Monday, January 14, 2008

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like . . .

Valentine's Day!

This morning I was sitting in the Sweat Shop quilting in my PJs around 11:30 when my husband told me our friends, Terry and Lisa, were going to stop by sometime during the afternoon. Terry's a mechanic and is always looking for cars he can repair and sell quickly--for a profit, of course--and our neighbor had one to sell.

I quickly did a mental inventory of all the things I'd like to have done before they arrived--like maybe take a bath, get dressed, straighten up the house, clean out the kitty liter box--you know the kind of stuff I mean, right?

And what did I decide was the MOST IMPORTANT thing to do? The thing that absolutely HAD to be done first? Decorating for Valentine's Day, of course! So, I got the new quilt up on the wall and decorated the Valentine tree. There are a few more things I'll probably want to do to get ready for the big occasion (like shaving my legs), but at least the quilt and the tree are up and ready. And notice the bunny at the base of the tree? I'm not sure when Easter is this year, but I thought I'd just cover all my bases. Just in case my husband whisks me off to Europe for a month or so as a surprise Valentine's Day gift. Or my appendix bursts. Or something. You never know, but it's important to be ready!

And talking about decorating for the many holidays, I was driving home from work a week or two ago, listing to the radio, and the DJ was talking to a caller who was ranting about a woman he knew who decorated for every single holiday. And they were kind of making it sound like that was a BAD thing! I got a little worried for a second or two, but then the caller explained that this obviously insane woman decorated for ALL holidays ALL the time--she kept everything out all year long. Whew! Nope, not me! What a relief! I was starting to think maybe I was a little crazy!

By the way, I had a nice email from the designer of the Hearts and Pines quilt, Karie Hougard. She said someone had seen the quilt on my blog and tracked her down to order a pattern. If you're interested in that quilt or other designs by her (I have another one of her patterns called Snow Crystals--she does nice work!) just click on the "Hearts and Pines" at the beginning of this paragraph and it will take you to her website.

Thanks for taking the time to visit with me!


  1. Gee, Kim, you should start getting kickbacks from these designers that you sellpatterns for so much.

    The quilt looks great and and so does the tree.

    So you figure the guy on the radio wasn't your DH telling on you?

  2. It all looks so cute! Yes, you are ready for Valentine's Day! Great job! I love the new quilt!

  3. Love the idea of a "holiday" tree! How cool is that? But the really important thing is, did the legs get shaved? Cos mine are waiting for the signal that it's leg-shaving time, and you're the guru of personal grooming, so give us a clue!

  4. Hi Kim,

    Love the quilt so much I ordered the pattern! Thought you might like to know your link is not quite right, it should be

    Thanks for your blog, it is both funny and inspiring : )


  5. Very, very cute! I need to assemble my little white feather tree and then I'm good to go with my Valentine's Day decorating. Maybe I'll skip it and move on to Easter - LOL

  6. That is sooo cute! I need to make a valentines tree :)

  7. Oooh -- LOVE your Valentine's quilt. It's adorable. And, well, I'd be running around decorating like you were as well :0). I also love your post about quilting addictions -- yep, it's addicting -- but what a way to go!

  8. So very adorable, Kim! I think you need more decorations for your tree...I'd better make a trip to Broadbent's. Or maybe I should hold out for St. Patrick's Day. LOL!

  9. Kim that quilt is so dang adorable!! I'm telling you I LOVE IT!!!!! I must order that pattern and have it ready year!!! But seriuosly it's so cute!!

  10. I think your Valentine's tree is great! I had one of those tall skinny trees and my mom said it looked like one of those cell phone towers disguised as a tree. So not only do we always call it the cell phone tower, but when I went to get rid of it mom had to have it for her back porch! I'm going to have to make her some Valentine hearts for it!

  11. It's so important to have the quilts up. I did almost the same thing last night. Someone was coming and I hurried and hung the valentine quilt, since it would be too horrible for them to see the Christmas quilt still up!

  12. Hey Kim, I will give you a % for promoting my stuff! Lol! Wouldn't it be interesting to know how many patterns you actually do sell?


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!