Friday, November 14, 2008

It's a Quandary!

quan·da·ry (kwnd-r, -dr) KEY NOUN: pl. quan·da·ries. A state of uncertainty or perplexity. (See synonyms at predicament.)

Do you like words? I do! And I've given you a couple this week, haven't I? So are you wondering what's my quandary? My quandary is that I'm wondering what to write about tonight! But you know I'll figure out something to write about, even if it's really nothing when you think about it.

Thanks for all your comments about quilting groups. I really enjoyed reading them! I had a long, hard day at work today, but I took a few minutes to read some of the comments while I was eating my lunch (as quickly as I could!), and it made the day's work easier.

My guild--the one I'm thinking about rejoining--really supports its members' sewing circles and publishes lists of these small groups, but I found that all but one of them met on weekdays, so that didn't work for me. The one group that met in the evenings or weekends was all the way across town, so that didn't work for me either. I've had quilting friends in the past, and we would get together to quilt or go shop hopping, but it seems like everyone has moved away or gotten involved with other things. But life's path is fluid and nothing remains the same for long, so I'm reasonably certain that one of these days, I'll find a group to get together with for some quilting fun!

When I got off work tonight, I decided to stop at Goodwill on the way home. I don't know if you noticed, but I haven't really done any thrifting lately--I think it's been about a month! I've been looking for a covered pedestal cake plate for awhile and found one tonight that I carried around for awhile. In the end, though, I decided to put it back on the shelf because I knew I didn't really have any place to store it, and I didn't think I liked it well enough to leave on display year round. I'm sure I'll find the "perfect" one someday. Still, I didn't leave Goodwill empty handed. I found some wine-colored quilted placemats that came home with me--eight placemats for $4. I'm thinking about keeping four to use and making something with the others, although I'm not sure what. I have a couple ideas floating around in my head though. I also found a yard of white-with-black-polka dot cotton fabric for $2--and you know I love polka dots and black and white!

I'm still working on the last of the embroidery on the Christmas List quilt, and then I can add the borders and the final gingerbread men applique. That's been the project I've taken to work with me this week to work on during my lunch hours. Here at home in the Sweat Shop, though, I spent the evening picking out red, white, and green fat quarters so I can get started on the wonky tree quilt.

I've "stolen" a picture of Penni's quilt off her blog to show you what I'm talking about--I sure hope she doesn't mind! She did a great job on hers, didn't she? I wanted to use the lighter greens like she did, but I really didn't have enough, so I've had to mix in some other shades--I just hope it all works out okay. This is another Pieces From My Heart pattern called Trees Up! Lights On! I'll be working on this one and hope to get the blocks made over the weekend. The pattern calls for 30 blocks, but I'm doing something a little bit different--making a quilt and also a wallhanging--so I'll have 45 blocks to make. Yikes!

One more day of work before the weekend is here, and it can't come fast enough to suit me! Right about this part of the week, I start getting envious of Lorraine and my other Blogland friends in Australia, because their weekend's already arrived. Of course, come Sunday, I'm much less envious as they're returning to work! LOL! I hope you have some quilting fun or other interesting things planned for your weekend! Thanks for stopping in to visit with me!


  1. Your peppermint quilt is just so cute. About you quilting club, you can always start your own. I would love to be in a quilt group with you, although the commute might be a little bit of a problem. Just join the guild and announce that you are interested in starting a group and I bet you will have sign up real fast.

  2. What a cute tree quilt! I love it. I can hardly wait to see what you do.

  3. I quilt together with my neighbour and DD. A small group but it works for us! Your right about one thing: groups, guildmeetings, classes, they're always on workdays and hardly ever on saturdays! Are quilters mostly older and retired? Don't think so! I have schoolholidays and no other days of so I can never attend guildmeetings etc.

  4. I always love your fabric choices!!! I have to tell, that I am always a little bit affraid to use certain fabrics together, but yours always look so COZY to me, which is the result I am looking for the quilts. Also I have to tell you, that working in not a very friendly "company" (which will change in about 6 months :-))) I am always looking for appr. 10 am in Finland hours, when I can see and read your new relaxing, funny and interesting column and then I can feel relax and almost happy in my work again. So with this my long comment today I would like to thank you very much, I don´t think you know how over the year I know your blog, you help me with your friendly looking at the "world". Thanks so much
    Jana from Finland

  5. How sweet was that last comment? Wow! That should make you feel great.

    Come to think of it, I feel that way by you and your blog, too. I'm still thinking about 401(f). I told it to my husband and we started laughing about it and filling the ()part with w for wood, and m for his 65 Mustang.

    Okay, so enough of the gushiness (not sure if it's a word :)) I love the tree's pattern, too. I'm sure whatever greens you use would be fine. I have several friends that have made that one, and it's cute any way it's put together. I'm anxious to see the snowflake. I'm sure you'll have that one made, soon!

    I thought about you when I drove by Goodwill today. Honestly, I have never seen that many cars at Goodwill. Everyone must be looking for some bargains.

    My weekend will be spent getting ready for my Christmas Present Quilting Retreat.

    Have fun!


  6. I feel so flattered. Glad you like the quilt. Can't wait to see yours. Love that you are making extra blocks. I loved making this quilt. It was tke most fun. Call me if you need more blocks done. I will make more. I think you will find the perfect group of friends at Guild. Find a group that you can laugh and have fun with at meetings... then ask them out to Starbucks after for more laughing. I have faith. It's just like dating. Be choosy. Have fun...


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!