Thursday, November 13, 2008

Peppermints Revealed!

I've been holding out on you. I finished quilting the Peppermint Twist quilt this past weekend and got the binding done yesterday. I was holding off on showing it here, though, because tonight was my Thimbleberries Club meeting and I wanted to bring it for show and tell. Since some of our members read my blog, I wanted them to see something new, more or less, before they read it here. So here it is--

And here's a closer photo that shows the quilting a bit--

I always have fun at Thimbleberries Club and tonight was no exception. Last month I was on vacation and skipped the meeting because it meant driving across town in rush hour traffic. I heard later that one of our members, Imelda, had brought a Happy Jacks quilt and I missed seeing it, darn it! Tonight, though, she had another, and it was awfully cute! It just tickles me no end to see these made up!

Imelda also brought me some thank you gifts, although there was really no need to thank me, but aren't those the best kind of gifts? The completely unexpected ones? And I know she's been paying attention to my blog because she brought me some Susan Branch rub on transfers, two dish towels with cherries, and some cherry fabric. Here's a photo--

I think she needs to go shopping with my Hubby and pick out my Christmas gifts! LOL!

Next month our Club will have our end-of-the-year holiday get together/potluck/party, and I'm sad to say that it will be my last meeting with these gals, at least for awhile. The quilt pattern for next year isn't one I'm crazy about, so I've decided to sit out a year. I did the same thing twice in years past and really missed my Thimbleberries friends, but I ended up going back the following years when there was something I was more interested in. I hope it will be the same this time and that the year after this will find me visiting with my Thimbleberries friends again each month.

I think that this next year, I'll rejoin our local quilt guild. I haven't been a member for the past two years, but I think I'm ready to go back. I've always enjoyed the guild meetings and the various quilt clubs, like Thimbleberries, offered at our local quilt shops, but there's just NOT enough time to do it all. During my first several years as a quilter, I was so busy with guild and clubs and BOMs that I never had time to do some of the quilts I really wanted to do, so I've learned to limit myself a little bit. I DO wish, though, that I belonged to a smaller group of quilters who met once or twice a month to sew and chat and show one another their projects, and I'm always just a touch envious when I read about bloggers who belong to groups like that. Maybe something will come along one of these days when I retire and have a little more time during the day.

How about you? Do you belong to a guild, a quilt club, or a smaller group you really enjoy? And, if you belong to a small group, how did you all "find" each other and start getting together regularly? Inquiring minds . . . .


  1. wow.....great quilt!! I belong to a little group (4) and we meet one Saturday a month and take turns to host the "meeting"...which is more like a long lunch with some show and tell and a bit of stitching sometimes...!! LOL....we first got together about seven years ago when we all worked together..since then I have moved to another job, one has retired, and the other two are still working....gotta love my little "stitch 'n bitch" group!

  2. I haven't been a member of our quilt guild for 3 years. When I first moved here 6 years ago, I went to the guild within 2 weeks of moving! Over the months it became apparent that no one was going to take the position of being president of the guild. So my new friend Carol and I did. It was the most difficult year I've ever had. The guild wanted to hold on to our 25 bucks for a speaker (crazy) it was a HUGE uphill battle. By the end I gave up. I started knitting!! and it has taken me a couple of years to get back to quilting..hence my blog is names midohioknitter. I had almost given up quilting. Gosh now that I read's kinda depressing ..sorry. ANyway..that's why I am not a member of our guild.

  3. Fun quilt!!! I belong to a group of six quilters and we usually meet one evening a week. We work on our own projects but once in a while we do a quilt together. Actually 4 of us are making a Dear Jane right now. The guild in my area is not my thing. Oh and I don't remember how I found this group...I think they found

  4. I'm with you, Kim. I am envious of the lady at My Yellow Farmhouse and her 'peeps'. I wish I could find some friends out here that could get together with me and just sew! For now, I will just listen to their stories when they come into the shop and be jealous! Great Peppermint Twist quilt! If you lived closer, I would give you all kinds of fabric and have you help with shop samples. You do an incredible job with your quilting and your blog!

  5. Wow what a lot of comments already. Only you would think of using a plaid for the sashing and a stripe for the border. So cute. Your DD better like it.

