Sunday, January 4, 2009


Speaking of friends, can you believe no one showed up this morning to help me clean house?! Sheesh! And I thought you liked me!

Well, as you may imagine, I spent all morning and into the early afternoon cleaning and doing a little rearranging around the house. Luckily I had that full pot of coffee to keep me going!

I know I mentioned we were having guests over for dinner, but did I tell you I was serving tamales? So besides the tamales, I made chicken cream enchiladas (a mixture of white meat chicken, cream cheese, onions, and red peppers rolled in corn tortillas and topped with heavy cream and Monterey jack cheese), refried black beans, Spanish rice, and a salad. Yum!

My friend/sister-in-law Kath wanted me to take a photo of the table for the blog, so I complied.

Good thing she reminded me! I wish I had taken a photo of the food, but sometimes I forget to multi-task (i.e., entertain company AND capture the moment for the blog). Everyone seemed to like the food though. Me? I think I was a little tired and didn't have much of an appetite. Do you ever get like that after you've been doing a bunch of cooking? With holiday meals, the leftovers always seem to taste better when I can relax and enjoy them.

It was interesting to read all your comments about how you handle decorating (or un-decorating) in the aftermath of Christmas. You can see from my kitchen photo above that I still have the snowpeople, peppermints, and the whole red and white thing going on. The larger kitchen tree has been retired for the season, as have a couple others in the house, but I DO have four smaller trees still up, and one of those is decorated for Valentine's Day--that one will probably move to the kitchen in a week or two and the other trees will be put away. Can't rush into these things!

After dinner, we played cards--Hearts. Guess who won? MOI! The really fun thing about winning is that the two "boys" playing--Hubby and Terry--are so competitive that beating them at any game is its own special joy!

I think the much greater joy, though, is having good friends to spend time with--even if it ISN'T quality housecleaning time!


  1. Sorry I didn't call by to help clean - just couldn't get the flight times right :o) Still I spent my time clearing our house of all the Christmas decorations instead so it wasn't a day wasted

  2. Tamales? TAMALES??? I'll be over with my leaf blower to help with the cleanin'. It's not too late is it?


  3. Yea, me too..plane delays! I love those plates, always wanted some just like that, but I never use my Christmas plates that much so I never invested in them. Sounds like you had a great time!

  4. Okay, seriously. You put those yummy sounding dishes on here, but no recipes? You should know better.

    Your table looks wonderful! And I love all of the red and white. I love those plates, too. I know what you mean about beating those super competitive types - makes it SOOOO much more fun!

  5. yeah, I think I got stuck at the airport with Jace, sorry, I was really going to be there.............

  6. I banged and banged on the door, but all I could hear was the roar of the vacumm, the washing machine and dryer, and the dishwasher all at once!! No wonder you didn't hear me! Hugs, Cathy Trumble

  7. you know that you are my hero... i love the red and white... and that you kicked butt at cards.
    we had a serious monopoly tournament the other night and i took hubby down... he was the only one i wanted...
    I want to decorate but instead i will be doing laundry until the end of time.
    Hope your weekend is everything you wanted.

  8. You're making me hungry, I think you should post that enchilada recipe. I love, love, love the dishes on your table. I have them sitting in my hutch waiting to come out next weekend, for a special dinner. They are great because they work for Fall and Winter. Happy New Years!

  9. I really tried to help you with the cleaning. Didn't you feel the extra power in your vacuum cleaner....LOL.....Having family and friends over of a meal and good company is great but as you's a little stressful and a good way to lose my case anyway....LOL
    Take care.

  10. I want to come to your house for dinner!

  11. The food sounds so yummy and your table and dinning area is decorated so beautifuly!!! Sorry about the cleaning thing :-)!!


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