Monday, August 25, 2008

Back from a Brief Blog Break--

I've reached the end of a totally self-indulgent weekend. Friday night after dinner I went to the grocery store, and that's the last time I left the house, and in fact, the last time I did anything I was "supposed to do" all weekend. I didn't clean house. I didn't make a couple phone calls I had planned to make. I didn't fix my hair and make-up and I only grudgingly got dressed. When Hubby asked on Friday if I wanted to get up early Saturday and go to a couple thrift stores, his suggestion was met with a resounding NO! And, as you may have noticed, I missed writing a blog post.

So what did I do? I stayed up late and slept in. I napped when I felt like it. I read. I cooked--what I wanted, when I wanted. I watched TV. I sewed. I sewed some more. And between everything else, I sewed.

When I should have been writing my blog, I was sewing. Saturday night I stayed up until 3:30 a.m. sewing. And then I read for a half hour before turning out the light.

It felt good to do what I wanted and not feel the sense of responsibility that normally forces me to do other--grown up--things. It was a lot like being a kid on summer vacation--and you know it's really rare that we get a chance to feel like that again!

By the wee hours of Saturday night/Sunday morning, I finished the applique for the borders of the Halloween quilt. Here's what it looks like so far--

Of course, that big, BIG green center will have the witch appliqued onto it, but that's something that will have to wait a little longer. I like to put stuff like this up on my design wall and look at it for a bit. Right now, I'm thinking I might like to add twist-and-turn sashing to those border pieces, and that would mean coming up with a little "fill" between the center panel and the border pieces since the sashing will make the borders longer. I'll ponder it for awhile.

In the meantime, I've made the pieced basket corners and added the borders to the X-Rated quilt. There's not a whole lot to show you yet there, but here's a peek at some applique pieces I'm prepping--they're the centers of some appliqued flowers:

And, although as I mentioned, I DIDN'T go thrifting this weekend, I DID go one night after work last week--Thursday, I think. I found a couple things I liked--a bacon press, a candleholder that's a mouse reading a book, and an embroidered table runner--and I thought I'd share a photo.

I also found a clay pig piggybank for Hubby--he can create something fun with it. I would have gotten a photo, but Hubby took it out to his garage/workbench/Frankenstein's laboratory before I had a chance. I think that's what inspired him to want to go thrifting, but there was no way I was giving up a nice lie in on a Saturday morning after a stressful work week!

I wish that instead of going to bed tonight, I could stay up several more hours working on my projects, but it's time to face reality--back to work tomorrow. I hope your weekend was everything you wanted it to be!


  1. ooooh what a fabulously fantastic weekend!! I had a similar time but at a workshop.....but it was back to reality this morning when I had to travel the two hours from the town the workshop was in to go to work....!! different start to the day though!

  2. Well, good for you!! I almost did the same thing this morning, but figured my boss might wonder where I was. I will be taking of Thursday and Friday though as we hope to have carpet installed on Friday and I need to pack up some things to the installers can at least get to the rooms. Not much fun in that!

  3. Hey, that's the best kind of weekend. What is a twist and turn sashing? I really like your flower centers, can't wait to see the rest of the quilt. You inspired me to make a X Rated quilt too. What I like about yours is the black background, much better than the cream background. I've been trying to figure out something to make with my Kansas Troubles Wildflower Serenade charms, I decided to use them for this X Rated quilt and I'm doing brown fabric for my background.

    Carol L.

  4. Took me awhile to catch up! Everything looks great. You are so incredibly prolific! I love everything and can't wait to see it all finished.

  5. That Halloween quilt is CUTE, cute, cute! I also love the mouse candlestick.
    Sounds like the perfect weekend to me!

  6. OK I will leave off commenting on the Halloween quilt till I see the witch. Cute.

    Love the mouse candlestick just what Spike needs.

    Great you had such a lazy weekend. Now back to reality.

  7. I love, love, love that candle holder. You find the neatest things. Have a great week.

  8. I love the candleholder and the bacon press. Sounds like a wonderful weekend. Good for you!

    It's back to school for my daughter, so we were at Old Navy getting a pair of $12.00 jeans, at Fashion Bug getting the 40% sale clothes, WalMart, Kohl's, Mervyn's etc. etc. Maybe next weekend I will be able to do something for myself!

    Have a good week!

  9. Amen !!! You go girl!!! I always plan on doing just what you did, (in fact I was going to do that today since I was off .... but here it is 10 PM and I still haven't gotten upstairs to my sewing machine.... been trying since Friday! JEEZE!!!) Glad you did just what ever the h*&& you felt like ..... and you have some great projects going to show for it!

  10. I can't wait to see that quilt done. It's gonna be so cute.

  11. Hey! That's my mouse candle. So that's where it went. Rick gave me that for my birthday one year. I wondered where it went! Sweet! I gotta go to rummage sales and thrift shops! Looks like that's where I'll find all my missins stuff!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!