Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Shopping Season

December is well and truly here, which means it's time to get out the Christmas sweaters and hit the stores to do some shopping, right?

Do you like to shop? I mean besides fabric shopping, because I already know the answer to that question--that's a little like asking if you like to breathe! Most of the time, I'm not much of a shopper. I could go clothes shopping once, maybe twice, a year and be perfectly happy. And it sort of annoys me sometimes that we quilters can't just keep wearing denim for the rest of our lives, because that seemed kind of simple. Judging by the fact that it's a lot harder to find denim--other than pants--in stores these days, I guess it's kind of gone out of fashion.

I like shopping for stuff for the house better, but there's a limit to that. And thrift store shopping doesn't count--that's not shopping; that's treasure hunting! Usually, though, I get pretty excited about shopping for Christmas decorations, but for some reason, this year I'm just not feeling it. Maybe I have enough stuff. Maybe somewhere in the back of my mind, I'm thinking about the shaky economy. Maybe it just hasn't hit me yet. But for the last couple days, I've been thinking I needed a few new candles. And I had in my mind the kind of candles I wanted--two large round ball candles for the mantle; a couple "root candles" for the tall candlesticks on the mantle (I finally figured out what the candles I wanted were called at least!); and maybe one or two of those nubby textured candles.

So, after work I headed to William Glen. Once I got there, I decided to scope out the William Glen Christmas Store and Clearance Center first, which is located in a separate building across the parking lot. As I got to the door, I saw the the store would be closing in 10 minutes. Humm. Not good timing. And what's up with stores closing that early during this time of the year, anyway?

Seriously, I don't think I've ever been able to go into the William Glen Christmas Store and not buy something, but tonight that's exactly what happened. And, of course, there was no time left to go over to the "big" William Glen store. So, instead, I headed over to the 100 Dollar Store (aka Target) to see what they might have.

And for once, I was terribly disappointed at Target. Very few things were on sale, and what WAS on sale wasn't discounted much. The selection wasn't what I've been used to seeing in the past either. I left Target with only some candy (for the jar I keep at my desk for the girl boss and a little supply to keep the energy flowing in the Sweat Shop--the essentials!) and a pair of slippers (because my old ones aren't far from falling apart).

On I drove to Kohl's, still in search of candles. Kohl's was better--at least I found the round candles I wanted. The root candles--well, maybe I'll just order those on line. The nubby candle? Probably not going to turn up this year. I also came away from Kohl's with a new top for work, a new nightgown, and yet another pair of slippers (because I liked THIS pair better than the first pair I found). Oh, and this kind of fun candle that I thought was well suited for the Sweat Shop--

You know what, though? Kohl's also didn't have the selection they had last year. And on top of that, I didn't think the quality of the merchandize at either Kohl's or Target was what it's been in the past--which isn't exactly top of the line but is normally just fine for the price. At least Kohl's had better sale prices. I keep hearing on the news about merchants offering deep discounts and doing whatever they can to entice consumers, but I sure wasn't feeling very enticed tonight. And you know what else I didn't see? Christmas sweaters! Have they gone the way of denim?!

How about you? Have you hit the stores this season? Noticed any difference? I wonder whether it might just be my mood this year that's coloring my opinions, so I'm wondering what you think.


Three Birds Inspired said...

Two of the major department stores in our area (Bon-Ton and Boscov's) are running pretty decent sales. I don't think they are any better than they were last year this time but I think they will continue to drop prices until Christmas.

Kohl's usually has good sales and always has something I think I need. Target has never impressed me with their sale prices...except on Diet Coke!

Shirley--Knot-y Embroidery Lady said...

I'm up late making christmas goodies and before I head off to bed I thought I'd check in - lol!
Cute candle! Vest cute too.
I am with you on the denim....
Shopping - well I have been gathering things through the year - now I need to remember where I put everything. :) Things have been mailed overseas and to the "old country" which means most of my needs in that department are gone.

Another interesting happening is that I have been getting rid of all my christmas "stuff" that I used to fill the house with. I/we enjoy our "treasures" and have moved on for someone else to enjoy things that have less meaning. Believe me our home is far from bare. What I am trying to say is that we have enough and we are through the "gathering" stage of our lives, thus we are not out shopping as much as you "youngins." Interesting Hey!

Gas is down in price and that is making me happy!

Unknown said...

Gran is with me. Plenty of Stuff around here but I did find a nice little space for a small tree which I am going to look for today with the lights already on. Plenty of decorantions for it. But I am going to look for my own Christmas present, For Hubby, a new lap top.So I will be with the rest of the youngums in the electric dept.

Lorraine said...

I, like you, tend to shop for clothes maybe twice a year.....and I don't get out to the shops much because I don't go unless I have something to buy....I think I remember a time when I would go to the shops to "look"....don't have the time or inclination for that sort of caper now! LOL.....I do want to look for some new decorations for Christmas though...and for the life of me I can't wait until the post Christmas sales..don't want to buy stuff I won't be able to look at for another year.....! So when I do go out shopping I will be sure and let you know if there are any bargains to be had .....which won't do you a lot of good unless you are flying over for a visit sometime soon!

Anonymous said...

I was just at my Kohl's the other day, and they had the notorious Christmas sweaters! Maybe they were on the clearance rack from last year, I don't remember.

Latane Barton said...

Love the candle, are you sure you didn't make that one?

Unknown said...

I didn't even go out on black Friday, the sale flyers really didn't entice me either. I'm trying to make a lot of my gifts this year but I know I will have to buy some. I don't like to shop much any more probably because I'm trying to simplify my life more and not get to materialistic (believe me I was really bad)! Sorry to hear about your shopping trip. May be you should make your candles? LOL! Yeah, that's what you need one more craft!

Anonymous said...

