Friday, October 10, 2008

Flu Shot Day

Today was flu shot day. Have you had yours yet?

Each year, my office arranges to have a nurse come and administer shots to any employees who want one. The only two years I didn't get a shot, I got the flu, so I'm a big believer in getting this done. The flu is no fun at all! So that's how Hubby and I started our day. And this nurse was really excellent! I didn't even feel the needle, and--so far--my arm is not at all sore.

Of course, going through the trauma of getting a shot deserves some kind of reward, so Hubby and I drove up to the foothills, to Nevada City, to have lunch.

When you get a shot in the arm, they tell you to make sure you use the arm a lot because that will help absorb the medicine and will keep the muscle from getting sore. Well, I don't know if you can really tell from the photo above, but the streets of Nevada City at a bit hilly. Foothills, remember? And guess who got to push Hubby up and down hills in his wheelchair? Yep, I certainly used that arm. Both of them in fact. I also took the opportunity to tell Hubby that if he gave me a hard time about buying stuff we had no room for, I could make sure we had a little more room in the house by letting go of the wheelchair on a downhill slope.

We were disappointed to find our favorite restaurant, Country Rose, was closed--hopefully only temporarily!--so after wandering around town and doing a little shopping, we settled on Lefty's Grill.

The food was okay--not as good as Country Rose, but adequate, I'd say. Before leaving town, we stopped at the local candy store to stock up on a few choice chocolate treats! I think you're supposed to get a treat after a shot, right?!

And to recover from the disappointment of not getting to have lunch at Country Rose, Hubby and I stopped at Cabin Fever Quilt Shoppe in Auburn on the way home. Patti and Don Henderson, the owners, are friends, so Hubby kept busy chatting with Don while I shopped. I came incredibly close to buying this kit:

The pattern is on the cover of the Quilt Sampler magazine that featured Cabin Fever--it's from a year or so ago, I believe. So, knowing I still had the magazine and thinking about the stash of fabrics I already have, I decided to pass up the kit for now. I'll think about it for a few days, though--I noticed that the kit is listed on the shop's website (in fact, that's where I got the photo!), so I could always order it later--as long as I don't wait too long!

I swear Hubby and Don talked, and talked, and talked! And lest you think I exaggerate, just to give you some frame of reference, I got tired of shopping before Hubby got tired of talking. At some point, my mind drifted off, and I started thinking about milkshakes. Well, I WAS getting thirsty--all that shopping will do that to a person! So I left Hubby talking and wandered down the street to an ice cream parlor, only to find it closed and the building for lease. ARGH!

On the way home, though, we stopped at Baskin Robbins and got milkshakes, and they were darn good too! All in all, although there were a couple little glitches in our day--getting shots and finding a favorite restaurant closed--any day that involves a stop at a quilt shop, shopping in quaint, cute shops, visiting a candy store, and drinking a milkshake HAS to be good!

I hope you had a good day too! Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Well, I have to say that any day that involves shopping at a quilt store until you're actually sick of looking at fabrics and patterns HAS to be a good day! (If it makes you feel better, I could whine about MY Thursday, which was spent teaching 22 kindergartners, LOL!) I think you could make that gorgeous quilt without the kit with no problem and by using your own fabrics, it would be 'all yours'! Your fabric choices and special touches are always awesome!

  2. Well, it sounds like you had a great day! Mmmmm, milkshakes.

  3. The law firm I work at had nurses come in and give us shots too but my arm was really sore for a couple of days. I should have tried the milkshake cure. I love that quilt kit!

  4. Kim, my husband works at the health department where they just began giving flu shots - maybe I'll set up a milkshake stand outside to support my fabric buying habit - I knew I could count on you to help me find my way! Cheers!

  5. Does the flu shot really work??? Please tell me truly. About hubby talking and just think women talk alot, but we know better......LOL

  6. Your vacation sounds so perfect, and restful and fun! And that quilt! Absolutely love it - I had a moment of panic when I couldn't find it in my stack of Quilt Sampler magazines, then I realized it looks different on the cover than it does on the screen. In your picture it seemed to have a glow to it -it was the beautiful blue of the sashing that drew me in. Found the magazine, found the pattern, then I realized I bought that mag in the Quilted Moose in Gretna - from the designer of the quilt! Now I have a new project to plan, but I think I'll make 20 blocks to make it a rectangle. Thanks!!

  7. Great day...except for the flu shots offers them free each year but I don't get one as the first year I had one I was the sickest I have ever been with the flu so I don't get one now.....coincidence probably but enough to put me off!! Glad you are having a great vacation....!!

  8. Hubby and I got our flu shots on Tuesday, so we're ready to face the flu head-on.
    What a cute town! I love the photo of the candy shoppe. I wouldn't have been able to walk away from that quilt kit! I fell in love with that quilt when I first saw it. How sad that so many stores were closed! All in all, sounds like you had a wonderful vacation day.


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