Thursday, October 30, 2008

Peppermint, Anyone?

I finally finished the top tonight. I know it seems like I've finished this quickly, so you're probably wondering why I say "finally." The thing is, it's taken me a few days just to do the sashing and borders, and it seems like I've been working on that part much longer than I expected! Now I just need to get it pinned, quilted, and bound--and I think the quilting will go reasonably fast on this one since I won't do anything very fancy.

From the comments on my last post, it sounds like a lot of us are planning to stay home and quilt on Halloween. And, by the way, NancyNoBlog left a comment about Monica Lewinsky that's worth reading if you missed it--just make sure you aren't eating or drinking anything when you do!


  1. The sashing and borders might have taken up more of your time than you hoped but they were definitely worth the effort - that green stripe is the icing on the cake!

  2. I like this quilt SO much, Kim! And it takes me for ever to get the sashing and borders done, too, because I'm already into piecing the blocks for the NEXT project!

  3. Sashing and borders are great! You did a marvelous job, as always.

  4. OH that for me????
    I really love it....your fabric choices are wonderful!

  5. The plaid sashing is the perfect touch, you did a fabulous job!

  6. Oh, this is really cute. I like it.

  7. Peppermint is really cute. Once again you did a terriffic job. Just might have to try one of these.

    Linda Z

  8. First you made the Christmas quilt last year, that I had to get the pattern and fabric for and which I still haven't completed. Now you make THIS quilt this year, which I'm seeing in my future, too. You're killing me! Or maybe I should stop being a copy cat. LOL

    Seriously, though, it is absolutely adorable! I love it. I can hardly wait to see how you quilt it.

  9. What a great pattern. Beautifully done quilt. Maybe I'll add that pattern to my "to do" list... Maybe.

    Jen :)

  10. I can't quilt on Halloween. I must spend my time taking happy little boys out so they can rake in the candy (that they don't really need). But it's a right of passage for them and for me. I have to say it's nice spending time with kids who are happy and excited over something so small. So I will spend my Friday night bundled to the brink of suffocation so that I can hike from house to house in celebration of the simple things in life. I think our kids need more of those don't you. Nancy is hysterical. I will light a candle for Monica tonight while I am sharing the last of my birthday cake. I hope she gets her wish.

  11. It's wonderful! I love your Peppermints. I'll be quilting on Halloween...we never get Trick or Treaters.

  12. Love the peppermints! Tomorrow, for the first Halloween EVER, we are not giving out candy. When the boys were little, I made them elaborate costumes every year. I would traipse them around while DH stayed home to hand out candy. Halloween was my absolute favorite holiday, because the boys were SO excited about it all. But the last few years, the number of trick-or-treaters has dropped off to the point where it's just frustrating...jumping up and down when I could be sewing and watching LIVE Ghost Hunters?!?? I don't think so.

  13. Ok so now I've really gotta make my peppermint quilt. I love that. It's such a happy quilt.

  14. That is absolutely ADORABLE! I love it! Great Job!

  15. WOW>>> Kim that is fabulous! It is the perfect Christmas throw.. They are teaching the Christmas tree one here in town.. I must do this one. Thanks for sharing.. you did a GREAT job.

  16. What a darling quilt. It is so "sweet". Cute Halloween cartoon, too! Not much happening at our house on Halloween except treating the trickers with the usual candy. Maybe I can get the binding done on my Halloween quilt.

  17. I love your peppermint quilt. Do take your camera to work tomorrow so you can share all the politicians with us.

    Happy Halloween.


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