Saturday, October 11, 2008

The BEST Kind of Day!

Today was the kind of day I enjoy most!

Our weather was nice and chilly--something that seems WAAAY overdue about this time of the year. It was awfully windy, but I can live with that, especially since most of the day was spent indoors. Still, it was warm enough to keep the windows open much of the day.

Hubby took my car in for a smog check and a nice wash and wax, and while he was gone, I straightened up around the house, set out a couple new candles I purchased yesterday, and transferred all of our apples and the remains of the peaches into something other than the cardboard boxes they came in.

When the tidying up was done, I retreated to the Sweat Shop for a little quality "me" time. Oddly enough, although I've been on vacation for a week now, I've really gotten very little sewing done. If it was just me on vacation, that's probably ALL I'd do, but this is Hubby's vacation too, and when I'm having a grand time in the Sweat Shop, he's usually a bit bored, so we've done a lot of things together and not so many things apart.

In the early afternoon, I took a break from sewing and baked a peach pie. My photo makes the pie look a bit anemic--I think the flash washed out some of the color in the crust. But it really turned out nicely and the juices were still bubbling when I took the photo. My supply of peaches is dwindling quickly.

In the late afternoon, Hubby and I went to see a movie--Flash of Genius. It was a decent film and just what I expected. And it seemed like a good compromise between a "chick flick" and an action-packed "guy" movie. Not extremely memorable, but an entertaining story. Afterward, we came home and ordered a pizza for dinner.

Not a very exciting day, was it? But that's exactly what I liked about it! Busy enough but in a lazy sort of way. I finished off the evening putting the borders on the witch quilt. I still have to applique the words on now that I know what space I have, and there's a fair amount of embroidery and embellishment to be added, but it's really starting to look like a quilt top now. I wonder if I'll have it done by Halloween? Well, it wouldn't be the first Halloween quilt I finished on Halloween!

Tomorrow I have a quilt class at Bear Paws & Hollyhocks--Lindy will show us the Buggy Barn method of layering fat quarters, cutting, switching pieces around, and sewing them back together. I think I understand it from reading the books, but I've never made one of their patterns before, and some of my friends have said it's easier if you take a class first. So, that's what I'm doing. And that's yet another reason I'm happy we didn't go away for our vacation--I would have missed the class! I've picked this pattern to try--Barn Chicks.

I spent a good bit of time Thursday evening picking fabrics out of my stash and, where the fabric pieces were larger than fat quarters, cutting them. By the end of the evening, I decided I didn't really like my selections very well, so I've decided to start over. The pattern calls for red, blue, green, and brown fat quarters, and those colors just weren't exciting me. I've decided on black, white, red, and yellow. And instead of making 16 blocks, I'm going to make mine smaller with only 9 blocks and 1 extra for a pillow or something. The class goes from 2 p.m. until 8 p.m., so Hubby's on his own for dinner--but at least we have leftover pizza, so I know he won't starve!

I hope you're enjoying your weekend too! Thanks for visiting!


  1. OH my..that peach pie is just screaming to be dished up and covered with vanilla ice cream. Looks so yummy!

  2. That quilt looks very unusual and I'm sure you will put your own twist to it.

    I want a piece of peach pie.

  3. You will enjoy making a Buggy Barn quilt. I've made several and they go together fairly quickly and give that great "scrappy" look that I love. Enjoy your class and the peach pie!

  4. Sounds like a wonderful day Ghoulfriend! lol

    I'm hoping for the same type when I go in November. The only difference is, I'll be fixing Thanksgiving foods rather than apples and peaches. (I like your idea better!!!)

    Can't wait to hear about the class...

  5. That pie sure looks good! I love the witch quilt - she is so cute. I can hardly wait to see the chicks you are going to make,too!

  6. Ohh yum! Your peach pie looks sooo good! And your vacation is my favorite kind. Just kicking back and enjoying each other's company :o)

    The chicken quilt will be so fun to do! And of course that halloween quilt is so fun and cute!

  7. love those chickens! have fun at the class and enjoy the rest of your weekend :)

  8. Sounds like the perfect vacation day!! As much as I dislike the heat of summer I must admit to looking forward to the summer fruits....apricots and peaches especially...your peach pie looks yummy!!! I am loving that witch quilt!! Hope you enjoyed the class...I always spend way too much time choosing fabrics for classes.....looking forward to seeing your version of the chook quilt!

  9. Your peaches are wonderful looking! I am sure that pie was delish.... I have made some buggy barn quilts.. you will like it. A different and fun technique. Dottie is coming along great! I too am enjoying a cooler weekend :)

  10. More food! Oh my - good thing it's getting close to dinnertime for me, isn't it? I'm coming to your house for some peach pie!
    I would love to take a class to learn the Buggy Barn method of creating quilts, and one of my favorites is the Barn Chicks pattern! Lucky you!
    Your be-witching quilt is coming along very nicely!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!