Tuesday, June 10, 2008

In the Kitchen . . .

Yesterday's post was about aprons and today's post is about other kitchen-related stuff. What's up with THAT? I guess sometimes you're just into kitchen stuff and sometimes you're not--and I guess you gotta grab it while you can! So what am I talking about? I don't really know. But come on into my kitchen--I'm fully clothed under this apron, so it's safe!

First of all, here's a photo I wanted to show you of a teapot I found at the thrift store:

Anyone know anything about it? The color and shape look 50's to me, but it's a little lighter in weight than most of the teapots from that time period. No markings on it anywhere. Seen one before? Vintage or not, it's going to look mighty fine with my cherry quilt some day! IF I ever get out of the kitchen and back into the Sweat Shop to finish it! But the teapot is the same pale, slightly greenish-blue color as some of the fabric I used in the quilt.

A coffee grinder. Another thrift shop purchase. It really does grind coffee but the drawer that holds the grounds is kinda small. Still . . . . When I was growing up in the 60's, Mrs. Speckmeyer lived next door. She was an older woman who supplemented her retirement income by working as a substitute teacher. She drove a blue Buick coupe which she kept in pristine condition. My dad drooled over that car and would even wash it for her just for the pure pleasure it gave him. Me? I loved to visit her--it was like visiting Agatha Christie. She dressed like an Agatha Christie character, and her home was furnished in things that seemed vintage THEN. During summer vacations, she traveled all over the world and her house was sprinkled with exotic treasures she brought back from her travels. For some odd reason, one of the ordinary things I admired most was a coffee grinder she had in the kitchen. Funny how we carry with us some of the things remembered from childhood. Unlike Mrs. Speckmeyer's coffee grinder, though, I think this coffee grinder may need a coat of red paint--something that says, "Hey, look at ME!"

Here's a Metlox California Pottery plate, Poppy Trails, Wild Poppy pattern. Crazy, isn't it? No need to do anything to draw attention to this thrift store buy--it does just fine all on its own!

And since we're in the kitchen tonight, I thought I'd mention a couple recipes I absolutely NEED to make--SOON!

About a week ago, Vallen had a post about corn. With the flooding we're having in the midwest, the price of corn is expected to go up--was she psychic when she called this post "Gold Dust at Your Feet?" Her Esquites a la Reina sounds delicious and simple! And if you go over and visit Vallen, check out today's post, a recipe for Café au Creme - I definitely think I need some of THAT; I just wish I had everything to make it in the house now!

Another recipe I've marked to make soon is Thimbleanna's German Potato Salad. Yum! Since Hubby dearly loves BBQ'd chicken, I may have to make chicken for him this Father's Day Sunday, along with some of Thimbleanna's German potato salad.

Tomorrow night I have my monthly Thimbleberries Club meeting--I've missed it the last two months, so I'm doubly determined to go tomorrow. I'm betting that being surrounded by quilters, touching the fabric, and taking in that quilt shop aura will inspire me to write about quilts and fabric in the next few posts. Besides, it's about time I take off this apron and get out of the kitchen!


  1. Boy, that little teapot sure looks like LuRay Pottery. Made in Pa. in the middle 50's. We got a starter set of it from my DB and future SIL for a wedding present. I never had one but it should be marked on the bottom. Is it a 2 cup?
    Good buy there.

    Hope you did get out of the kitchen for a bit and back to the sweat shop. You're going to forget how to quilt. LOL

  2. I love that teapot!!! you have found some great things!!!

  3. Hope you are well away from the fires. Must admit that's one of the many reasons I'm not sad to have left California.

    I have chicken marinating for the grill tonight. YUM!

  4. You scored on that teapot - it's a beaut!!!!
    Seems like everybody is cooking up goodies - it's making my tummy growl just reading about it. Thanks for the spotlight. You're a sweetie!!

  5. Lucky you getting that teapot! I have some salmon about ready to go in the oven...that is if I get off the computer :-)!

  6. So. Are you saying you're past the Naked Newlywed cooking in the sexy apron stage LOL! You always have such great thrift shop finds. And what a great idea to pair the potato salad with bbq chicken -- I'm going to have to try that!

  7. Your a hoot girl and I love that teapot. Cute story about your neighbor. It's fun when we are reminded about something just by seeing something like the coffee grinder. Memories :) Hey your also finding some great treasures at your thrift shop.

    Hugs - Karen

  8. All I know about that teapot is I LOVE IT!! I smile every time I look at it. The story about your neighbor is wonderful. I remember my aunt having a coffee grinder and I was always thrilled when I got to grind the beans.
    Okay, you hook me with your fabrics, patterns and quilts, and now you've hooked me on a recipe?!? It was love at first sight for Cafe au Creme - all I can say is merci beaucoup, mon ami!!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!