Tuesday, April 15, 2008

They Named Me Marjorie

Do you know about the Orphan Train? Perhaps you've read Finn's blog, Riding the Orphan Train. If you aren't familiar with either the history of the Orphan Train or Finn's Orphan Train blog, take a moment to jump over HERE and read this blog post--it will give you a basic background on both. Then come back.

Did you read it? Then you know what the Orphan Train was.

When her grandmother passed away in 1991, Ann Lemke discovered Marjorie's autobiography tucked away in a cupboard amid her diaries and photo albums. The book They Named Me Marjorie was written by Ann based on her grandmother's posthumously discovered writings. It tells the story of an orphan named Mary and the difficulties she faced and overcame along her journey to adulthood. Mary was a rider on the Orphan Train.

I love to learn and I love history. As an adult who was adopted as a child, the idea of the Orphan Train interested me, and I asked that the book be passed on to me. Now it's my turn to pass it along to someone else. Are you interested? If so, you can read a little bit about how this book is making the rounds of Blogland HERE. The ladies who began circulating the book ask only that you post about it on your blog so they can track its progress. Eventually, Carol E. would like the book to make its way back to her, so if it comes your way, please let her know you have it and where it will go next. Please email me or leave a comment if you would like to be added to the list of potential readers.


PiecefulChaos said...

I would love to be added to the list to read this book. I looked for it on Amazon but it is currently unavailable.

Unknown said...

Great we have another reader. Pass it on Kim and Caryn be sure to post about it and pass it on. It's wonderful

Nancy said...

Please add me to the list of those that wish to read this book. I love reading about history and their daily lives. I looked everywhere for this book. We don't have a public library, so I am out of luck there.

Busy Little Quilter said...

I would love to read this book, too.

My friend, Terry, has made an orphan quilt, but I'm sure she doesn't know about the orphan train. She found a lot of projects that she had finished but weren't quilted, or blocks that didn't make it into a quilt, and she put them together and made a beautiful quilt.

Thanks for sharing, Kim. This is very interesting.

Anonymous said...

Wow what an amazing piece of history Finn tells. I'd also love to be put on the list of readers. Thanks for sharing Kim.

Anonymous said...

I thought that the orphan train blog was called that way, 'cause it's about quilts from leftover blocks; nothing more. Now I read the story about the real orphan train and I'm sitting here with my mouth wide open in astonishment.
Never ever knew this. OMG!!
If the list includes international readers, add me! If not, I'll search the internet for a copy. I do want to know more about these trains!
Thanks for sharing Kim!

Julie in the Barn said...

Me, me, me! Please add me to the list for the book. I love history and am an avid reader.

Your picture of the Hoosier at the antique fair in Sacto is a carbon copy of my old piece in my kitchen. I bought it over 25 years ago in Livermore! What a hoot. I'm going to try to attend one of those "flea markets" soon. I live about 2 hours away.

Greenmare said...

OH count me in! I love reading things like that. I read parts of her story in a magazine and I was completely fascinated.

Ann Zemke said...

Thank you to everyone who has read my book "They Named Me Marjorie." Grandma would be delighted to know that so many people are interested in reading her story, too.
A very kind reader with good intentions put a review of my book on amazon.com. Because I don't sell my book through amazon, it appears that my book is "unavailable" which isn't true. My book is available through my website at www.crocuslanequilts.com.
After reading my book, one reader commented that my grandma had a choice - - she could have been a bitter person or a better person. She chose to be better and the world is better because of her. It's the essence of her story. Although difficult at times, I try to live in her image. She is a terrific role model for us all.
Best wishes to you all as you continue on the orphan train quilt journey. You are sharing an important part of American history through this project. I'm delighted and proud of you all.
Kind regards, Ann Zemke

Mama Spark said...

I would like to be on the list to receive the book. Let me know what I need to do.

Nan said...

How wonderful that the author of the book wrote to you! Wow! I would love to be on the list for this book, too, please!
I loved Finn's post on the Orphan Train and her quilt project, by the way. Thank you for the link!

Busy Little Quilter said...

Kim, That's too cool that the author wrote you! :)

I went to my friend's house (Terry). She did know about the orphan train. She told me lots about it. She hadn't read the book, but she knew a lot about it. I guess it's from listening to the History Channel while she is longarm machine quilting.

Mary said...

Please add my name to the list for this book. I had not heard of orphan trains before Caryn mentioned this book.