    I also wish there was a small group of ladies around here to get together with. But None close that I know of. The guilds I belonged to are too far away now for me to go to. Miss them, as well as my DD to quilt with.
    So for now all I have are my friends out in cyber space.

  6. I think Vickie E and I had a similiar experience. The guild I joined was the same about their money. All they seemed to want to do was sit and gossip about the ones who weren't there. My friend who just passed offered to be President and they were so rude. Would sit and talk while she tried to conduct a meeting and nothing she did suited them. Then they ousted her and went back to the old way. Six of us just left and we did have our little group until Lynne got sick and now we hardly see each other. So sad.

    Linda Z

  7. I love that quilt! It looks great...I especially like the red plaid sashing and the green striped border.

    I'm on my own with my quilting. There's a quilt shop literally down the street from me, but they don't have any BOM clubs or groups. They have classes, but most of those only have 1 or 2 meetings.

  8. Love the quilt!! What a beauty just in time for Christmas! Great job!

  9. Sounds like there is several of us that would love to be in smaller group of quilting buddies, too bad we don't all live close enough to do so. :~(

    I do belong to my guild and I do enjoy it, but a small group would be a blast!

  10. What a cute little peppermint quilt Kim!

    If you want a little group of peeps, you must start your own! When I moved here years ago (over 20) I went to a few guild meetings (I've never enjoyed a guild -- too big and impersonal) and met a few girls that I liked. I mentioned to them that I'd like to form a "friendship" group of 12 so that we could exchange blocks and each person would have one of the twelve months.

    They spoke to their friends and 12 people were found and we started a group. I immediately bonded with three of them and they have become the "peeps". The bigger group lasted about 15 or 16 years -- at first when someone would drop out, we'd find a replacement, but then we found out that it was the replacements who were dropping out -- it's hard to bond to a group that has history -- so we quit finding replacements. We dwindled down to 7 and just a few years ago completely stopped getting together.

    Except for the peeps. We've always done fun stuff together in addition to the big group (12 is just too big to handle for some activities.) Our little group of 4 has worked perfectly -- when we travel it's 2 hotel rooms! One person even moved 2 hours away about 15 years ago but we still manage to get together once or twice a year.

    Good Luck on finding your peeps -- I know they're out there waiting!

  11. The quilt looks fantastic! I don't know any local quilters either. In fact, in my quilting career, I've only known one. I don't go to my LQS - even though they have groups - because I haven't gotten a warm fuzzy feeling when I've been in there. This IS L.A. after all. I know that there are tons of great quilters in L.A. - but it being so big, it's not like they're local. Sigh. One of these days I hope to have a few local quilting buds.

  12. I am very fortunate. My best friend since Kindergarten is also a quilter. We live 2 hours apart, but try to go to quilt retreat together a couple times a year. But my real peeps are my sisters. There are 5 of us, and 4 of us quilt! We get together about once a month and either have a sewing day, or a quilt shop shopping day. The other 3 live fairly close together, and I am 2 hours away, but it's easy to make seeing them a priority because they're family. Sometimes we get together at our parents' house to sew. They are in their late 70's, and love to have us there, although sometimes they think we are nuts due to our stash and our love of gadgets. When one of us gets something, we all have to have it! Sometimes I just buy things in lots of 4, to make it easier, and to give them little surprises.

    I've never been crazy about the whole guild thing or shop groups. I don't want to feel like I have to make a certain thing at a certain time. If it becomes a chore, then the fun is gone. We all have too many things in the "have to do" column of our to-do lists already.

    Wendy in Iowa

  13. At a guild meeting, one member passed around a paper saying if you wanted to meet with a goup of applique lovers, please sign up. Some did and our little applique group was formed. You could just pass around a paper at a guild meeting or quilt shop stating the interest your little mini group would like to have and contact who signs up to begin. We have been meeting for over 5 years. Some come and go but we all love hand applique so it is the common bond. We follow no rules, just work on our current project and bring show and tell. We recently started a side project where we take the same pattern and make it in our individual color ways. Fun to see the tops finished, some folky, some modern, some traditional. Having no stucture is wonderful. If you are between projects, bring knitting. We discuss fabric, guilt shops and techniques while stitching. Very pleasant and informal. It was very easy to find a little sub group from the guild. Give it a try to see if it works for you. If you go back to your guild, maybe you will find there already is a little subgroup that started while you were gone and you could join in. Fresh faces are always fun. Good luck!

