Tuesday, November 11, 2008

What's Wrong With This Picture?

No, you aren't looking at snow! This is my design wall. I think this has to be the first time in ages that it hasn't had SOMETHING on it. It's really kind of weird. I kept catching glimpses of it tonight and it felt like something was missing. I guess I'll need to get started on the next project soon!

Tonight was the last meeting of our Christmas List "class." I had my quilt center together and another lady had started quilting hers. The others were still working on their last block. We talked about meeting again in December to show our finished quilts, but we decided that if we had finished ours, it would likely be hanging in our house by then, and if we hadn't . . . well, what would be the point of meeting? So, this was it.

Now for a little "quilter's math." The Christmas List class cost $60 for the year. Bearpaws & Hollyhocks has a special thing with their year-long classes where if you show up, you get $5 off any purchase that night. Since I attended 11 classes, I "saved" $55, making the class only $5 rather than $60. Not bad, huh?! We just won't factor in the fact that I still put out that $55, not to mention the fact that I'm sure I always managed to find more than $5 worth of stuff to buy each month. Nope. Not going to think about that part. That's just too complicated. Instead, I'm just going to pat myself on the back for managing to take a year-long class for only $5. Besides THAT tremendous savings, I didn't buy any of the monthly kits--I just used mainly scraps from my Thimbleberries basket. So, the way I figure it, I saved so much money on this quilt that I can probably afford to splurge a little next time I visit the quilt shop.

And, by the way, with my $5 credit tonight plus about $11 or so in "real" money, I came home with a yard each of two very nice red with white polka dot fabrics. Remember that sale they're having where all fabric is $8 a yard? One of the pieces I bought is Lecien fabric, so I think I "saved" another $6 there. I'll have to remember that I have that extra $6 to spend next time I go shopping. Isn't math swell?!


  1. I love your math! It's so much easier than that other way. Is that "new" math, or "quilt" math?

  2. Sounds to me like your LQS owner is the one that is very good at math. LOL, but what fun!

  3. Only YOU can think up that kind of math. It's just not my best subject.

  4. Love your quilt math - but don't be insulted if I don't ask you to help calculate yardage with that kind of math!

  5. Congratulations on your savings! I guess with the savings from the grocery store, all my fabric purchases yesterday were free too! I don't feel so bad anymore.

  6. I like it! Good way to look at things. Great polka dot fabrics too. I bought a bunch of polka dot fat quarters on Saturday myself. I have no idea what I'm going to do with them. I may make my daughter a quilt for her baby dolls out of them for Christmas.

    Jen :)

  7. Great minds think alike! My quilt math is just like yours!! LOL

    I know that I said I would have to quit visiting because you are a temptress. LOL But, I just can't stay away! You make me smile!!! :~)

  8. I like math when it works in my favor! It doesn't always, though.

  9. I was never a good math student and you just lost me. LOLOL!!

  10. Oh there really isn't anything on it? I thought with your excellent photography skills you had aimed for a wallhanging and missed!

  11. Your math sounds like my math. Also, if you use fabric in your stash to make a project, then it's free! I have a lot of free projects lined up to finish on my Christmas Present Making Retreat next week. You should see my sewing room! There's stuff everywhere!

    I would tell you that your Christmas List group could meet in January, but at my house the quilt would still be on the wall! Maybe you all could meet in February!!

  12. A blank design board....good for you, getting things done. Love the fabrics, aren't you thrifty. Take care.

  13. Kim, You are a gal after my own heart- I love your mathematics- I am especially impressed if you went to class and didn't spend very much while you were there. That is the only way my stash doesn't get bigger - not going to the quilt store. My friend and I visited our favorite store the other day and found some great batiks for 6 dollars a meter (slightly larger that a yard) They had been 16 and 17 dollars a meter so it was a great buy.. My stash grew a bit but well worth the additions..
    Oh and by the way the Certifiably Crazy book arrived in the mail the other day- it has some other wonderful patterns too besides the Chickens- Thanks for recommending it..
    Happy quilting,


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