Monday, May 26, 2008

A Good Thrifting Day!

Hubby and I hit four Goodwill stores today for their 50% off sale, and boy were they jam packed with people. What does it say about our society when $2.99 is too much to pay for something and you have to wait for the 50% off sale?! It's funny, too, what people find to buy. When I looked at what other people had, so much of it seemed like junk, but they were happy. And I'm sure they--and possibly a few of you--think I'm nuts too, but it was fun, and we came home exhausted after nearly 6 hours of driving around town and pushing through crowds of people, all looking for bargains.

And what did I buy? Well, I'll probably show you some of it in the next few days--the van was pretty well loaded with bags. But today I wanted to tell you what I got for YOU! Yes, indeed, I bought YOU something--if you're the person whose name I draw next Saturday!

Almost the first thing I saw this a.m. was another teapot with a copper insulated cover like the one I bought several weeks ago--one of my great "finds" that started me down the thrifting pathway.

Unfortunately, this one is missing its lid, but covered with the insulator, you'd never know. So, it's not perfect, but then what in life truly is?! Here's how it looks topless:

If you're interested in entering my drawing, please leave me a comment saying you want in. You need to ask to be in the drawing, though, because I don't want to chase off anyone who wants to comment but doesn't want the teapot, okay?

And for my sister-in-law Kathy--Kath, we got you something too! Hubby will probably come by with it sometime this week. Late birthday present!

And Chris from Sacramento--I tried to watch for you, but I was pretty busy hunting for treasures. Your comments come through without an email address, so I haven't been able to write back, but if you made it out to Goodwill today, I hope you had fun!

Thanks, everyone, for stopping by to visit me! I hope you enjoyed your Memorial Day weekend!


  1. I WANNA WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm first so I should be the WINNER!!!!!!! PLus you won on my........oh never mind. You lost didn't you???

  2. You find the bestest stuff! I love those teapots. Our thrift stores don't often have such good things. Have a happy day!

  3. Kim, we dont have Goodwill stores here but I am on my way to Pa next week to visit Mom and I am going to check one out Thanks Sharon Mac

  4. I wanna be in the draw....I couldn't talk hubby into going to Goodwill yesterday. He just wanted to go to Lowes and buy a tree. weird guy!!

  5. Of course I would love to be in on the drawing for the cool teapot. I've never seen such a thing anywhere but on your blog.

  6. You find some great stuff. I enjoy shopping at thirty store and antique stores, put in your draw for the tea pot.

  7. I'd like a chance at winning!
    Mary Flynn

  8. Cutie! I collect teapots, too! Throw my name in the insulator;)

  9. Count me in...I think those are the most interesting teapots.

  10. Holy Cow Kim -- I get behind and I can't keep up with you. Looks like you had a great thrifting weekend -- aren't long weekends the best?

  11. Kim I would love to be in the drawing for the teapot. I happen to collect teapots.

    Carol L.

  12. Now Kim, I realize Sharon is your BFF, but who rooted you on in her drawing. Alright, you didn't win, but I had your back the whole time. I have never seen tea pots like those until you showed them and they are just too cool. Have a great week.

  13. I want in on your drawing. This is Chris from Sacramento. I didn't make it to Goodwill like I had planned because I caught "your" cold! I went home from work before noon on Friday with a fever of 101. I'm sure everybody thought I was starting my long weekend early, but I just slept the rest of the day. I spent the whole weekend at home feeling lousy. I'm still coughing my head off, but at least I don't have to walk around with kleenex in my nose!

  14. Me again!!! Just thought I'd check in and see if anyone won yet! I'm guessing I didn't. LOL!!!

  15. I would love to win the teapot! It's so cute!

    I love all of the thrifting advice you gave in the previous post. I was lucky to find that wicker chair for my daughter's front porch. I guess I was at the right place at the right time.

    I was also going to make her a wreath for her front door. I went to buy a wreath but I couldn't find one at Michaels (craft store) or Walmart (mine doesn't carry them anymore, which is stupid), so I went to Goodwill and found a really pretty one for $3. I will have to pull the flowers off, but that's okay.

    I told them that your Goodwill was having 50% off on Memorial Day. They just laughed at me!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!