Monday, November 10, 2008

And My Globes Aren't Fuzzy Anymore!

As usual on Sunday nights, I hate to see the weekend coming to an end when there's so much more I'd like to do, but at least I feel I've accomplished what I needed to get done, and I can go to bed without feeling I've left things unfinished.

I made a big pot of spaghetti sauce and meatballs today. Hubby loves it, and it's been quite awhile since I've made any. I made extra spaghetti so I could put together a casserole for Hubby to stick in the oven for our dinner one night this week. In fact, I have one or two other meals planned for Hubby to help out with, as well as a couple fast and simple dinners that I can throw together after work. I hope these fast dinners translate to more sewing time!

Once I got the sauce and meatballs going this afternoon, I cleaned house. I like the house clean and tidy, but I'm not very good when it comes to all the hidden dirt-collecting spots around the house. For instance, under/behind the fridge--I don't want to know what's back there. As far as I'm concerned, the spiders can have it as long as they stay back there. The oven--no, it's not self-cleaning, but I figure I'll just let it go until it gets really bad and then I'll get a new oven. I noticed the other day, though, that the globes on the kitchen light fixture were getting mighty fuzzy, so I took them down today and cleaned them. Funny, but I kind of forgot there's a bit of a swirl pattern in the glass. And where does all that dust come from anyway? The Wild Child was here when I first noticed how fuzzy they were, and we stood, gazing up at them, pondering the possibility that Spike had somehow climbed up there and deposited white fur all over them. Well, at least they're good now for another year if I'm lucky.

Tomorrow night after work I meet with my Christmas List group, so I was anxious to get caught up on that project. I've gotten the center put together now--

Tomorrow night we'll get the final pattern for the outside border and some applique. There's a little embroidery I want to add, and then it will be ready to pin and quilt.

Time for bed so I can get up in the morning for work. I hope you've done everything you wanted this weekend too!


  1. Weekends are always so short! Love that quilt, Kim! I made spaghetti, too, but vegetarian...using those crumbles instead of meat. DH loves it.

  2. Must be the "season" for our comfort foods! I did chili, o yum.

    There are never enough hours in the day. I can't figure out how to spend all my free time with dh, which I want to do, AND spend all my free time at the sewing machine..which I NEED to do.

    Then there's the stuff that I brought home from work. It stayed in the folder and never even got looked at. Don't know why I bothered, except that I had SUCH good intentions!

  3. Yup I nested with a big pot of chicken wild rice soup - my favorite and the caramel dip which is always a fall favorite. I love your Christmas project - it's so cute and girl you sure get lots of sewing done - great job.

    Hugs - Karen

  4. I made spahgetti Friday night. Saturday night I took an already roasted chicken from Walmart and made chicken tacos. Last night I popped a frozen (healthy) turkey roast in the oven for 2 hours and made some healthy mashed potatoes. Tonight I'll use some of the left over roasted chicken for something. It's cold here, so I'm sure it will be some sort of comfort food. I'm all for quick, but healthy meals, especially since I need to spend time doing other things.

    Your quilt fantastic! Yes, I got what I needed to get done this weekend. It didn't include sewing, though. :(

  5. My hubby loves his spaghetti every Sunday. I just love it when you can turn a meal in to leftovers for another day, more time leftover for you!
    Love, love, love your Christmas quilt Kim!
    You countdown clock is keeping it real for me, real nervous LOL!

  6. The quilt is looking great! I can hardly wait to see it finished.

  7. Hmmmm, fuzzy globes, I have a few of those too! lol

    This quilt is so cute! I might have to quit visiting you, you tempt me to much! lol

  8. I just love your quilt! It makes me want to work on my newest Christmas quilt!

  9. Kim your Christmas List is just the most wonderful!

  10. you should never clean those globes, they are going to blind you now if you turn the light on in the dark!!

  11. You got the center together! It is beautiful, very cute. I too try to make several dishes so we can eat throughout the week, and DH does not have to cook.

  12. The quilt's fantastic Kim!!!!!
    I'll be curious to see how you quilt it!

  13. I love this quilt!! You did an amazing job, as usual and all the elements work so well together! Great job!

  14. OMG Kim I love it!!! That quilt is great. Now clean those globes and that OVEN!!

  15. Don't kid about the ceiling fan blades always collect brown cat fur from where???, I don't know. Floating through the air I guess. We have an open room and the stuff floats and sticks up there!! YUCK! What I really need to clean is my microwave, any hints on that and I'd be a happy girl!

    LOVE the quilt and how it's turning out!


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