Friday, February 15, 2008

Friday Report

I was feeling Sharon's pain this morning--you know how grumpy she gets about people calling and waking her up before 10 a.m.? I was similarly rudely awakened (awoken?!) this morning when my older cat, Button, decided to lick me awake. Knowing that she was hungry and fearing for the ultimate safety of my arm, I chose to obey her summons. Well, vacation or no vacation, it seemed that 9:30 a.m. was a reasonable time to rise anyway.

Did you have a good Valentine's Day? Mine was mixed but mostly great! The only disappointment was that I had ordered two dozen roses to be delivered to my husband from an online flower company, and they never arrived. UPS has them somewhere as near as I can tell, but they didn't arrive today either. Luckily I had planned his favorite fat- and cholesterol-laden meal, so he was happy enough. Cooking really IS the way to a man's heart--in more ways than one! Of course, the fat and cholesterol could give him a heart attack, but he'd die happy, right? Still, its back to chicken salads tonight.

For my Valentine, my sweetie has been working away in the garage for the past couple of weeks, and I haven't been allowed out there (which, by the way, was just fine by me!). I knew he was working on one of his garden creations, but I didn't really know what. As it turned out, he had made not one but two creations that have now found a home on our patio. Here's the first one:

Isn't that bee cute? The blue globe it's hanging onto has a light inside. We already had the plant hanger but hubby added the greenery to hide the electrical wires. Pretty cool, huh? And did you see he even has a little red stinger?

Then there's this guy:

I'm not a huge fan of spiders, but as my husband's Valentine card to me said, this is probably the only spider I'll ever love. I DID catch a glimpse of this guy a couple weeks ago but I only saw some legs so the rest was a surprise. He, too, lights up--there's a bulb in the bowl that forms his body. Oh, and yes, he's holding a flower, which is very appropriate for Valentine's Day, don't you think?

I love both of my new "pets." But even more than that, I'm pleased my husband has a creative hobby that he enjoys. And much like my quilting, his hobby results in creations that add personality to our home.

I'll leave you with a quilty photo so you can see how the bunny quilt's coming along. I have the background sewn together and the appliqued bunnies are basted and pinned, ready to sew onto the background. For now, though, I've set this project aside--at least for this afternoon and evening--to work on making some spring curtains and pillow covers for my daughter's former bedroom.

The weekend is here and I hope you have some wonderful things planned! For me, it's back to the Sweat Shop to do some more sewing. Bliss!


  1. Those are so cute....what a clever hubby you have. :) I love the bunnies.

  2. A very talented couple you and your hubby! Cute critters!

    OK, here it comes - are you ready????

    I want that Bunny Quilt - I want it - I want it! I love it!!! It's for me, isn't it? LOL

  3. Those creatures are just too cute. Lite up at night they would be so neat for a nice dinner on the patio.

    The bunnies are perfect. I'm sure you will do more than that to it though.

  4. ROFL - you better watch out for Darlene, she's hoppin' over the border! But I have to agree with her - those bunnies are adorable.
    and OMG your new critters are awesome! You're going to have to show more pictures of your house; I bet between you and Hubby, it's too cute for words. Whata talented pair!

  5. I only get the 3-day weekend from my work, but I'll take it! Cute bunny quilt! And your hubby is very artistic! I am going to San Diego for some quilt shop hopping with Sharon and company today, I decided she needed more lessons on what fuschia is!

  6. You have one talented husband, I love the bee!!! Too cute! I'm with you on the spiders, that is the only spider I would ever love LOL!!!

  7. Well, the good news is that you and DH stay so busy that you're staying out of trouble. :)

    Love your hubby's creations and your bunny quilt makes me crave spring...says the girl who woke up to 6 deg. temps. :(

  8. Oh, how absolutely adorable. You are the most creative couple in California!! The bee it just tooo cute. Does hubby sell any of his creations? I'll be a local garden shop would love some of his stuff. If he doesn't I understand, keeping a hobby a hobby instead of a job is way more enjoyable!!

    Don't you give those bunnies to Darlene, give them to me!!!!! LOL

  9. Love your little bunnies! And your hubbies creations are so neat! What a clever guy.

  10. Beth did not even take the time to share with me what fuscia is today. I'm just letting you know that.
    Love that bunny quilt and dont' give it to DARLENE!!!
    Your hubby is creative. Those are so cute. Well your both quite a creative team actually.
    Sorry you too were so rudely awaken before you were ready to be. It sucks huh?? LOL!!

  11. Wow, what a talented couple you guys are! Those the red stigner light up? Cute quilt! Thanks for sharing!


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