  14. I used to belong to a guild about 6 years ago as well as a smaller group. Too much gossping... I am about quilting and having friends, not dealing with the bad talk behind peoples backs. So that was it for me. Hope your guild works out better!

  15. Very cute quilt. Love it! I only have one person to sew with and with our schedules, we haven't gotten together. I hope to make some time with her after the holidays because I need some direction and help with bindings! LOL.

    Jen :)

  16. Your quilt is absolutely adorable. I saw the pattern a couple weeks ago and thought about it, but chose not to buy it. Now I wish I had!

  17. Your peppermints are darling. I just love how you combine fabrics.

    I belonged to a local guild when I started quilting back in the early 80's. I was very active and belonged to several smaller friendship block exchange groups as well. When I moved 100 miles away I dropped out & have never joined the local guild here because it meets at night and I prefer a daytime group. The quilt blog world has become my virtual quilt guild!

    Back in 1989 a few non-quilting friends in my square dance club saw me working on a little Santa wallhanging and asked if I would teach them to make one. too. All these years later we are still meeting about once a month to work on various hand craft projects together. Some have become excellent quilters and some enjoy other crafts instead. Our square dance club no longer exists & many ladies in the group have moved a fair distance away, like myself, but we have continued to get together at one another's homes sharing a gourmet potluck lunch and catching up on the events in our lives. They are a wonderful group of friends and I would continue to go to our "Stitch & Bitch" meetings even if I was no longer a quilter.

  18. I love, love, love the peppermint twist quilt. The quitling is fantastic. I wish I could quilt like you. I have the Juki, though, so I know it's possible!

    I belong to a guild of 160 ladies. I have been a member for 12 years. On the first Thursday of every month we have a business meeting/show and tell. On the third Thursday we have a workshop where we take classes from various teachers in our guild. I teach, I have been on the board as a secretary, a director, as President for two years, Quilt Show Chairperson 3 times, and a Quilter's Day Out Chairperson (where we celebrate National Quilting Day with 3 other guilds) 3 or 4 times (I lost count).

    I have a group of 10 friends that I get together with every month. We take turns at each others homes. We bring food and projects to work on. I'm always the initiator of starting groups. We have been getting together for 11 years.

    I, too, did the Thimbleberries club and I participated in the workshops at guild every month. I have a lot of UFO's from those, so I quit doing BOM's, Thimbleberries club, and I haven't gone to one workshop this year in guild. I, too, have learned to be picky about what I can do and what I have the time for.

    You know what would be fun, since there are a lot of people that commented that don't have a group, is to start your own group online! We could all work on a project together (your scrappy stars), and we would have a group! It's an idea! :)

    I don't know how you are able to do what all you do and do it so well. You work, you keep house, you cook, you quilt, you decorate, you have a family, and you blog every day. I would love to live closer to you and be in your group. :)


  19. Kim, the peppermint twist is adorable! Did you quilt it on a long-arm, or just feed dogs down?
    I'm not in a quilting group yet - I do take classes, though. When we move to our Squash House next Spring, I have friends already there who quilt - we thought we would organize our own guild. Cheers!

  20. Boy oh boy did you ever touch on a subject and odd too after reading one of Marcie at Patchalot Blog Post a few days ago. I've been trying to explain to a few friends (who do not live near me) why I enjoy the blogging world. They do not get it. There are so many bloggers that I wished could be just up the street from me so that we can get together as Karen's peeps....I too am envious....oh and of Sharon at Red Geranium. These gals know how to party with the quilting buds don't they? Love them both...though never met in person. I moved here just over two years ago, joined the guild and really haven't enjoyed it ever since. I'm one of the younger members at my ripe age of 48. They do not like change nor outsiders very much. I have made a handful of friends that I see at the guild and a few times outside guild for a coffee or lunch. But to have a close group to meet with for stitch & bitch....NADA! This is why I enjoy allows me to visit with other quilters of similiar interest. I was tickled when another blogger had asked me to do a mini quilt exchange...soon to be revealed. I'd be interested in doing more of this sort of thing for sure....but need more constant "blogging followers."

