Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Crazy Work Stuff

Today was a hectic, crazy day. This morning before work, I decided to brew a little pot of espresso to mix with milk--sometimes I like to take it to work so I can have an iced latte in the afternoon. Well, I got the espresso machine all ready to go but I didn't remember adding the water--so I added water. I'm sure you can guess where this is going. Yep, I added water twice, so everything overflowed all over the countertop, and I had a big mess to clean up!

When I got to work, I found out that one of our secretaries had to leave for Colorado unexpectedly because of the illness of a family member. We're somewhat short staffed this week with a couple of our secretaries off on vacation. This particular secretary--the one who had to leave for Colorado--was covering another vacationing secretary's desk in addition to her own. And, because I'm one of the people who helps cover HER desk when she's out, I inherited HER boss, besides my own two. Add to that the fact that I'm going to be off next week myself with a lot to get caught up on before I go, and as you can imagine, work is nuts. I didn't leave the office tonight until 7:30 p.m., and I expect the rest of the week will likely be the same.

But at least today was donut day at work. Around mid-morning, I went into the kitchen and picked out a sugar donut. As I arrived back at my desk, I somehow bobbled the donut and it jumped out of my hand, hit the back rest of my desk chair, and landed on the seat, showering sprinkles of sugar all over the chair and the floor. It could have been worse, I suppose. At least it wasn't a jelly donut. And, more importantly, at least the donut didn't hit the floor! After I finished sweeping up, I was able to sit for a minute or two and enjoy my donut and a cup of coffee. Despite my best efforts with the broom, though, the floor crunched every time I got up from my desk for the rest of the day.

Hubby was kind enough to fix leftover spaghetti and meatballs with pasta for dinner tonight, but by the time I got home, I just didn't really feel like eating much, so I settled for a nice bowl of cereal. I know--it doesn't sound like I made very wise meal choices today, but for lunch I had a weed salad (at least that's what it tastes like--you know the kind I mean, right?) and an open faced turkey sandwich so I didn't just eat a bunch of junk.

I can't tell you how heavenly it was tonight to change into my comfy old clothes and head into the Sweat Shop for a little quilting therapy. Of course, if you're a quilter, you probably know.

I expect the rest of the work week will be about the same, minus incidents with espresso makers and donuts, but quite possibly with the addition of other dorky mishaps to fill the void. And I'm telling you this because it's possible in another day or two, I just might come home late from work and not have the energy or brain power left to write a blog post. So, if you don't hear from me one night or if I get lazy and just write a very brief "I'm still alive" post, you'll know why. And you'll feel terribly, terribly sorry for me, right? Just email me if you need my address so you can send gifts to cheer me up, okay?! LOL!


  1. I think we are both having a week...sorry to hear your overloaded at work. Mine is more family and health related....making me emotionally exhausted. Your blog usually cheers me, what a downer! LOL Your off next week....things do get better!

  2. Yep, you really need cheering up. What day. Just think about next week and it will all go faster. Also look at the overtime you're getting.
    Cheer up.

  3. I think it's an epidemic sweeping the country! The same type things are happening over here in Florida ;-)

    At least all the irritating stuff is happening during a week that already sucks! LOL Better to get it over with now than to mess up a perfectly good vacation next week.
    (That's how I'm trying to convince myself to look at it... so far, it isn't working!!!)

    Friday's coming girlfriend.. friday's coming...... we're on hump day now... only 2 more days till vacation, yeah!!!

  4. Hey, Kim, I have been a legal secretary for 25 years and I can totally empathize with you. I really enjoy reading your blog and seeing your projects. Lots of inspiration.

    Good luck with work this week

  5. I feel your pain! I've been working myself into an early grave lately too. At least when payday comes, we'll feel justified in doing some lqs retail therapy...heh

    Molly in Sumner, WA

  6. awh! You are having one of my weeks. I am very empathetic. XOXOXOX from Virginia and kudos to not dropping the donut on the floor (although on the chair gives new meaning to "sticky buns"). When you are at your worst... think of the trees... they are so much fun and looking beautiful. Tonight all the scouts that met their popcorn sales goals get to pie my Hubby in the face. I will post photos tomorrow. That oughta snap you out of it. In the meantime... think of the weekend and sneak by Starbucks for a pick-me-up.

  7. I feel for ya, Kim! At least the week will probably go fast, and then you're off for a week - woo-hoooooo! Cheers!

  8. I completely understand!! I have to say that I have been there on multiple occassions and just when you really, really NEED things to go right, right? This too shall pass :o) Nice to have quilting to calm us down!

  9. Hey I don't know how on earth you gals who work get any sewing done at all!! I don't work and still have issues with time!

    I'm feeling very sorry for you at the moment!

  10. Just keep telling yourself - 3 more days and I'm on vacation. At least that's what I'm doing. I can't wait for next week to come already!

    Jen :)

  11. or we could send bibs with pockets to catch the donut next time? hang in there quilter girl, the weekends almost here.

  12. Cereal when you get home sounds just fine to me!! Neil was at meetings the other night and left Mark and me to our own devices for dinner....I had beked beans on a toasted cheese sandwich and mark whipped himself up some scrambled eggs with baked beans and toast.....well we liked it anyway! LOL....I always love to get home and get into the daggy trackies and get into the sewing room.....this month is crazy here at work so I feel your pain GF...but I don't get to have a week off next week....Booie! Enjoy your time off!!

  13. Already have your address and you know I love to send you gifties!!! I was just thinking of the Christmas balls you got last year. LOL What color were those??
    I can just see your donut falling on the chair. At least you didnt sit on it. LOLOL!!!!!!!

  14. This has NOTHING to do with todays post. I completely agree about the Thimbleberries club quilt for this next year. Not to my taste--the fabric, I mean. I did join again because I like the group. Pam was very understanding about my not buying the kits. She knows I will buy other fabric.....I will miss you there, so don't not keep up with Jo's Little Women. I guess I will have to be Julia from JLW from now on....

  15. I am feeling sorry for you - working away, trying to be everything for everyone times two. Been there and done that. You are a can do woman. Relax at night and just put your feet up and read. One more day and you are on holiday.

  16. Oh Kim, I can sympathize with you. I've done that little water trick with my coffee pot! Yes, at least the donut didn't hit the floor, still edible! Hang in there girl...the week will be over with before you know it!

  17. OK Send me your address and I'll send you something to cheer you up.
    Chris in Sacramento


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!