Monday, February 25, 2008


Libby has a little thing going on at her BLOG where we're supposed to leave her a comment there and post a photo on our blog of our ironing board. You may have seen her post. If the contest was based on who has the worst ironing board, I'm guessing I just might win. Are you ready for this? No, really--you REALLY, REALLY have to be ready before you look. Make sure you don't have food or drink in your mouth, and if you're feeling at all squeemish, you might just want to go on to the next blog on your list right now.


Okay, here it is:

Pretty pathetic, isn't it? And here's what really bugs me--you can't buy new covers for these small tabletop boards; you have to buy a whole new board. Which I've done several times already. And THIS one is only several months old. For awhile there, they were packaging TWO covers with each board, but not this time. And I keep telling myself that I need to make a new cover, but do I? No, I don't want to stop sewing the FUN stuff long enough to waste time on making an ironing board cover. What's a girl to do? Maybe Libby's prize will be a new, custom-made ironing board cover. I can only dream! Oh, and please don't tell anyone what my ironing board looks like--I would be SOOOOO embarrassed, I'm sure I'd die! So let's keep it just between us, okay?


QuiltNut Creations said...

EEK! lol!

you need to check out this blog!

Anonymous said...

I don't know what you girls are doing to your covers! I just got rid of the original cover from my board only because it was getting smooshed down and the metal was coming through, but no burns or stains. You guys must leave your iron sitting on there until it cooks, right?

antique quilter said...

your brave!
its so easy to make them , I have even just sewn new fabric right on top of the old board cover up until the seam where the string is...just make sure you fold under the new fabric (iused iron on tape to do this ) and just stitch all the way around! quick fix you may need to put some batting in there too so you don;t have the burned parts coming thru the new cover!!!!!

Unknown said...

Yes, Kim , that is pathethic, So easy to get some of the silver colord fabric from Joann's and use some of that scrap batting. to make a new cover. The last time I just put a piece over the spot where I iron all the time but ,DON"T LEAVE THE IRON SITTING ON THE BOARD" want to burn your house down?

~Bren~ said...

Your ironing board is HORRIBLE!! LOL but you know that!
I had the same title for my blog post yesterday too.
I cut up the leftover meat loaf into cubes and used them as meat balls in last nights spaghetti...wonderful!

Beth said...

Wow, I can't believe that is only a few months old. Well is shows that you are putting it to good use.

SuBee said...

EEeeewwww!!!!! How does that happen? I thought that stuff was supposed to be heat resistant?
I won't tell anyone what I saw, but YOU KNOW WHO will blab it all over!!!

Anonymous said...

And here I was thinking mine was ugly with it's horrible green patch, but I think you've won the prize for for the ironing

Darlene said...

Oops - it's too late! I've already told someone. ROFLMAO You are definitely the winner - hands down! eeeeewwwwweeeee!

Ginger Patches said...

Wow...o.k. that's even worse than mine lol! But you are a brave woman for posting that picture LOL!!

Libby said...

Well let me just say that I don't think it looks bad . . . I think it looks well loved. Maybe it's like eating food prepared by a skinny cook - what quilter doesn't have a good relationship with her ironing board?

Vicky said...

My covers always get "cooked" in the same spot, too. Guess I need to move the iron around the board more when I'm ironing open 359 HSTs! I can't tell you how many covers I've been through in 7 years! LOL

Jeanne said...

You'd think they could make a cover that would last! VBG You really need to check out that site from Quiltnut.

Red Geranium Cottage said...

Did you set it on fire before photographing it/? LMAO!!! Cause I'm thinkin that ya did. You must want that prize really, really bad.

Katie said...

Quick!!!! Is this what you need?

Carole said...

This is what it looks after several months? Hum.... What do you do to your covers? lol You'd think they would be available. Thanks for sharing!