Thursday, November 20, 2008

Time Marches On

Another late night at work. [Imagine the sound of a heavy sigh here.] Really, it's not that bad--I can handle the overtime for short periods and the end is in sight: Two more days of work and the weekend will be here! Thanks for all your sympathetic comments--they are much appreciated!

I think I caught a quick glimpse of my side bar telling me that Christmas is only 34 days away. Where does the time go? I just mentioned something to Beth this morning about the fog we get in the Central Valley around December. To me, the fog is always a sign of Christmas, and when I went outside a little bit later, I noticed we had some for the first time this year. Yes, Christmas is coming, ladies! And tonight, I saw that one of the houses behind us had put up white icicle lights! Oooooooh, aaaaaaaah!

On my way home from work, I stopped and picked up Chinese fast food, so I was able to hit the Sweat Shop by 9 p.m. and make five more tree blocks before the news was over and it was time to shut down for the night. One more block and I'll have enough for the main quilt; five more blocks after that and I'll have enough for the wallhanging; another three blocks and I'll have . . . well, three more blocks! I'm not sure what I'll use them for, but whatever it is is sure to be cheerful and Christmassy! And, as a couple of you mentioned, working with this happy fabric sure helps to perk me up again after a long work day! What's your favorite way to de-stress? With Christmas coming, I'm sure any ideas that work for you would be put to good use by the rest of us, so please share!


  1. My de-stress routine is a glass of merlot and the TV tuned to Monk or Anthony Bourdain while sewing the binding on my latest quilt project. While I sew the binding I get such a feeling of accomplishment that whatever was causing my stress is forgotton. Or maybe it's the wine that does that!

  2. Yup. Sewing has been my de-stresser lately and playing with my Punkie Girl. Last night she decided she needed to sew as well so I had a little helper. I should have taken pictures!

    Jen :)

  3. I'd have to agree with the other ladies, a nice hand sewing project and something nice on the tv and I'm all set...oh add chocolate and then I'm all set. I can spend days sitting right on the end of the sofa working!

  4. I can come up with great ideas for others, however, really what works for me most of the time is to be quite and alone.

    Then if my feet hurt I do something sitting down, if the house is busy I'll do a little spa time in the bathroom, if I am in the car I will turn up the volume real loud, I mean real loud to a classical or country western station, oh, and roll down the windows to feel the wind on my face. A friend is teaching me the art of lounging. It is so much fun.

  5. Bless your heart. Close your're home, safe from the outside world.'re in your sewing room stitching worries...ahhhhhh! Better? LOL....that's the little exercise I used to do to unwind! Take care.

  6. That tule fog you get in the valley over there is like something from a Stephen King novel. We're wimps around here. We like our winter fog at least 6 feet off the ground.

  7. You amaze me with all of your quilting projects (how fast you do them all) and working full time! I don't see how you do it all!
    My way of destressing is sitting in front of my sewing machine!

  8. Hand-applique does it for me as far as de-stressing. Of course, I don't mean a project with tight inside curves, LOL. I'm working on my version of Kim Diehl's Autumn Pennies using starch-prepped circles. The freedom to choose whatever color combos strike my fancy makes this project so fun! The small block size makes it quick and easy to handle. Add something science-y on the Discovery or History channels and aahhhhhhh.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!