Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Trick or Treat!

Hubby and I were talking tonight about whether he wanted to answer the door to trick or treaters on Halloween or hide in the dark and pretend we're not home. I've never been one to feel like getting up and down, answering the door and handing out candy, but he's always enjoyed it--he loves seeing the little ones all dressed up in costume. Now, though, since he can't get up and down like he used to and would need his wheelchair, the idea of answering the door every few minutes isn't as appealing to him.

When our kids were young, I was always the one to walk around the neighborhood with them--there was something kind of magical about being out on Halloween night. Everyone at the houses we visited seemed so cheerful and pleasant, and the other parents out with their kids were more friendly and open than usual. I miss those days sometimes!

So, this Halloween, we'll probably pretend to not be home. I have big quilting and TV watching plans; in fact, I've added a widget to the bottom of my blog, counting down the time to the Ghost Hunters live broadcast. After that, maybe I can find a scary movie or program to watch while I sew. I may not be dressed in costume, collecting candy from the neighbors, but that doesn't mean I can't scare myself silly and enjoy the occasion!

Our office will have a party that day, and the dress up theme this year is political characters. Early on, I was thinking about dressing up as Monica Lewinsky, but the couple times I looked at Goodwill, I couldn't find a suitable blue dress. My friend Teri had the same idea, and she DID find the perfect dress today. Frankly, I'd rather spend my "off" time sewing and crafting than coming up with a costume anyway, and at this point, I'm just about sick to death of politics! If some idea strikes me that's simple and easy between now and then, maybe I'll "dress up." I'm such a party pooper, aren't I?! My alternate idea was to go as Osama bin Laden. Well, I guess "go" isn't quite the right word, since my idea was to just not show up for work at all and, just like bin Laden, no one would be able to find me!

So what about you? Do you have any Halloween plans?


  1. Answering the door to trick and treaters sounds so much fun but then it would be a novelty to us!! Maybe it would be more fun to hide and eat the treats yourself!!

  2. We will be traveling to Washington DC on Halloween, so our house will be dark and candyless as well.

    Hey, go as yourself and tell everyone you are "Joe the Plumber" - according to what I see on TV, thats 95% of us!

  3. I'm staying home and sewing. We don't get more than 10 kids come by because we live is a very rural area. IMHO, just another benefit of living here!

  4. This year we'll be keeping the lights off too. I'll be down in my sewing room, happily stitching away.

  5. Perhaps you should where both political buttons and go as an "undecided voter". If you put your hair in a bun, wore some fake glasses and a business suit you could go as "Palin"... channel your sexy librarian self. I need to get on the stick and blog for you too... love all the baking and the October moments. I will have to send you mine. We just got finished with our Guild Quilt Show so I have been too busy to write... but I did win a ribbon so it's all good. Pet Spike for me. I am allergic to cats so I have to pet her from here on the East Coast.

  6. We only get about 3 bell rings at my house. But, I will be out with the five grandchildren Trick or Treating. Even my husband will delay his hunting trip until the festivities are over. It is a big family "to-do" for us. There just won't be many more years they will want to T or T. Happy Halloween!!

  7. I used to love answering the door, but this year I think I'll just turn off the lights and hide! Get pictures at the office party. That ought to be hilarious!

  8. I LOVE to answer the door and see all the trick r treaters....this year I am giving out Play-doh instead of candy...
    Hey Kim, take an old white shirt and draw a grid of squares on it. Now cut out along 3 sides of one of the squares and go as a "hanging chad".lol Don't forget to wear something underneath..

  9. My son loves to dress up and pass out the candy. I'm so glad!

    I spent far, far too much time reading about October Moments yesterday. I loved it! It was great fun.

  10. I'm off to a quilting retreat. Hubby is a single dad. He'll be doing the Halloween rounds with our dd. I plan on having leave a bowl of candy outside the door. The kids can help themselves! Have fun!

  11. Kim,

    Love your humor. I will be gone on a roadtrip this year which suits me fine. I usually pretend not to be home as well since I live alone and my dog goes crazy when the bell rings. Rather be sewing anyway. I used to do things when my kids were young. Those good old fun and safe days are a thing of the past. Love your costume idea. And not being found. priceless!

