blog that without my email, I would probably not be considered for your giveaway -- so, it's -- Sorry! (Florence NJ)

Kim said...

I'd love to win your quilt! I'd love to take one of your classes, and of course when you have patterns to sell I'll be in line to buy one.

Julie S said...

How can I resist commenting when a beautiful pink quilt is offered as a prize? Love your blog, Kim! - Julie from QH

Nancy said...

Your quilt is gorgeous, and I love hearts, so I would treasure this quilt if I won. Thanks for your generosity!

Anonymous said...

Kim, I do not have a Valentine quilt so please enter me to win! I absolutely love it. Keep up the great blog!

Beth said...

Woo Hoo! Enter me! You never cease to amaze me, Kim. Kuddos to the future pattern publisher....will the company be Kim's Great Pattern Adventure? Appropriately so!

Hugs, Beth in AL
bhambeth at g mail dot com

Pat at Bell Creek Quilts said...

Yes! I would love your wallhanging too. Please enter me! I followed the link from Mama Spark's blog :)

Anonymous said...


very cute wallhanging. Please enter my name.

--Tricia in Herald, CA

Chocolate Cat said...

Oh I wish I could come to your classes, they look such fun! I would love to win this (and I wouldnt be unhappy about the tatoo card that comes with it)!!
Have you entered my giveaway??

Anonymous said...

WOW would I ever like to win!!!! I have not set up my blog as yet but I agree you should sell your patterns. I'm From a small town north of Toronto Canada. Love your blog. Hope I get a chance to win. Linda

Anonymous said...

Count me in, I'd love to win your quilt, but also would like to know if the wonky tree quilt pattern is for sale!!!

Anonymous said...


Please enter me in your drawing for the pink heart wall quilt. I would love to have an original from an original. I can't wait until you start to sell your patterns as well. Please post when that happens.

Ellen in the Hollow

Anonymous said...

Linda from north of toronto, Canada thought you should have her email since she does not have a blog as yet just in case she wins!!!!!!

Miss Jean said...

I'd love to win the Heart Wallhangin!