Monday, January 5, 2009

Chilled But Happy

On Sunday morning, I got up, knowing my house was clean and there were leftovers in the refrigerator for dinner. With the whole day ahead with very few obligations, I prepared a quilt back and eventually headed out to the patio to pin a quilt.

About a year ago, I pieced the blocks for this quilt but got sidetracked by other projects. Over this holiday weekend, I pulled the blocks out and got the quilt top put together.

I'm making this quilt for my brother and his wife--their house is decorated "cabin style" and I think the scrappy Kansas Troubles fabric will go well.

The weather was beautiful out this morning, for a winter day. The skies were clear and the sun was shining, although there was a light breeze and the temps were in the 40s. By the time I finished, my feet, clad only in slippers, were popsicles, but I solved that with a nice, long soak in a hot bathtub.

The rest of the day was a lazy one. I read a bit, I napped a bit, I quilted a bit, I ate a bit, and I did a couple things in preparation for the quilt class I'll be teaching next weekend. It's back to work for me in the morning, but this last day off has been a relaxed one. I can't say I'm anxious to go back, but at least my house is in order and I'm rested.

I hope you've had an enjoyable weekend too. Thanks for stopping in to visit!


  1. No comments yet. Great quilt. I'm sure your DB and DSIL will love it.

  2. Beautiful quilt, your brother and his wife will love it. Be sure to show us how you quilt it.

  3. Lovely quilt. I'm back to work today too after being off for 2 weeks. Today is going to be a tough one!

    Jen :)

  4. beautiful quilt, I am sure they will love it. thanks for sharing,

  5. Oh I think everyone is sad to return to work today, hubby dragged out a bit late and not exactly wanting to go back. I'm secretly glad to have my house back to myself for just a few days...shhh! Go thing you are all rested up and had such a relaxing day.

    LOVE that quilt, and that border fabric is fantastic! So what kind of table do you have under there? Oh how I wish I had one that big! Thanks for sharing!

  6. Love the quilt! And next weekend is your class? How exciting. I can hardly wait to hear all about it.

  7. I love days like that where everything is in order and all you have to do is play. I need a day like that!

    The quilt is beautiful!

    I've been on Christmas vacation since the 19th. I can't wait to see what you've been up to! I missed you. I couldn't get on the Internet while I was gone because my inlaws have dial up and their phone line was out of order. Ugghh!!

  8. Beautiful quilt, I'm sure they will love it, I do! If they don't want it, you can send it to me! LOL I didn't want to come back to the office today either, nice having two 4-day weekends in a row, but man, hard to come back.

  9. I love the quilt!! Any particular pattern, or is it one of your own creations?

  10. OOOuuu...sounds like my kind of day. It seems you made good use of it. Yes, I think your quilt is very 'cabin-y'....they should love it..I would!!

  11. Kim,

    Sounds like you had a wonderful day ! I hope you get many more.

    Really like your blog, and I really did a double take when I saw you have made the Trees Up! Lights On ! quilt. . .I just ordered that pattern and rec'd it a couple days ago. I might have to move it up in my list of projects to do. . . or is it that I am still in the mood for a Christmas project ? Anyway, I enjoy seeing yours.

    I see you play Hearts, love that game but currently don't have anyone to play it with right now. Guess I will have to teach it to a couple of my friends!

    Come visit my blog ! oh, and enter my Whirl into Winter giveaway !


  12. Hi Kim, again,

    Could I put a link to your tutorials on my blog ? I think they are just great. . .

    Of course, this is assuming I can figure out a way to do this. . .


  13. Wow, Kim, I have that pattern and have been aging it. Now that I have seen yours I will have to pull mine out.

    And as of today I am a blogger too, inspired partially by you! I hope you will visit me at

  14. I love your quilt pattern Kim. As some have asked.. what pattern is it? I am sure you put your own twist to it. Beautiful!
    We headed back to work today and by the end of the day I was ready to get home. Hope you don't have to overdo it Tuesday.

  15. Just popping in to say Hi and let you know I think your blog is great. I learn so many interesting and fun things.

  16. Oh my. What a wonderful day and I LOVE the quilt. Kansas Troubles are my favorite. Would you like another sister? You could adopt me. I don't eat much and I wouldn't be much trouble. Just a quilt now and then and I would be a happy girl.

  17. Oh that quilt is just beautiful! I love Kansas Troubles fabrics! :0)

  18. Oh my - that is one eye catching, gorgeous quilt! KJust my kind of colors and fabric. Are you really sure it doesn't want to live at my house when it is finished?

    You get so much done while working - just think of what you'll get done when you retire!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!