Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter!

I've been a busy little bunny this weekend! I finished binding the Gardener's Touch quilt and gave it to my mother-in-law--she's a great mom and she deserves something for spring!

And guess what?! Yes, I did! I got the bunny/carrot quilt DONE! Woo-hoo! Do I hear a WOO-HOO for me?! Here it is, on the table as promised!

I added the table decor and I think it looks pretty cute! Nice enough to eat off of! ROFLOL!

I stayed up Saturday night until 3 a.m. quilting the bunny quilt and finishing the binding on the Gardener's Touch. By the time I turned my light off and my head hit the pillow, it was 4 a.m. Do I need to mention that we made a Starbuck's stop on the way to my in-law's house for Easter lunch? I think it's going to be a fairly early night for me tonight!

Sunday morning, I got the binding on the bunny quilt and took it with me to my in-law's house. I finished it up after we got back home. We had a nice time with family, and it was an absolutely gorgeous Easter Sunday here in Northern California with temperatures in the mid to upper 70s. Spring has arrived!

I think the next project on my list--before the cherries--is to finish the box I started for my daughter, the Wild Child. She and the Drooling Dog will be here next weekend, and I'd like to be able to give it to her. I'm sure I'll be posting some photos of it this week.

I hope you had a wonderful Easter and indulged in as many chocolate eggs, chocolate bunnies, and Peeps as you could possibly want!


  1. Great job on the quilts! Happy Easter to you.

  2. Beautiful! Your MIL must be thrilled! Can't wait to see your next project. Sleep early or take a nap, though! LOL.

  3. WHOO-HOOO!!!! Those bunnies are prime for snatching - watch out for Darlene!! Geeze woman, you set a pretty high standard for finishes; you're my hero!

  4. I'm so glad you got your bunny quilt quilted in time for Easter. It looks great.

    Every one that comes to my house and sees my carrots that I made from your tutorial is shocked when they find out they're not real! I think that's so funny because I have never seen carrots that big!!

    I'm glad you had a nice Easter. The Garnder's Touch is so pretty; so sweet of you to give it to your MIL.

  5. Both quilts are lovely, but particularly love that bunny quilt. Great job, glad you got it done!

  6. That bunny quilt is darling. Not sure I would let us eat on it though... lol.

  7. I love both of them! Here is my WOOHOO for you on the finish!!!
    Have you seen the June 2008 issue of McCall's Quilting magazine, there is a pattern in there for a cherry themed quilt really cute. I thought of you when I seen it.

  8. WoooHooo! WoooHooo! Both quilts are wonderful! I'm just loving all your bunny quilts and might have to add a bunny quilt for spring to my wish list.

    Thanks for the inspiration!

  9. The quilts are wonderful. That oen with bunnies and carrots makes me smile.

  10. Kim, I love the Easter quilt. That is adorable. Love the Garden one too. Your a quilting machine aren't you?
    Hope you got your Starbucks.

  11. You definitely deserve a BIG WOOHOO!!
    And how cute it turned out. Don't spill any food or drink on it!

  12. Kim, I love your MIL's quilt & so nice to hear that someone else somewhere feels as close to their MIL as I do. :) I just finished up a quilt a couple of weeks ago for my MIL. Her 78th b'day is Wednesday (26th) & I can't wait to give it to her. She is just a real sweetheart & after raising 7 boys, she deserves a quilt from a loving daughter in law. :) Your bunny/carrot quilt turned out just too darn cute.

  13. Both quilts are beautiful and you are as lucky to have such a great MIL as she is to have you!

  14. Kim, I will always have a big WOO HOO for YOU HOO!!
    Love the bunny quilt and the table setting looks loverly on it. Sounds like Easter was a wonderful day for you and the family. Did you get any Peeps?


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