Saturday, August 23, 2008

And the Winner is . . .

Drum roll, please! I'm happy to announce that Anne "Quilting Bebbs" Bebbington is the winner of the X-Rated pattern. I'm sad to announce that the other 65 of you who entered did not win. Better luck next time! I DO want you to know that I appreciate you taking the time to leave me comments and enter my little drawings, and I wish I could send a pattern to each and every one of you--and maybe I'll do that someday when I finally win the lottery!

Anne, please email me your mailing address so I can get the pattern out to you next week. Congratulations!

It's always so hard to pick a winning number. I've tried random number generators and they don't seem very random to me--they seem to pick numbers that are close to each other in sequence rather than jumping all over the place as I would expect. The last two giveaways, I asked the Boy Child to pick a number, and he's picked 15 both times I think--somewhat predictable since that's the number that's been blazoned across his soccer jerseys most of his life! This time, since I needed to go to the grocery store tonight, I decided that the winning number would be the two-digit "penny" number in my total bill. Pretty random, huh? The only problem was that there were 66 entries and my total was a hundred and something-something and 81 cents! ARGH! When my son and his friend showed up (funny how boys seem to show up right after the groceries are freshly stocked, isn't it?!), I grabbed the Boy Child's friend, Johnnie, and asked him to pick a number. He had no idea why I was asking nor did he express any curiousity, but he picked "45" which happened to be Quilting Bebbs' number.

Well, my friends, the weekend is here, and there's a lot of quilting to be done! I hope you have some fun plans too! Thanks for stopping by to visit!


  1. Congrats to Anne!! I always have a hard time picking the winner, but since the ginnea piggie loves paper so much, he is the best one for the job!!! Hope you get lots of your quilting done, and hopefully I will do the same :-)!

  2. congrats to Anne, and I loved your quilt so much decided if I didn't win I was going to buy the pattern myself!
    thanks for the giveaway they are always fun to participate in
    Guess I need to have one on my blog soon...

  3. Congratulations to Anne and also a pat on the back to you for having a nice giveaway.

  4. Boy, that was some grocery bill. Glad it wasn't mine. But then you only do that about every couple weeks.
    Congrats. to Anne on being picked for the pattern.

  5. Wow, you must be exhausted just from picking a

    Have a nice restful weekend....

    Congrats to Anne..

  6. Congratulations Anne at "Quilting Bebbs"!! I for one want to see a finished pic :D LOL
    Great giveaway ty for "hosting" it!

  7. HI Kim,
    You write a great blog and I enjoy visiting to see what you are up to-I never knew that getting a number drawn could be a great adventure too VBG . Thanks for hosting a great giveaway and congratulations to Anne- she is a most deserving winner.
    Hope you are having a good day in the sweatshop.

  8. congrats anne!!!

    and thank goodness for johnnie.

  9. Congratulations Anne! And thanks Kim for the fun!

  10. Congrats to your winner. Maybe your son picks 15 cause that's the number you were when you WOn on my blog and I know I still owe you a pkkg. It's coming alright?? LOL


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