Sunday, August 31, 2008

Amityville Horror Meets Good Eats

First, let me announce a new giveaway. Well, maybe "new" isn't the right word, since this is a giveaway of a Susan Branch cookbook I picked up at the thrift store. It's in good condition, though, and I already have one--that's why I got this one for you! I knew it had some really good stuff in it and I wanted to share!

This is the Vineyard Seasons book. I'll be cooking a few dishes from it in the next few days and sharing photos with you.

Today I made her recipe for ribs and "juice," and they turned out really nice! The "juice" is made from pineapple juice and other ingredients and the ribs cook in the oven, so they can be made any time of the year. (Besides the ribs, I tossed together some coleslaw and parmesan rice--neither recipe is in the book.)

I also made her lemon roll cake--it's the first time I've ever made a rolled cake, and it came out pretty good! And boy is it lemony! Yum!

The only thing that marred our celebration of food and good eating is that we seem to have been overrun by flies. Is anyone else having a fly problem? I can't figure out why we have so many and what might be attracting them, but when I went out on the patio this afternoon, there were tons! Right after that, I saw one in the kitchen and thought it must have gotten in when I opened the patio sliding door, but by the time Hubby got home from work about 20 minutes later, there were SIX flying around the kitchen! I think they're coming in the drain openings in the window frame in the kitchen but Hubby doesn't think that's possible. Anyone know?

Tonight I went out to the garage to feed our older cat who mostly lives in there now, and there were maggots all over her leftover food--we've never had that happen before. I spared you any photos, but I had to call Hubby to help me deal with it because it was just too darn icky!

Maybe it's punishment for my accidental shoplifting. There's a thought.

Well, I hope this hasn't put you off the idea of doing a little Susan Branch-style cooking. It might have done me! LOL! But leave me a comment saying you'd like to win the Susan Branch cookbook and I'll put you in the drawing. I'll draw a winning name on Tuesday night.


Unknown said...

All sounds absolutely delicious - please count me in Kim - btw the pattern arrived safely - thank you so much :o)

Lorraine said...

I am convicned you have somehow organised a few more hours in a day just for you!!! I haven't done hardly anything today - lazy Sunday that it is.....looking forward to next weekend when I will be looking down the barrel of two lovely weeks off!!! Have to get thru the next five days tho.....hope you get rid of the pesky flies...eeeeeeuwww!

Unknown said...

Ribs looked good and the Lemon roll up looked better. Good day cooking.
No,you don't need to put my name down. You know I don't cook much.

Those flies are around because you are so sweet.

How about that heat?

Carol said...

Yummers...what a fantastic man would think I had really done something bad if I gave him all that wonderful food in one meal. LOL! Please count me in...that Lemon Roll ...yum!

Teresa said...

Count me in ...looks like a great cook book. I have not seen an abundance of flies but we have sure had the ants on the march.

Nancy said...

I love Susan Branch. I discovered her when I worked in the Public Library, I have a Chrismtas book that she did.

Thank you so much for sharing!


Erin said...

Oh that food looks so delicious! Please count me in as I know I would love to make what you made!!!! those pesky flies, coming in here too, I think they sense the change in seasons!!! lol are they that smart?

Penni Domikis said...

Please count me in on the drawing. I have to make ribs now 'cause that picture was so delicious. We seem to have had the abundance of flies and ants. Of course we do live in the middle of the woods. We are also getting lots of fruit flies from every piece of produce that comes in this house. I think it may be the heat and moisture. Enjoy the cooking and the quilting.

PiecefulChaos said...

Oh I'd love to win the cookbook - those ribs and lemon cake look so yummy! You definitely seem to have more hours in the day than the rest of us!

Anonymous said...

Count me in. I love Susan Branch and Ribs! Enjoy reading your adventures everyday. Keep up the good work.

Carol said...

Hi Kim, Please enter my name for the Susan Branch book. I love SB books, her artwork is awesome. I was happy to see Susan Branch fabric come out. Your lemon roll looks good. Here in AZ we don't have a fly problem, but we have tiny red ants everywhere.

MichelleB said...

That lemon cake looks divine! And the flies sound nasty - we haven't had them too bad down here.

Anonymous said...

