Monday, June 9, 2008

Apron Chat

I think I must be the most remedial quilting student in my Christmas List BOM class, having only gotten the first block about half way done when the rest of the gals seem to be keeping up quite well; yet tonight, for the second month in a row, I won a pattern! I feel like I'm cheating somehow--maybe I shouldn't be eligible. But no, I'm not giving it back because it's an apron pattern and I'm determined to make myself one someday! Here's the pattern--you can make it using a jelly roll even.

A month or two ago, I talked a bit about aprons and my unsuccessful search for a few "vintage" ones. A couple of special bloggers took pity on me and sent me a few. Rose Marie had three that belonged to her mother that she was willing to part with and Mary Ann--a vintage apron thrifter extraordinaire--sent me a couple from her "apron" stash. Here are two of my favorites--one from Rose Marie and one from Mary Ann. I've had them hanging on pegs in the kitchen and they look darling! Again, thanks SO MUCH ladies!

And remember my no-blog friend Sandy who sent me a teapot embroidered apron? (Which is happily keeping company with the two aprons above.) She also told me about The Apron Book--I had to order it, of course! No willpower in this house, sad to say.

I haven't had a chance to read it cover to cover yet, but I've drooled over the photos and read bits and pieces. Here's a photo of one of my favorite aprons in the book:

Then there's the story of the gal who likes to get up early, put on a fairly sheer apron--and NOTHING ELSE!--and bake pies. I gotta think that if I got up really early to bake pies naked but for an apron, I wouldn't tell people about it. But you never know--I DO end up telling you a fair amount, after all! Actually, if I told the people who know me really well that I got up early to do ANYTHING--except maybe to visit quilt shops--they'd know I'd gone insane and would have me admitted to a psychiatric ward.

Anyway, besides winning the apron pattern tonight, I had some other exciting apron news. I FINALLY found an apron at the thrift store the other day! Wooo-hooo! And it's CUTE too!

I can just see wearing this with some red high heeled shoes, can't you? But not JUST the apron and heels--nope, that might get a little drafty. Kinda makes me think of those hospital gowns that are open in the back--ROFLOL! I think I'm going to have to bake me a cherry pie. Even if it IS just one of the Mrs. Smith's frozen kind!


  1. How lucky can one get? You seem to do it.

    That apron pattern is so cute using the jelly rolls.

    The red gingham with the hearts is so typical of my younger days. Can't believe these are being collected now. Cute though to hang in the kitchen.

  2. Cute aprons and I'm glad my coffee wasn't ready before I started reading this morning....LOL

  3. Giggle...Snort! Baking pies in a sheer apron? I'd be baking pies! Humph!

  4. Cute apron pattern! You are a lucky lady.

  5. Cute little aprons! I have several vintage aprons. My favorite is the Christmas kittens with presents all around, I wear it all year long, with clothes underneath I have to admit LOL
    Have a great week.

  6. You're going to have to go back to weekly hygeine sessions if you want to run around nekkid in an apron! ROFL! I love that apron from the book - so cute. So when are we going to see your first apron creation?

  7. That is one cute pattern you won! and I love the thrifted apron, it is really pretty, almost too nice to use!!

  8. that is a great book! I enjoyed every page of it! I'm making aprons for our guilds summer picnic, want to come over and help? ;-)

  9. Hi Kim,
    What great aprons- I love the one in the book and the one you found in the thrift store too. Gingham aprons remind me of a simpler time ..
    The apron would be great with any kind of pie- but cherry would be my choice too...

    I just got the August issue of American Patchwork and Quilting( I think) and it has a cherry quilt pattern in it- It made me think of you- It has a lovely nine patch on the cover ( brown and pink) and a great sunburst table runner in it- I can see some new summer projects coming once school is over..

    Thanks for sharing the great aprons- the doily was pretty too..

  10. Oh Kim - yours is one of the few blogs that makes me snort with laughter - knowing my luck if I had the red gingham apron and red high-heeled shoes on with precious little else I'd go over on my ankle and end up down at A&E - now how embarrassing would that be?

  11. Don't forget to wear your pearls with the apron & heels! You will be the new June Cleaver.

    My Dear Mom still wears an apron in the kitchen. I'm pretty sure she made it back in the 50s. It has big pockets for clothespins. She probably still has the pattern, too!

  12. I drool over that book every time I go to Barnes and Noble. I think I should buy it, don't you? LOL

  13. DH says, "And what's wrong with just high heels and an apron????"

    He's so predictable. :-D

  14. Oh, I've seen the apron pattern around and wondered how it fits, I like a nicely fitted apron. If you get really adventurous, there is a free pattern online to make an apron nearly identical to the one you posted from the Apron Book:


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!