Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!

I hope you're all having a wonderfully romantic Valentine's Day! Or, if it's not one of the romantic variety, I do hope you're enjoying it, whatever you're doing!

It's wonderful to have a few days off work. I have several things planned to work on quilt-wise as well as things I want to do around the house. Last night I sewed up a spring/Easter pillow--spring has been in the air this past week, and I'm getting inspired. The center is one of those printed fabric pieces from Olde America Antiques I mentioned before.

I wanted to sleep in this morning, and my husband very thoughtfully shut the cats out of the bedroom when he left for work, but I woke up anyway at the time my alarm normally goes off. So, I got up, poured a cup of coffee, and had a little computer time before climbing back in bed with my cup of coffee and a good book. Before long, I got sleepy and took a little nap. Time off work is good!

This afternoon, I've been working on a spring quilting project. When I was in Bear Paws and Hollyhocks last week, I bought another pattern by Donna Yackey (of "Christmas List" fame! LOL!) called Spring is Here. I'm modifying it a little bit--but you probably figured I would!

Today I've been working on cutting and piecing the background for the hopping bunnies. I think this will be really cute! The colors in the photo aren't very true--the yellows aren't nearly that bright and what look like plain white squares are actually polka dotted with pink.

Shortly my honey will be home from work with my Valentine's request--a Starbuck's iced latte. Potatoes are in the oven baking, and soon HIS Valentine gift will go on the grill--steaks! (Which is a WHOLE lot better than having to wear one of those skimpy little nighties, I'm telling you! LOL!) And with that, it's time for me to go make a salad to go with the steak and baked potatoes. Happy Valentine's Day!


  1. That will be cute, Kim and I'm sure you will put your own thing to it.

    How lucky your DH is to get steak for Valentines Day. You think that's better than Chocolates?

  2. I hope you had a wonderful day! Can't wait to see what you do with it. I love your quilt in the earlier did a beautiful job!

  3. Love that Thimbleberries finish...and the hair looks pretty jolly fine as well...who do I write to about having you repalce the woman presently on the box?
    Love the story about the GPS that alerts DH when you are spending....believe me, if it were available my DH would have it in mine AND on the computer!
    Enjoy those days off, Tracey

  4. Wait - you went BACK TO BED???!!!??? and BACK TO SLEEP!!!????!!!! And what is this thing called "a day off of work"?? You mean like no phone calls, no stupid questions and no last minute crises? Free to do what you desire, aaaaalllll day? Sounds totally wretched, me so jealous!!

  5. I love the bunny pattern (naturally, right?) Where can you find Donna's patterns??

  6. Cute bunnies! Can't wait to see your quilt. Ahh... days off. I love em.

  7. Great pillow, Kim! I absolutely love the pattern you're working on now - cute, cute, cute! I'm excited to see it finished, which, knowing you, won't be long! Happy belated Valentine's Day!!Sounds like you had a great day.

  8. Nothing says I love you more than an ice cold Starbucks latte!!
    Happy Valentine Day. Sorry I'm a day late.


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