I thought I'd be the first one to comment since it's not even 9:00 yet on a Sunday morning and there's already 12 people in front of me! I'd love that Susan Branch book.
We don't have a huge supply of flies right now, but we are overrun with ants. Maybe the flies got the message that our dog likes to catch them and eat them so they're staying away from our house. I guess I need to train the dog to eat ants.
I'll be out "thrifting" today so if you haven't shoplifted all the good stuff, I'll be bringing some of it home. lol (That's happened to me before too.) When my daughter was young and sitting in the cart, she was holding an eye shadow I was buying and I didn't notice until I was putting her in the car. I had to go back and stand in line again.
Have a good Sunday.
Chris in Sacramento

Vickie E said...

I don't own a susan branch cookbook..but I'd like too!!

Anonymous said...

Put my name in the hat too! As for flies, we had them earlier in the summer and in full you we had icky maggots in the cat bowl in the garage. I haven't a clue....they left within a few days. On another note....soon it will be ladybug season here. They take over everything and get in the that is a mess!

quiltmom anna said...

HI Kim,
I know what you mean about pesky bugs- there is nothing worse than flies/ fruitflies unless it is being outside on a summer's evening being eaten by the mosquitoes. The joys of the summer bugs - hopefully you will get rid of them soon.
Please enter me in your contest for the Susan Branch book- it looks lovely.

Rhonda said...

Rhonda here....I'd like to win the for the flies....I'd say that there's going to be a weather change very soon....that's what my grandma used to tell us anyway.

kcenya1950 said...

I love Susan Branch and that is one cookbook of hers I do not have. And especially now that we have seen some of the yummy recipes. Count me in and thanks for having another great giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Count me in the drawing, please! That lemon roll cake looks awesome.

-Wendy in Iowa

Unknown said...

Love Susan Branch so please enter me, too. She has a darling site so check it out (

And yes, tons of flies this year including a whole bunch of flies with tiny, deformed wings. They don't fly very far, mostly walk around on you and annoy you.


Kim said...

I would really love a chance to win the cookbook.. Cooking and trying new recipes is one of favorite things... I guess it goes along with crafting. I don't have much problem here in Havasu with flies.. it's to dang HOT!! Maybe the weather you have had caused a new generation to hatch.

Cindy @ Creating at Home said...

mmmm lemony desserts are my favorite! I'd love to win this beautiful cook book. Thanks for sharing!

Cindy Keery

Anonymous said...

Great looking cookbook, please enter my name. Thankx

Carolyn said...

I love lemon cakes and that one looks amazing! Please enter me in your giveaway! Thanks!

Robin said...

Count me in on the drawing, please!

Idaho Quilter said...

Please throw my name in the hat for the drawing, I hope I'm not to late. I love cookbooks.

MJinMichigan said...

Please enter me in the drawing. I like cooking when I can pull myself away from my quilting.

Busy Little Quilter said...

I would love to have a Susan Branch cookbook! Please enter me in your drawing!



Linda said...

Can't wait to see your pictures of food now! The ribs had me just about foaming at the mouth :D
Love your black tree! That will be so cool!

Anonymous said...

I love cookbooks! Count me in, please. Your photos made the food look so yummy.


Karen said...

I LOVE her cookbooks for the recipes as well as for the cute drawings that she does. So don't enter me in your drawing already have the cookbook, but I did want to tell you those ribs look scrumpshish :)

Hugs - Karen

Laurie said...

My motto is that you can never have too many cookbooks.. but then again that goes for fabric also..Please enter me in the drawing for the cookbook. Do you come with it to cook some of the recipes for me?

SRK Quilts said...

Cookboks are always a good thing. Would love to get anything Susan Branch.

Diana Banana said...

Ya! Another chance to win a Susan Branch cookbook.


Sinta Renee said...

"It's back to work Tuesday". I love Susan Branch boooks and fabric. I would love to be added into the drawing, if it's not to late. Look at all the yummy food you made:)No fly problem here... just ants... not any better.

Maddie Can Fly said...

I'm not much of a cook but your descriptions of some of the recipies in this book make me rethink -- especially the one about phyllo encased chicken breasts. So enter my name please.

Anonymous said...

Kim, could you put my name in the drawing for the cookbook? Those yummy pictures are calling to me! I don't blog but just love reading them, and yours is on my "favorites". So entertaining! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

The lemon noodles looked yummy.
I can't even imagine the work in phyllo encased chicken, but I'll ask tomorrow if you at Jo's Little Women.