  12. We'll be trick or treating with our Punkie Girl in my grandmother's neigborhood where I used to go and TrT back in the day. We live in the middle of nowhere so we get no trick or treaters so no need to be home. Helps that our house is 950 feet off the road and our driveway is long, dirt packed and DARK. No one is going to walk up it. So I save calories and don't have to buy Halloween candy!

    Jen :)

  13. We too are not answering the door this year. I bought gift bags and will fill those with candy for the neighbor kids on both sides of us and across the street give them out early, shut off the lights and sit in the sunroom watching old Alfred Hitchcock movies. With our three puppies and the two grand puppies that are with us this week it is too much to ask that they not help when the doorbell rings. Have a great night.

  14. We live in the main downtown area of our somewhat small city. This year the merchants are having Halloween treats beginning at 5:30....wooo, hooooo - looks like our door will be dark and I'll be in the studio! LOVE the hanging chad costume idea from Nancy! Cheers!

  15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  16. Kim - I thought you would like this bit of trivia - Birthday Reminder!
    This week we celebrate a special birthday!
    Monica Lewinsky turned 34.
    Can you believe it?
    It seems like only yesterday she was crawling
    around the White House on her hands and knees,
    and putting everything in her mouth.
    They grow up so fast, don't they?

  17. Well, I just sprayed the computer screen with coffee after reading Nancy's comment! Love the cartoon. Take a box and decorate it appropriately and go as a voting booth. Hubby likes to great the ghosts and goblins, so I am going to hide out and sew. Well, and eat candy - need to buy more.

  18. I'm not going to do candy this year. One year we did it and ran out, last year we did it and had tons left over. So this year I'm going to pretend not to be home. It's also my daughter's birthday, so I might be taking her out to dinner or something anyway.

  19. I used to love taking my kids and grandkids trick or treating, too. It was like a big friendly block party.

  20. DH and I will be doing the no-candy routine this year, too. Most of the kids in our neighborhood head to the local mall for trick or treating from the stores anyway. Not to mention our proximity to downtown Jax, the annual fair is in town, and this weekend is the annual Florida/Georgia football game, f/k/a the Gator Bowl...I don't expect many goblins.

  21. We don't do the trick or treat thing... that doesn't mean I don't have the garden hose handy.


    I love candy corn, I bought a bag as soon as it hit the store this fall.

  22. We live in a small neighborhood, and we know most of the kids, so we always give out candy. It's fun to see the kids grow and change and see who they decided to be from year to year. I agree with you, though - I do miss the simplicity of the old days. I used to love walking through the neighborhood with my son and his friends. Then we'd go back to the house and have hot apple cider! Good times!

  23. p.s. I LOVE to watch the old creepy movies on Turner Classic Movies! My husband always says he's scared! LOL

  24. Your hair is a bit Sarah Palin-ish in your nude self-portrait. Add a pair of glasses, and your all set for the office party!
    Melissa in TN

  25. I need to email you a photo that my sister sent me, that is very similar to the cartoon you posted... probably too risque to post on my blog! But I will post a photo of my halloween costume!

  26. Too funny.. like you, I used to love going out with the kids and watching all the events around the streets... here in Havasu.. we haven't had ANY not ONE kid come to our door in two years.. so this year no we are not passing out candy... no party at work either...I plan to make apple butter!!!! Thanks for sharing the recipe

  27. We haven't gotten any trick or treaters at our house so we take candy to the house we are trying to sell and leave it in a bowl outside on the "honor system" while my 7 year old travels the neighborhood....trick or treating...

  28. I had a Halloween quilting party today. I blogged about it, if you would like to see.

    My daughter is going to a friend's house, but my other daughter is bringing the 4 grand babies over and we are going to have a Halloween party ourselves. I always make a big pot of chili, and we go trick or treating. Like someone else commented, I'll leave candy on the porch for kids to get themselves. I didn't buy much candy this year because the last few years we haven't had that many trick or treaters. Later, after the grandkids leave, I want to wrap up in my Halloween quilt and watch a scary movie.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!