Saturday, November 8, 2008

Oh NO! I'm Late!

Does it seem to you like fall is speeding by, or is it just me? I stopped at the grocery store tonight to do my shopping and found turkeys! Thankgiving turkeys!!! Already?! Well, I now have one in my freezer, so I guess I'd better face up to the fact that Thanksgiving is only a few weeks away.

And you know what else I figured out tonight? Christmas isn't very far behind Thanksgiving! Do you know that--if my math is correct--there's less than seven weeks until Christmas?

I think the majority of us make a resolution after the holiday season to either work on Christmas gifts all year long or at least get them started earlier. Did you make that promise to yourself? Did you stick to it? Please don't tell me I'm the only flaky, self-deceptive procrastinator in the group!

I would like to take some time this weekend to start thinking seriously about what I need to do/make/get done between now and Christmas. Yep, I just might need to make a list or two. I was mentally reviewing the quilty gifts I planned to make, but do you know what happened? I got a headache and then my head exploded. I really, really should have started this months ago. Seriously. I'm late. Seriously late. ARGH!


Unknown said...

Somebody hadn't been watching the adds on TV on in the paper. They are starting the Christmas Sales before Thanksgiving this year. Yes, it's coming and time to start doing something about it. LOL

Nancy said...

No, Kim, you aren't the only one who pushed that promise aside!! I do it every year...but with only the best of intentions, of course! And I realized how late I was when I went to Wallyworld the day BEFORE Halloween, and they were already pushing all the goblin stuff onto one make room for the Christmas merchandise. Can we enjoy Thanksgiving first, please???

PunkiePie (Jen) said...

I haven't started creating Christmas gifts yet because I don't know who I am creating for (we do a pick-a-name-out-of-a-hat type of thing).. BUT I am going to go out this afternoon and start my Christmas shopping.

Too early to get stucked into Christmas but you just have to start sometime.

Jen :)

Nancy said...

WOO HOO!! I actually started LAST October for THIS Christmas. I have 6 quilts finished (with labels) and all grandkids/kids shopping finished. This week I will make one more quilt top for my Mom and get it finished for this Christmas. Then to shop for the Rock Star and DH. Always the hardest part....

Anonymous said...

OK...just read Nancy's post I feel very behind!

Busy Little Quilter said...

You're not the only member in the club of good intentions.

I, too, have a Christmas list of quilts, but none of them are hard and should be easy quilting.

This week I am writing my list, cutting things out, and the week before Thanksgiving some friends and I are going on our annual Christmas Present Making retreat for 3 days and 2 nights.

At least you know how to quilt yours. What makes it hard is making sure you have your tops made so the quilter can quilt them in time.

Anne said...

Just like you, the same thing hit me yesterday. I was going to buy antique-y type things all year long to incorporate in my decorating. Hmmmm, never happened. So, I pulled out some wool last night and started cutting things out. In our heads I think we imagine way more than we are truly capable of accomplishing. Although YOU are the queen of accomplishment!

Sherri said...

It's never too late! You can start now and get soo much done!

Lorraine said...

I am always thinking I am on time...then realise too late that I am late....good intentions and all that!! ....Christmas will come and go whether we are ready for it or not!! Santa has arrived in Adelaide via the annual Christmas Pageant so now I can put the tree up...if I can find time...!!

Kim said...

Add me to the list... of Oh it's just around the corner... yep.. I said that.. and now it's here. I can't find any time between now and then to really get much done... just do our best I guess.. somehow it all gets done and it all works out.. year after year.. and I bet I can hear the voices now.. next year I will do it different.. LOL

Shelina said...

The Christmas music is already playing, and I am not ready for Thanksgiving yet. I even got a call today asking me what I wanted for Christmas! I don't know - by that time I probably would have bought it for myself!