Sunday, January 13, 2008

Transition Quilts

I don't think anyone can have too many quilts for any one holiday or season, and I think I have at least a few for most occasions, but sometimes when one holiday passes and another is off in the distance, I'm kind of at a loss about how to decorate.

You already know, I think, that I'm a little nutty about holidays and decorating, and I understand that for many people, worrying about how to decorate between Christmas and Valentine's Day, winter and spring, isn't one of those things that keeps them up late at night. If there was an anti-decorating pill, I'm telling you I'd be the first one in line at the pharmacy!

Several years ago, I found what I considered to be the perfect pattern for a transition quilt--something that looked right for winter but with a hint of Valentine's Day. The pattern is called Scandinavian Hearts and Pines--here's a photo (I guess I could have gotten a better photo if I took it OUT of the plastic--I'm an idiot!):

Well, stuff happens and I never did get around to making this "perfect quilt" until now. I teased you with the hearts last week, but now the quilt's done and ready to hang on the wall in the kitchen.

Yes, I did change the pattern a bit. I used the same blocks but I added more hearts and got rid of the plain setting squares. I added appliqued words at the top and bottom. If you can't read them, they say, "Winter Chills" and "Warm Hearts." (Kind of looks like "Worm Hearts," though, doesn't it?!) The borders--well, I didn't use the original ones at all, because they would have made the quilt too wide for the space I want to fill.

So now I finally have a transition quilt for this odd time of the year, and I'll be able to sleep nights again instead of staring at the ceiling in the dark, worrying about my decorating scheme. Or at least I think I'll be able to sleep again once I finish decorating for Valentine's Day. Maybe by tomorrow night!


  1. Yes, Kim that quilt warms my heart. So cute. I love the pines. Ccongradulations on finally getting it finished.

  2. Now, that's a really great quilt! You've solved your transition problem beautifully! Now go get some sleep!!! (Hugs)

  3. I love what you did with that pattern! Love the trees, love the hearts, love the letters! On, and the fabric and the quilting-you are too cool!

  4. Great quilt!!! I love those bright colors and the way you've made it your own - beautiful!

  5. Love that quilt .... laughed at your post because I have the same struggle with the transition :-), being the over the top holiday decorator type that I am. My family thinks I'm crazy. Should it just be snowmen or...just
    put up valentines. This year I just put up valentines, but somehow it just seems too early. Your quilt is the perfect solution!! Now I want to make one.

  6. You are to much. Love the transition quilt. The quilting is awesome. I wish I could watch you do this. I also have seasonal quilts to hang on the railing you see as you come in my front door. Have never hung a quilt in the kitchen. Guess I am afraid oof it getting dirty. from cooking. May have to give it a try with some of my mini's. Oh my you have put ideas in my mind. Like I need those. Keep up the good work. You are a quilting machine.

    Linda Z

  7. I LOVE it - perfect transition quilt.

  8. Absolutely perfect! I especially love the stripey binding. NOw - get some sleep! :-)

  9. I love your quilt!! So cute.


  10. Great quilt. Now thats how you get it all done. You dont sleep. LOL

  11. What a cute little quilt. I like your setting even more than the pattern!

  12. cute, cute, cute!!! I just keep my Winter greetings up until I put up the Valentines.

  13. That is beautiful! I just love how you added the strip fabric for the binding.

  14. I like your transition!! I like snowmen for January, but your goes right into February and it is just lovely.

    Great job!!


  15. what a great transtition quilt! it is the perfect design for this time of year. :)

  16. Lovely quilt! I do like your choice of colours. Actually, I think it reads "Worm Heorts"! LOL Oh.... camera tip, if you take the picture from an angle you avoid the flare and having to take it out of the plastic! Keep well!

  17. OMG that is one cute quilt Kim. I love it and love the way you changed it. Very cute.


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