Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I Hate it When That Happens!

I've been quilting away on the Prairie Paisley quilt and I have about two and a half sides of just a bit of the border left to quilt and what happens? This!

ARGH! I've mentioned before that I sometimes use Valdani variegated thread and that I have to order it online, so that's what I had to do tonight--put in an order. Actually, I put in TWO orders. Why? Well, because I couldn't remember if the thread I was using was 35 wt. or 50 wt. because it seemed a little heavier than normal, but I didn't think I had ordered the heavier thread originally. And then I couldn't remember which of two similar variegated colors it was. And neither of two online shops carried both weights. And I couldn't find a confirmation for my original order to check. ARGH! I hate it when that happens too!

And tell me this--when you're quilting with a heavier thread, what size and type of needle do you put in your machine? I was having some breakage problems and switched to a larger needle, which lessened the breakage, but I was still having some difficulty. So any tips would be appreciated!

And another thing--have you ever washed a wool sweater and ended up with a teeny, tiny sweater? I did--but actually that was my intent in this case. Here's my new teeny, tiny red wool sweater:

I have plans to make it into a purse. Yes, this was a thrifting find. You know, it's pretty hard to find wool sweaters here in California! I actually found two wool sweaters. The other one was 85 percent wool, which should be a high enough wool content to shrink, but guess what? It didn't seem to shrink much. Oh well, you win some and you lose some!

And speaking of winning some, I thought I'd have another giveaway. Yes, you read that right--ANOTHER GIVEAWAY! Two giveaways in two days! So let's say I'll draw a winning name for this one on Sunday--which I think is June 1st, isn't it? So I'll draw for the teapot on Saturday and this pattern--

on Sunday--just the pattern; not my not-quite-quilted Prairie Paisley quilt! This is the Schnibbles pattern I used as the basis for the quilt though, so if you win, you can make your own! If you'd like to be in the drawing, please tell me in your comment that you want in the drawing. Same with the teapot--and leave the teapot comment on the teapot post because I'm easily confused as I've already told you. I'm sure there are some of you who may want to comment but don't necessarily want whatever I'm giving away, so if you want to get in, say it right up front; otherwise, I won't bother trying to foist my "stuff" on you. And let's say only one entry per person--don't even try to do what I did to win my former BFF Ms. Red Geranium Sharon's FQ bundle, 'cause it didn't do me any good anyway! (I hate it when that happens!)

Thanks for stopping by to visit--I definitely DO NOT hate it when that happens--I love it, especially if you have a little time to "talk" to me!


  1. would love to be in the drawing for the pattern decoy.
    I was sorry you didn't win on sharon's giveaway...I even told her you were giving it the best effort ever to win!
    If I won I told her to send it to you....you tried so hard:)
    had to laugh about the thread order, I would have done the same thing, hope it comes soon so you can finish!

  2. The pattern is a lovely giveaway and would certainly find a home here! :o)

  3. You are something else. Can't miss this one. I've enter several giveaways and never won anything. Course maybe if I won yours they would think it was fixed. But you wouldn't do that for a friend would you?

    To bad about the thread. Looks neat on that quilt. Guess you will have to wait to finish it.

  4. You just brought back some memories and not good ones, yikes. I always seem to be a little short, no matter how I try to be prepared. My first husband threw my handknit wool sweater my grandmother had made me and it turned into a squinched blob of wool, guess that's why he's my ex!
    PLease throw my hat in for the giveaway, that looks like a really nice pattern.

  5. Me too, me too! Can you see my hand raised high in the air as I'm jumping up and down? I like that pattern a lot. What quilting pattern is that on your paisley quilt? Is it a Kim origional?

    Also, how did you set your blog so we commentors don't have to decifer those infernal contorted letters to leave a comment?

  6. Love the quilt and would really love to be in the drawing for the pattern.
    Thanx :)

  7. Hi Kim,
    I'm glad that I have a little time this morning for reading blogs. Yes, please put my name in for the pattern.
    That thread looks lovely and the quilting is lovely too. Can't wait to see your red wooly purse. :D

  8. I want to make my own Schnub-, Schna-, Schneb-, Schnibbles quilt....

    If I win, I promise to learn how to say it....

  9. I would love to have at chance at this pattern. Beautiful job on the quilting! I do that all the time when I order things, then I end up with 2 of the same thing. lol

  10. I would love to enter your drawing. I have a couple of the other Schnibble patterns, but not this one.

    Also, how do you do your quilting? Is it just "free-hand"? It seems that you just use your regular machine (not a long-arm), but I don't see any markings or those annoying tracing paper bits that are left after you tear the paper off.

    Thanks for sharing your quilts and experiences with us.

  11. First - PICK ME! PICK ME!
    OK, now a more demure.... your quilting is fantastic, really really nice. It looks like you just move into "the quilting zone" and get into that rythym - it's great! The Sad Thread Story is all of ours, grrrrr!!!! Someday we'll be together enough to write on the cone or somewhere what it is and where it came from.

