Wednesday, January 23, 2008

What Have I Been Doing Lately?

Beside searching the world over for amusing things to share with you, I've managed to get caught up on my Hometown Christmas quilt sections. First, I finished the "wrapped gifts" section. Since I first saw this quilt, this has been my favorite section, so I was happy to finally get to it.

Then I made another section that goes on the opposite end of the same row. I changed this section a little bit. I was bothered that there was no dividing sashing between this section and the center piece, and I thought the long side piece on the house where the chimney goes was a little too long, so I made that part shorter, which gave me just the measurement I needed to add in the dividing sashing. Here's mine:

Now here's the original from the book:

I like the contrast of the darker windows in the original but I wanted the windows in my houses to look like someone was home--of course, that means less contrast on this one in particular. I'm not sure if I'll do anything to "fix" that--I guess I'll think on it a bit.

It's been raining here in Northern California all week long, and we have more to come. Perfect weather for a nice, hot bowl of soup! If you've been reading my blog for a bit, you probably know I'm very much in favor of cooking super-easy meals that taste great, so when I was making some "homemade" soup tonight, I thought maybe I'd share this with you for those nights when you don't want to cook much. Here are the ingredients:

Yep, that's it. It works just fine with tomato soup if you can't find or don't like the tomato/red pepper soup. I just dump a container of that into a saucepan and add a can of diced tomatoes (with liquid). We like the ones with Italian seasonings best, but you can just use plain diced tomatoes and add whatever else you want for flavor--or nothing. Then I cook up some pasta in a separate pot. Tonight I had these mini raviolis to use before they were past the "use by" date, but I've made this many times with bow tie pasta or corkscrew pasta. Anyway, once the pasta's cooked, just add it to the soup. Sprinkle with Parmesan or other hard, grated cheese. Cooking this dinner takes maybe 15 minutes at most. I usually toast an English muffin to go with it, but tonight my hubby and I split a grilled cheese sandwich. Yum!

For the last few weeks, I've been taking projects to work with me to work on during my lunch hour--stitching down binding or doing a little applique is perfect. This week I've prepped another applique block for my Sunbonnet Duck quilt--I talked about this one before some months back. I want to make a total of six blocks and this is the fifth. Sorry the photo is so dark--you know me and my photography skills! I just have all the applique pieces basted and pinned on for now, but I'll probably start sewing them down this week.

On Tuesday during my lunch hour I didn't sew. Instead, I went to my local quilt shop. Yep, I braved the steady rain and ventured out because in my purse was a 15% off coupon for the new Thimbleberries spring line, Gardener's Touch. I'm not sure what I want to make with it, but here's what came home with me:

And here's a better photo of the focus fabric. I think I want to use the flower squares as the centers of blocks, but I don't know what kind of blocks I want to make. I'll have to think about it and look through some patterns and books. I do know that I don't want it to just look like a panel that's been cut apart and had sashings added, which would be the easiest thing to do of course.

I don't know if I'm just getting tired of all this rain or what, but I'm really starting to think about spring. Last night, I was online looking at bunny patterns, and then I dreamt about making a really cute bunny quilt--I just wish I could remember what it looked like now so I could REALLY make it! Do you ever dream about quilts? Sometimes I just dream about individual quilt block patterns. Crazy, isn't it?! I wonder what deep meaning it has? Somehow, I kind of doubt I'd find "quilt blocks" listed in one of those dream interpretation books, but then I admit I've never looked.

And speaking of dreams, it's time for me to get my beauty sleep, so I'll have to say good night. I have a few other things I wanted to show you, but they'll have to wait until tomorrow. In the meantime, thanks for stopping by!


MARCIE said...

Those flower blocks are really pretty! And, wait a minute--Sunbonnet Duck? You really ARE getting a lot of rain!

QuiltingFitzy said...

WHERE'd you get the Sunbonnet Duck pattern? I LOVE it!

I really enjoy your blog Kim, always newsy...even if it IS about hair removal. It's just life anywho!

Cheryl said...

Your Hometown Christmas is coming along quite nicely!! Sounds like you have very productive lunch hours....Sun Bonnet Duck, only thing to say is WAY CUTE!!! I have never seen that pattern before. Thanks for the quick and easy recipe.

Anonymous said...

I have those dreams, they wake me up, then I can't remember what it was I was doing in the a bit like my day to day life...
Very pretty fabrics, almost too pretty to cut up.. and that duck is adorable.

Julia said...

I haven't seen that new line of Thimbleberries, it is beautiful. My LQS doesn't carry much if any Thimbleberries. I have to get mine online. I am going to have to search for this one.

Thanks for the recipe, sounds like a great dinner to me. I LOVE soup!!!

Carole said...

Wow, you're really going to town with that quilt! ;o) So productive! Love your little goodies! Here, no rain just snow. We had a fresh coating yesterday morning. Makes everything look so pretty, that is until the sand truck comes around! I haven't yet dreamed of a quilt pattern. Other things, but not quilts! ;o) Keep well sleeping beauty!

Darlene said...

Yes, yes, I do dream about quilt patterns. In fact I've come up with some ideas in my dreams. LOL

I love your Sunbonnet Duck - way too cute. Hometown Christmas is coming along nicely. Do you suppose Sharon has found her kit yet? LOL

Kairle Oaks said...

Nice to see how your HC quilt is evolving. I have to agree that the wrapped gift is my favorite section, too.

The soup sounds yummy! I took the Ballerina for soup and a sandwich last Friday. We both chose her favorite soup...tomato basil with risotto. So yummy and warm!

Your duck is SO cute!

atet said...

That soup sounds yummy -- I tried your meatball/spinach soup recipie the other day. Yummy, crock pot, what more could you want?

Love that duck! And yep, I'm soooo over winter and ready for spring!

Carol said...

Your Hometown looks those presents...I better get going on mine again.
Oh that soup looks just yummy!

Tracey @ozcountryquiltingmum said...

Hi from me!! I am not dead, just tardy for a catch up.
I so feel like I just sat in your kitchen and caught up, you write so well!
Love the sinbonnet duck, but rerally loved the Thimbleberries progress, those gift blocks are fabulous.Have you ever seen the Thimbleberries gift wrap....I actually found it over here amazingly...some of those designs look familiar.
Think giving up your lunch hour sewing was well worth it for that fabric, great panels.
Catch up soon, Tracey

Kristie said...

I love the look of this quilt, it is beautiful! And you Sunbonnet Duck is sooooo cute!

I can't wait to see what you decide to do with your new fabric. I really like it.

Red Geranium Cottage said...

Uh NO Darlene I did not find my kit but thanks for reminding the task master that I am wayyy behind.
Love the Duck block, and your Hometown blocks too. Can you work on mine once your all done??
And what's up with the cheater soup? I thought you were a homemade gal. I on the other hand did make homemade chicken noodle soup tonight. Oh and homemade banana bread too. I'm just sayin.