Saturday, March 22, 2008

Happy Mail and Other Stuff

Are you all ready for Easter? We thought our daughter might come down after all, but then she changed her mind. She and the Drooling Dog will be coming down next weekend to have our mechanic look at her new-to-her car and fix a couple things, and with the price of gas these days, two trips from Tahoe and back were more than she thought she could afford. That's okay with us--at least we'll get to see her next weekend. In the meantime, she sent me a photo of her snowboarding with some friends (that's her in the purple):

My husband went out to the mailbox today and brought in some happy mail. I had an e-mail earlier today from my quilting friend, Synthia, saying there was a cherry quilt pattern in the new McCall's, so I was hoping my magazine would be in the mail--but it wasn't. Oh, well, there were a couple other goodies to put a smile on my face. I've been reading a book called Shadows and Strongholds by Elizabeth Chadwick--historical fiction set in England. The book that apparently continues on the saga is kind of pricey--I think it's out of print. The other day, I found one on eBay for a reasonable price, and it arrived today. I'll probably finish this first book in the next few days, so I was happy to see the next one in the mail!

Much to my surprise, I also had a package from my blog bud Red Geranium Sharon! Inside I found an Easter card, a really cute bag she made, a bunny cookie, and the funniest cow "thing" I've ever seen!

Do you remember my earlier post about how she and I started chatting about cows and now it's kind of our thing? Well, somewhere she came across this cow keychain thing that comes with cola flavored candies that you stick in its head and they come out the rear when you press on its hindquarters. It's called "Oops a-Daisy" and it comes "with piles of yummy candy." Thanks, Sharon! You made my day!

Did you see in the photo that under the goodies Sharon sent me is the bunny quilt? I'm still trying to get it done by tomorrow for Easter. At this point, it's a race! Oh, I suspect I'll get it done, but it might not be much before midnight tomorrow!

Today I took a bath, brushed my teeth, and got dressed, but that's about all I've done besides quilt--oh, and I took a little nap since I got up early-ish (for a Saturday) to get busy quilting. As we were watching Antiques Roadshow and eating dinner tonight, my husband started chuckling. "What?," I asked. He said, "You're really having a bad hair day." Well, he's right--I haven't brushed out my hair today and the front has been sticking up kind of oddly, but hey, I don't have to look at it, right?! And isn't it funny that he should refrain from mentioning it until AFTER I had fed him dinner? Men!


  1. It's a good day when you don't even have to brush your hair!
    Hi from a "lurker" who has been reading and not commenting.
    i was sorry to hear about the burglary, you are right, they were very fussy and ill informed to not steal the stash, that's where I would go first!
    Love all the easter decs, have a lovely break, Tarcey

  2. Oh, that cow thing is so like you. Cute. When I was reading about it I figured it to be one of those PEZ things. We know that California Cows are the best. LOL

  3. Thanks for the early morning giggle, on both counts. Hope you have another day of pj's and no hair-do.........

  4. Love all the gifties from Ms. Sharon! I do so enjoy having a day like you described - they're good for our quilty souls, don't you think? Hoppy Easter, Kim!!

  5. Happy Easter! I've enjoyed spending this holiday season with you (especially since I never got my collection out.) Sure am coveting those rabbits (not!).

    Isn't it funny how our holiday wishes change when our kids move away? I'll take my boys whenever they can come home and call that the holiday!

  6. Love the egg cartoon! Nothin better than a little Easter treat from a friend and a good book... and not having to brush your hair? Priceless :o)

  7. Too funny... the minute I saw the cookie it just screamed mailbox love from Sharon!

    And it doesn't sound like a bad hair day to me... sounds so Christian from Project Runway! It's a moneymaker of a hairdo you're sporting!

    Happy Easter Kim!

  8. Kim, I got my McCalls magazine, you will love the cherry quilt. It's designed by Holly Holderman and has 3D leaves. I'm thinking of making it myself.

    Carol L.

  9. LOL!!!!!!!!! Had any cow poo today???? You know I couldn't resist didn't you? Thanks for being my bud!!! Hope you had a great Easter. I had a pj and no hair brushing day today. Nothing like staying in your jammies all day on Easter.


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