No shopping for me yet....and 6 kids to shop for! (Not to mention DH) I just can't get into black Friday, and clothes shopping....too depressing. Everything is geared toward those size 5's you see on TV. I vote we bring back the Moo Moo! :)

Love your blog and love love love your candle!

I must be feeling bah humbug, I haven't even gotten out the Christmas trees for the shop. Maybe this weekend.....


DPUTiger said...

I hate shopping for anything other than fabric and yarn, and clothes are just the worst. Actually, I haven't done any in-store shopping yet this holiday season. Got stuff for the Hubster online on Monday and that's about it.

Judy said...

Well, I don't go into department stores very much either. Our Kohl's seems to be the best place to all my summer shirts there last time I bought some. Our Target has just finished converting half the store to the grocery section and it was such a mess I skipped the whole experience. I guess I need to check it out. The only one I frequent on a regular basis is Walmart when I get groceries...otherwise I've done my shopping online.

Sharon said...

I'm not into shopping for anything that isn't quilt related. I do love looking at all the new Christmas decorations each year, and usually buy one, just because. I'm only into shopping for clothes when I have too and would rather buy stuff for decorating the house. We seem to have plenty of sweaters here in MO. I was in Kohl's the other day and there was an abundance hanging in every department. The darn candle I was after, I couldn't find. I bought one last year that the scent was awesome, should have gotten more then. I love your button candle, looks like something you would make.


Shelina said...

I think I was excited to hear about the "deep discounts". I have come to the conclusion that their definition of "deep discounts" is the same as "normal sale prices" to me. And lately I have been getting daily e-mail specials from a couple of stores - so you would have to go several times if you want more than one thing.

Candace said...

Kim - first I blame the "What Not to Wear" show on TLC for not seeing any Christmas sweaters! They were going thru the wardrobe of a woman recently who had one, and if you've ever seen this show - they were brutal over that poor sweater! Any "fasionista" having seen that would drop dead before carrying another one in their store!
And I was at Costco yesterday attempting to buy some more tree balls for our tree at work - NONE to be found - not a single one! Now what's up with that???? Costco always has Christmas balls - as it was, there was barely any Christmas decoration! I'm going with the economy on this one. Cheers!

Anonymous said...

I am with you... I am just not feeling it this year. My daughter came over last night and I sent some of my Christmas decor home with her. I think I am going to just stick to 1 tree this year and am not even really excited about all the other stuff I put around the house. This economy is really scary... I just don't feel much like celebrating.

Nicole said...

I love William Glen! My sister took me there when she first moved up to Granite Bay, and now every time I beg her to take me there again, she says it's too far! That is just the most fun place to shop, at any time of the year, but their Christmas stuff is fantastic. Do you ever get up to Pottery World? They have some pretty wonderful things as well.

Pat said...

I noticed Lowe's marked all their Christmas decorations 50% off now.

I'm thinking about getting LED lights for the tree since they use 80% less electricity..or so they say!

Not buying much either because of the economy so I'm sort of glad the "deep discounts" we were hearing about ain't happenin'. LOL

Sam bought a few new decorations for the outside. Knowing your love of those big blow-ups I should take a photo of Santa in the helicopter on the roof! ROFLOL. Oh well, the kids will love it..

We need to tell Eileen that she's getting a little more with it buying a laptop but that "electric dept." is a dead

Anonymous said...

I'm not a shopper, but shop for fabric I can do anytime! I had the pleasure today of speaking directly with Gran and I told her how I looked forward each day to your blog and how it always brings a smile to my face. Your adventures in life and the way you see it are the best, please continue to share your adventures. Love your outlook on life and things. I've tried and tried but the only way I can leave a comment is anonymous. Computer challenged I am.

Robin said...

I detest clothes shopping. I could try on a hundred items and not one would fit. And I don't like a lot of the current styles/colors. And I resent spending a lot of perfectly good fabric money on clothes! I'm with you, I'd be happy in denim.

Anonymous said...

I am not a shopper, but I needed a few things so went on Sunday after Black Friday. JCPenneys had a lot of Christmas sweaters and shirts. I really didn't notice that many at any other store.

Busy Little Quilter said...

I agree with Candace, the What Not To Wear Show is sort of hindering me from wearing my Christmas sweaters. I wear them around the house, but that's about it. There's part of me that says "who do they think they are?!!!", but the other part is "what if everyone else sees that show and laughs at me!" I guess if people can go around with their cracks showing and guts hanging out, I should be able to be comfortable wearing my Christmas sweaters!

I found a red cardigan at Christopher and Banks one day for $60. I didn't want to pay that, so I went a couple of day's later and they had 40% off the entire store. So, I got the sweater. It was meant to be.

My problem is shoes. I live in a small city, so shoes are limited. Every where I look are exercise shoes or shoes with no heel. I like to be cute and comfortable!

Greenmare said...

I am pretty much with you on the shopping thing. I'd be satisfied to wear jeans and denim shirts for the rest of my life, but some silly supervisor pointed out that it's "not dress code". sigh.
I've done all my Christmas shopping this year on ebay! yeah! I win! and I get to wear my jeans and denim shirts!!!

Sherry said...

I'm like you with clothes, don't know what that says about me, but I like buying for my home more than for myself lately. I can't seem to get a grip on the fact that Christmas is 3 weeks away! I was disappointed at Target my last trip there. We have a new Kohl's in our area, going there this weekend. Yes, from what you hear on the news, you would think prices would be rock bottom to get your business, that's hokey! I've not seen that!

Amy said...

I love the idea of thrift shopping ot be treasure hunting. That exactly how it feels.

Pat said...

I love this red stripe fabric! It's exactly what I'm looking for to make new pillow shams for my spare bedroom. Is it new??? Or, at least... something that might still be available???