Sunday, February 10, 2008

Beauty Delayed, But Not Forgotten

Those of you who follow my beauty routine are probably getting concerned at the lack of any kind of beauty treatments going on around here. Well, you'll be relieved to know that I achieved in my semi-annual leg shaving a couple days back--gotta get myself ready for Valentine's Day, after all!

And I WAS going to have a whole day-of-beauty experience yesterday, but with all the excitement over opening my Cute Pink Stuff reward after cleaning the house, personal beauty treatments were delayed until today.

As I was wandering down the grocery store aisle a week or so ago, I saw this box "Reduced for Quick Sale." Well, alrighty then! Blonde Chiffon. Just my shade--more or less. Close enough anyway. So here I am with beauty goop applied, waiting for the reveal:

Somewhat reassuringly, my hair didn't all fall out or anything, so I guess it was just "Reduced for Quick Sale" because the shade wasn't so popular or something, not because it causes hair to fall out. Whew! AND I saved myself an extra 50 cents or so to add to my fabric fund! And, by the way, I look JUST LIKE the front of that box now!

The only thing about home hair color treatments that I really don't like are those gloves they give you in the packages. I refuse to wear them. So far, my fingers haven't fallen off from the chemicals, and if someday my fingerprints get eaten away--well, that might lead to a whole other line of work that would add even more money to my fabric fund. It's all good!

Oh, and speaking of it all being good, I DID make use of those silly rubber gloves a little later when I put them on to hang onto the jalapeno pepper I was chopping up for my fresh, homemade salsa. Darn it, though, I kept almost cutting off the rubber tip off one of the gloves, but I think it turned out okay. You don't see any bits of rubber in that bowl, do you?


  1. I'm waiting for the hair reveal!! That salsa looks really, really yummy! Can I expect some in the mail??

  2. Love this post! Love your sense of humor. I stop by often and check out your quilts and decorating.

    Gale, a Kentucky quilter.

    P.S. What a coincidence, I look just like the cover of that box, too. LOL

  3. Geeez, Kim - you're a knockout! Those full-day beauty regimes pay off!
    That salsa looks great - where did you find ripe tomatoes??? The only ones we get are anemic shades of pink - GAAACK....

  4. I colored my hair today too, what a coincidence. I look just like the front of the box too, only mine was a dark brown girl. LOL

  5. Wow, you are brave!!! I am a scaredy cat when it comes to hair, I'm afraid my hair would fall out and knowing my luck it would LOL!!! Memories of a home perm experience gone bad!!!!! Yummy salsa, you have to share the recipe with us, pretty please!

  6. Where do I start on the catching up....
    Yes, I would wear the lacy stuff ...for chocolate, preferably Lindt,-I have standards!!
    No, wouldn't knit for know what!!
    Yes, love your daughter's memory box,
    No, wouldn't recommend the no finger print option for fabric stash could still end up somewhere where they wont let you have scissors or needles!!
    Yes, Have a good day, love the pink package! Tracey

  7. You're hilarious! So, when do we get to see the new hair color?

  8. So I take it that you are not going to bother with a picture of yourself since you look just like the picture on the box. And 50 cents off too! I was just telling my husband I would like to have a body double to stand in for me and look better than me for when the occasion arises. Maybe I just need to find that box!

  9. Thank you so much for sharing the Loreal box with us -- I'm so excited to see how it works. I'll be checking at my local store this week 'cause I want to look just like that woman on the box too. Can't think of any better present to give TheManoftheHouse for Valentine's Day, although I'm a little worried about the heart attack that would follow. You're a funny, funny girl!

  10. My first time here, way to go girl!!! And I think you should all know I posed for that box, (about 40 years ago and then my hair was red, but oh well) I loved the old quilts, I was at an antique store and bought 60 pinwheel blocks that date about 1920 or so, someday maybe I'll out them together. I love your site, you will now be on my favs. Mary

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I'm really late reading this, Forgot this morning. Glad you took my advaice and posted about getting beautiful. But that picture, UGH, NOT THE ONE ON the box. I think you need to let us see how it came out. Long and willowy like the blond.

  13. You are such a hoot! I usually use the Preference (all of maybe $8.50). Last week I decided to have mine colored & highlighted at the salon when I got my hair cut. OUCH! That sure cut into the fabric fund. I'll be back to the box color when the gray creeps back again. Glad your hair & all of your fingers are still intact. LOL

  14. O.K. I want to see the final results of the hair color experience.

  15. OMG that box O color was reduced for a reason. Has any of your hair fallen out today??? And I thought that WAS you on the front of that box.
    I was afraid what you were gonna do with those rubber gloves.

  16. What's this with you shaving your legs, and I haven't shaved mine for awhile! I'm so ashamed, but I'm visiting the grandkids, and they don't care if my legs are hairy or not! Love the look of the salsa, and I would probably eat it, rubber glove tips or not! Yummy!


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