Monday, February 11, 2008

By Popular Demand . . .

Gosh, but you ladies are a demanding bunch! It seems that for some reason, EVERYONE wants to see the results of "the box." Okay, here it is:

Satisfied now?! Just like the box, right?!

Remember KITT, the car from Knight Rider? I know they're bringing it back again for some reason that I can't quite fathom, so if you didn't catch the show waaaay back when, you'll get another chance.

My car's a lot like KITT, except "she" seems to have some kind of psycho-hormonal issues, and she doesn't keep herself up very well. Still, like KITT, she DOES have a mind of her own. Whenever she feels like it, for no apparent reason other than her own amusement, she sets off her alarm. It's embarrassing! I was going to lunch with a co-worker one day, and I was in the car with the engine running and the doors unlocked. When my friend reached for the door handle to get in, the alarm went off. What do you do then? Usually to deactivate the alarm, you put your key in the door lock, but my key was in the ignition with the car running! And it's never the same situation twice, so I can never anticipate when it's going to happen.

Tonight I stopped at Michael's on the way home from work to look for some spring decorating "stuff." I got out of the car and locked the doors, and just as I got about 20 feet away, the alarm started going off. Of course, I had to go back and unlock it and lock it again. It kind of made me wonder if my husband had equiped it with some kind of GPS unit/sensor device that activates the alarm every time I stop somewhere to spend money, but upon reflection, I don't think so. This is the guy who once rebuilt my carburetor and had parts left over. This is the guy who has absolutely no interest in computers. Nope, I don't think it's him. I suspect it's just that I'm the owner of a lonely psycho-hormonal she-car looking for a little attention. I wonder if she'd be happy with a poster of KITT taped to the inside of her trunk?


  1. Wrong color, wrong hair-do!!!!! If you wanna be like Beth and I you need to go back and recolor!!! And believe me you DO want to be like us!!!

  2. Too funny! Sharon you up there? LOL I feel like the Brady Bunch, looking up to Sharon & over there to

  3. LOL...the hair color is great. And I saw a preview for the new Knight Rider today. Oddly enough, I think I have to watch it.

  4. Kim, the upper head shot looks good! LOL

  5. I have that problem with my Debit card it never wants to work at Michaels I've taken to bringing cash just to avoid the hassle of them having to type in the number! And lately it's been acting up at quilt shops makes you wonder :) And your hair totally looks like the box gonna have to get me some of that LOL!!!

  6. ROFL - I used to own her male counterpart! I had a car that not only had his own mind, but the bugger TALKED to me, and he was a total nag! I named him Rex, and he didn't last too long - some strange accident happened to him on the way to the bay.........

  7. OMG, I have KITT's sister! (Not a Ford by any chance?) My car alarm goes chirps is an owl flies over and goes into full alarm at anything louder than that. It went off (full 30 seconds - do you know how long that is) when my Mom was sitting in it waiting for me. I figure mine is menopausal and these are her hot flashes.

  8. I wanna see the rest of your face, not just your hair! Come on, do it! It would be catastrophic if there was a device husbands could put in our cars or on our debit cards that sent them info as to our whereabouts huh?

  9. Love the hair color! Kinda looks like mine. :o)

    I was addicted to that Knight Rider show back in the day. It should be interesting to see how they try to modernize it.

  10. Thanks for sharing, it looks great. But, where is the rest of your face? lol

  11. Yah, Kim where is it??? I want to know HOW you are taking these pictures.? I doubt if you would ask DH to take them. LOL

    Maybe it's time to trade that KITT in on something slicker.

  12. Lookin' Good! You must put the pic of Kitt under the hood, not in the trunk -- her heart's under the hood!!!

  13. I hear that there is a new birth control pill that eliminates Pms/hormonal symptoms. Do we need to put some in her tank??


  14. I'm following the rules and letting you know that I tagged you. I say blame it on Sharon if you want!

  15. I love it! I would love the see the rest of your face however! I think it turned out better than the box cover. Good job, Kim!
    Your car is just like it's owner, I would say - she has a mind all her own!

  16. My previous car, a Ford Probe, would set off its alarm every time it rained. Usually in the middle of the night, but occasionally when I left it in my aunt and uncle's driveway when I went out of town for a weekend. :) Solved the problem by popping the trunk and leaving it unlocked whenever I knew it was going to rain. Fun, huh?


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