  21. Your peppermint quilt is absolutely lovely. I belong to a quilt called the "Remnants". We are a group of nurses and respiratory therapists who do charity quilting and fun quilting. We met at the hospital, and the four of us have been fast friends for over 10 years. We are actually meeting tomorrow at one members home to quilt and eat and generally raise the roof. Fun, Fun!!

  22. I have a quilting "posse" of 5 or 6 ladies and another group of 15 or so. The group of 15 meets at our local firehouse once a month or so. We got together when our LQS closed and we didn't want to lose touch. The smaller group began when I taught a few friends to quilt 15 years ago! A few of us keep meeting weekly (which is now less often) and we've added a few people along the way. We go to quilt shows together, on retreats, etc.

  23. Ooops! forgot to say - I LOVE the peppermint twist quilt!

  24. The peppermints turned out great! I finished quilting the Trees today!

    Wow you got some nice comments so far! I tried so hard to find a nice small group around me that was interested in joining together for a small bee too and never had any luck. I used to go to guild but even volunteering turned into a bust and they never called me! So finally I got the name of a group who needed members and I went to one meeting. What a disaster! I tried the second meeting but these gals fought so badly and argued about everything. They wanted such a structured group where everyone did the same quilt by the head persons rules and it just wasn't me at all so I never went back. We have a small guild across the water but when night comes and you think of driving 45 minutes it's never a good idea.

    I do envy those gals who have long time groups that meet up at retreats and things...oh to be green with envy!

  25. I do belong to a quilt guild of about 180 members. I am on the executive (10th year) and I am part of a small group (called the UFO group) as part of the guild it all!

  26. Hi Kim,
    Catching up on your blog.. your Peppermint quilt turned out yummy! I know you will do just as great on your trees..
    I belong to the quild and then we have a smaller group called Sundowners.. a few of us who work get together once a month and work on UFO's and we do charity projects for the guild also.

  27. forgot.. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the cherry towels..

  28. I belong to a 100 person Guild. I have been an active officer for about 6 years. I am currently newsletter editor. I have a small group of friends (about 8) that get together for projects. We met over food. Four of us decided to meet for dinner after meetings because their just wasn't enough time to talk after the meeting before the location closed. Unfortunately, we eat more than we sew. We trade FQs from interesting places we visit and make each other a big quilt when members move away. Two have moved. We are now about 8 ladies. Sometimes we have stragglers and the more the merrier but I wish we could get together and stitch more. We all have different jobs so our schedules can only coincide on Monday nights. We are getting too old and busy to work at 7pm at night. Try getting together with your Thimbleberries friends over coffee or dinner or drinks and who knows????

  29. Hi Kim,
    I have belonged to our local guild but it is very large- about 350 members and I just never found my niche there- The meetings were good and they did bring in some good speakers but I wanted a smaller group.
    I have been fortunate to quilt with a smaller group of women 8-12 of us for the last 12 years. It started as a class and we have the same teacher who now hosts the class in a local church classroom. Sometimes we make the same pattern and other times we bring in what we are working on and work on it there. Right now we are working on the Winding ways quilt and after Christmas some will work on the One Block Wonder ( I will still be working on my WInding ways quilt) A couple of times a year we have had little day retreats and made weekend quilts. These women have become my friends as well as a group that I quilt with. When I turned 50 they made me a number of blocks to create my own quilt- I still have not got to it two years later but a design is percolating in my head - It was one of the nicest gifts that I have ever been given.
    Quilt friends are great whether it is someone you go shop hopping with, or a little group like I quilt with or this big blogging world. I have learned lots reading other people's blogs- been inspired, been moved by the joy and the sadness that others experience. Friendship exists in many forms and blogging and quilting has given me many new friends who enjoy this wonderful hobby that we share.

    Your peppermint quilt is wonderful- your quilts are always so fun - As always you have managed to get lots of beautiful quilts made..
    Fun post Kim,

  30. Your quilt is the best! The quilting reminds me of the ribbon candy we used to get at Christmas time when I was a kid!

    I'm a non-guild member, too. My work schedule is too erratic, and from what I hear, too many projects, challenges, and so forth to end up being more UFO's on my list. So I live vicariously throug Kim's Big Quilting Adventure!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!