Friday, January 25, 2008

You CAN Make a Difference!

The economy's in a slump. Most of the world's stock markets are riding a roller coaster these days. Here in the US, the Federal Reserve lowered the prime interest rate this past week in an effort to stave off a recession. And just yesterday, there was concrete news of a tax rebate to help stimulate the economy, although that proposal will need to be passed by the legislature first, and we won't see it in our pockets for a few months. It's all kind of depressing news, isn't it?

So I got to thinking. Is it really just a coincidence that right around the time that quilters all over the world pledged to go on a fabric "diet" and stop adding more fabric to their stashes, the economy took a down turn? I think not! And will the reduction of the prime rate be enough to offset Vicky's determination not to poke buttons in the middle of the night? Again, I am not optimistic in this regard.

Accordingly and after much consideration, I personally have resolved to do my part to help the economy, and I hope each and every one of you will think seriously about joining me in this effort. I know I have support out there. For instance, Sharon, bless her patriotic little heart, has been working tirelessly for months and years keeping the economy afloat. Trickle down, Sharon, trickle down! Woo-hoo!

But Sharon cannot fight the battle alone, nor can I. The weekend is here. Won't you take a few moments to visit your favorite quilt shop? They're waiting for you, and they've been lonely since you've been gone. Or, if you don't have very much time for shopping this weekend, take a minute to visit your favorite online fabric merchant and punch a few buttons on the computer. The postage you spend may help to fund our government, so it can remain strong for future generations of quilters, just like you and me.

Please, won't you do your part to help? You CAN make a difference! Join us in the battle to improve the economy. Over the next few days, I'll share with you a few of the measures I've taken to make this world just a little better! Now get out there and buy some fabric!


Kim West said...

My husband and I will be doing our parts to stimulate the economy... I will be buying a Janome Gem Platinum 760 and he will be buying a 46" plasma tv with our tax refund.

Red Geranium Cottage said...

OMG I'm hearing America The Beautiful playing in my head!!!! Let me go out and warm the car up so it'll be ready for me in the morning. I'm heading out to a quilt shop to do my patriotic part. Oh and I'll be the one wearing a red/white and blue QUILT!!!! NO, not Hometown Christmas either!!!

atet said...'ll be glad to know I did my part for the economy today. Of course, I was spending money on knitting related items as well (but, hey, yarn stores need our support as much as quilt shops). Not much at the quilt shop, but, well, I still have another shop to visit -- and, well, maybe a few buttons to push before I'm done!

Mama Spark said...

Wow, how insightful! I did my part while on my mini vacation but will be ever vigilant that our economy still needs help! Thanks for pointing it out!

Vicky said...

Sheesh, Kim, now I feel like cahcah! I didn't realize that the Feds would have to lower interest rates and shore up the economy just because I wasn't buying fabric. I guess it's true - one person does make a difference!

You guys have fun spending your rebate! LOL

Anonymous said...

I already get practically a daily shipment from the Fat Quarter Shop, I think I have put her daughter Emma through college already and she's barely walking, isn't that enough? LOL But, if buying more fabric means keeping the economy strong, I'll do my best to buy more. I'm going to San Diego today, and before we even go to the hotel, I'm hitting up the Country Loft, so it's a start!

Carole said...

That's funny! Well, I helped the economy yesterday, bought a scallop ruler. Ya know, they don't give those away! Have yourself a great weekend!

SuBee said...

Amen, Sister - Amen!! I pledge to do my part, and DH's too! LOL - he won't mind if I allocate his cut too! I'm going right now --------

Anonymous said...

I did my part yesterday, oh the fun of hitting that pay now button.. Enjoy your weekend, with a little shopping involved I hope.

Carol said...

Sharon and I made an agreement last week...WE WILL BUY FABRIC! We will make sure that this country doesn't go bankrupt...we can do it girls!

Anonymous said...

Heard on the news that declining US economy could affect Dutch/European economy in time. OMG.
Got to help us both: I ordered online from US quiltstores ánd will go to the local quiltstore tomorrow (yes we have one that opens on sunday:)

Darlene said...

OMG, I felt like Uncle Sam was pointing his finger at me saying, "I want YOU to go out and buy fabric". Like Sharon I heard America The Beautiful in the background.

You, Kim, must run for President.

I did buy 4 yds of fabric Thursday evening for backing (it was 40% off)

Mar said...

Oh, I've been doing my part... all week and now I hear Thimble Creek is having an anniversary sale!

Anonymous said...

Lolol, I was just at the quilt shop yesterday NOT honoring my commitment not to add to my stash. I am truly hopeless! Lets try this.... That $600 bucks a person we are all supposed to get... lets go to the quilt store and spend every penny.. after all, we never had this money! It is a gift! Lol, I wish.

Pam said...

As a Canadian I will say I have been doing my part. These past few months I have been down to the state of Oregon twice and spent well close to my allowable limit in fabric in all those wonderful Oregon quilt shops!! Well more then I should have, I'll tell you!!! God Bless American Quilt shops!

Unknown said...

I knew Kim, you would come up with something or a reason to do all this shopping this past week. Well, I did my share also,That 3 yds of fabric I needed for the swap and then my cones of thread are getting low so had to order more sewing thread and quilting thread. Have to keep getting these quilts finished.

DPUTiger said...

Is it OK if I just lost my head over yarn this week? Enough for SEVEN pairs of socks, a big scarf and few other odds and ends. Crazy.

gotta find my quilting mojo. Any suggestions? :)

Carolyn said...

And how funny would it be if there was actually a surge reported in retail sales over the weekend? Unfortunately, the only purchases I managed to make were groceries and a gift card redemption at LL Bean. But last weekend I managed to keep a yarn store afloat! :o)

Thimbleanna said...

You're hysterical Kim! I'm enjoying all the goodies you've been buying. Sure wish I could help, but I'm running out of room to store everything!

Three Birds Inspired said...

Kim - in an effort to keep our economy afloat, I purchased a Janome 1600P and several cuts of fabric yesterday. On Friday I purchased fat quarters and patterns. I am, if nothing else, a patriot!