  12. Hey, Kim, I would love to win the pattern. I love what you did with it. Love the quilting that is peeking through under the pattern too. Hope today goes better for you

  13. Yes - enter me in the pattern GIVEAWAY! Love your blog. Recently retired and looking forward to spending time with my stash I have built up over the years. Looks like this pattern would get some of that stash into a quilt. And then again, what a shame if I just had to make a trip to the local quilt shop.....

  14. I'd like to win that pattern, I fell in love with it when I first saw it on your blog. Some day I'd like to quilt as good as you.
    Jazzy's mama
    p.s. thanks for the chance to win!

  15. No, pick ME to win the pattern ;)

    Also, that quilting is FANTASTIC! Did you do that freehand? Or follow a pattern? I love it!

  16. Oh...definitely enter me in that pattern giveaway! Love IT!

  17. I really like the pattern, please put me in the drawing! I like how your quilt is turning out too!!

  18. I hope you get a spool of the thread you are looking for, lol.

    I would love to be entered in your drawing :o)

  19. Thank you, Kim for sharing your adventures in quilting and life with us. I really enjoy reading your blog and being re-inspired to quilt again. I also love your recipes! The Taco Burgers are YUMMY! I would have loved to be in the draw but after reading and seeing your blog last week about the Decoy quilt I went and ordered the pattern and fabric from Hancock's of Paducah. Timing is everything! Thank you again for sharing your adventures.

  20. Such pretty thread, don't you just hate to run out? From your previous post...love the thrift store!

  21. Great sweater, Kim. I always look for wool sweaters with texture (like the one that you got) or stripes. No plain 'ole sweater for me. LOL! BTW, I usually cut my sweaters apart (meaning cut out the seams) before washing. Can't wait to see what purse design you come up with.

  22. Pick Me!!!! I love what you have done with the pattern and your quilting looks gorgeous.

  23. I would love to be entered into the draw for the pattern! please!
    I am feeling your pain of running out of thread and especially your pain of not being able to find the original order!! happens in my house regularly - just when I need something thats when I can't find it!

  24. Oooh -- I do hate it when that happens! And PLEASE enter me in your drawing -- my daughter's birthday is on Sunday, and well, she needs a new bed quilt, and um, bad mommy I am I haven't finished hers yet and getting a new pattern would help me to deal with my maternal guilt (or, well, make sure she doesn't get a new quilt for her big girl bed until she goes off to college...).

  25. Oooh -- I do hate it when that happens! And PLEASE enter me in your drawing -- my daughter's birthday is on Sunday, and well, she needs a new bed quilt, and um, bad mommy I am I haven't finished hers yet and getting a new pattern would help me to deal with my maternal guilt (or, well, make sure she doesn't get a new quilt for her big girl bed until she goes off to college...).

  26. Hi Kim, please throw me in the drawing (well, not me but my name)! Why is it when you want something to shrink it doesn't & vice versa? Love that Prairie Paisley fabric & your quilt is looking great. I hate that when you run out of thread & makes it worse when you have to order online & wait for it via Pony Express.

  27. I see how you operate. You leave a zillion comments on MY giveaway but you dont want the same here????? WELL!!!!!!!!!
    Ok, I'll just say pick me!!!!

  28. I would love to win the Decoy pattern. I just bought a charm pack of Prairie Paisley and some yardage and would love to make this quilt.


  29. I would love to win the pattern!

    Thanks so much for the quilting diagram. I was tracing it on my computer screen. I still need to pull out my Juki. I don't ever think about it until I see what you do with yours.

    The quilt is beautiful.

    By the way, whatever happend to the cherry quilt?

  30. Want to be in the drawing for the pattern, great quilt and the quilting is awesome

  31. Yes, please sign me up for a win on the pattern too! I've done that quilting and it is just too easy! I hope the other readers will give it a try! It is much prettier than meandering....and your quilt sure shows that! Gorgeous quilt!! Mary Flynn

  32. I forgot to mention that the "peacock feather quilting" tutorial may have been at Tazzies.

  33. Kim, I love your quilt. Please enter my name in the drawing for the pattern.

  34. Kim, I love your blog, and I would like to sign up to win the pattern. The Prairie Paisley fabric has been on my mind for a while now, so winning that pattern would give me an excuse to order it. Thanks, Linda

  35. Thanks for the instructions on your free-hand quilting. I am going to try it :)

    I would love to win the Decoy pattern. Love it in Prairie Paisley too :)

    Julie from QH

  36. Love Miss Rosie's Patterns, and love your quilt and quilting tutorial. I've got to give it a try! Please add my name to your drawing.

  37. pick me! pick me! a friend just gave me the prairie paisley charm pack, so the pattern would have a good home with me! love your blog and would love to win!
    laurinda in california

  38. Love the pattern. I'm feeling very patriotic (son's deploying to Iraq in a couple of months), so the Red/White/Blue theme is very special to me. Please enter me.



  39. Love the Decoy quilt! It sure is fun seeing what goodies you find at the Goodwill. Please enter me in your Decoy drawing. You probably better pick Sharon, maybe she'll pick you the next time. LOL! Nancy E

  40. I'm new to your blog and ended up here while Googling for Ann Zenke.
    I love the quilt you're making from this pattern and would love to be in the drawing please.
    Thank you :)


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!