Thursday, January 31, 2008

The Dog Ate it!

Although I can't access my email from my office, I do occasionally take a look at comments on my blog, and today I saw that Beth had left me a comment suggesting I go over to Tuesday Morning. I don't know if they have these stores all over, but if you're not familiar with Tuesday Morning, it's a chain of close out stores that handle reasonably nice merchandize at reduced prices. It just so happens that there's a Tuesday Morning only a few blocks from my office, and since I had no other pressing lunch hour plans, I decided to go take a look. I had forgotten how fun it can be to go through such a mix of high end goods and downright junky stuff! Here's my buy of the day--still in the Easter frame of mind, you'll see!

I found this in a clearance section marked down to $3 because one of the welds on the bicycle had separated. I have some kind of crazy craft glue that's supposed to hold everything, so I tried it out and it seems to be doing okay. But if that doesn't hold up, I have another glue specifically for metal. Isn't it cute?! And behind the bunnies are a couple plates and a votive candle holder I found today too--I'm starting an Easter pile. I don't even know when Easter IS this year! Has anyone checked?!

Wendy commented on my blog that she was still thinking about Valentine's Day and hadn't gotten to Easter yet. Never fear--so am I! Today's mail brought a nice little package from Desperate Quilters--don't you love that name? They always send a little something extra, and this time it was a bag of tea and a little pattern leaflet. They also take the time to write a note on the invoice--I always enjoy it when an internet merchant does that because it's almost like talking to one of the ladies at the local quilt shop. And as an added bonus, they had the best prices on these charm packs that I found when I searched. Here's what came in my package:

That blue gingham fabric is by Lakehouse--I've been looking at it online and finally broke down and ordered a panel. I have no idea what I'll use it for! Then there are the charm packs--two packs of Sandy Gervais' Flirtations line and one pack of Deb Strain's All You Need is Love--I wish I had gotten two of those too! I'm not sure what I want to make, but I'm thinking about those woven hearts I used in that "transition" quilt with the hearts and pines. Either that, or I had another thought about some 9 patches. Maybe I can play with them this weekend and come up with something fun. Are you working on anything for Valentine's Day?

On the way home from work this evening, I stopped at the Dollar Tree store and found some more little goodies--odds and ends really--but I have no photos. In fact, the bags are still in the trunk of my car. I also stopped--or at least slowed down--for the Starbucks drive-thru to pick up a little liquid energy for me and my honey. It turns out our dog, Marley, likes cinnamon dolce lattes too! Whodda thunk?! My hubby left his on the workbench in the garage while he came inside to get something, and when he went back out, there was Marley, licking it up off the floor with more dribbling down his head. My husband THOUGHT it was out of reach, but apparently not--it was just close enough for a fairly large dog to get up, tip it over, and enjoy. Boy did he get in trouble! Poor old Marley was sent to the dog house for that little trick, and he's probably still unable to sleep from all that caffeine! But my latte's worn off by now, so it's time to head to bed--tomorrow's another work day. Thanks for stopping in to visit!


Unknown said...

How cute those bunnies riding the bike. How big is it? Better watch Spike with it around. He might go after those bunnies.

Gee, can't Marley have a little fun once in awhile?

Carol said...

Cute bunny! Marley certainly has good taste...LOL!
Thanks for the new link to this quilt shop...I didn't have that to punch buttons. Thanks Kim!

Anonymous said...

Always glad I can suggest ways to fellow quilters to support the economy! Cute bunny, I love that store too. I also got that Cherry Baby panel and some yardage because I want to make myself something pink and girly. It's really pretty stuff. Funny about Marley drinking your DH's Starbucks, good taste! LOL

Anonymous said...

Very cute biker bunny, Good Friday is 21st March. Thanks for the link, I looked at the range of patterns from your post yesterday and there were plenty there that I could have played with.

Nan said...

I am hanging my bloggy head in shame that I haven't been to visit you in FOREVER - nothing personal, I'm just a naughty blogger, and get distracted from blogging quite often. Having said all that, I shall now comment. lol!
I think your bunnies are very cute, and the price was amazing! I am not ready for Valentine's and sure as heck am not even thinking Easter, but you've got me thinkin' about it now!
I made a table topper using the Flirtations charm pack, and I bought 2 of the All You Need is Love packs, and haven't a clue what to do with them. So, I'm waiting for your talented self to come up with something wonderful, as you always do! (The pressure's on, right?)
My dogs LOVE coffee! Not just Starbuck's, but any coffee - I haven't a clue why, but I think it may have something to do with the sweetness, don't you? Marley has very good taste, by the way!

Yvonne said...

You've have been a busy girl....boosting the economy and all. :) Love all your goodies. I still haven't quite gotten over Christmas yet so I'm not thinking Valentine's day and you can forget Easter...haven't give that a thought yet. :)

atet said...

Very cute purchases. You really are giving the economy a boost! (I've been doing a bit of that myself -- check out today's first blog post) Love those fabrics -- and yeah, um, Valentine's day. Need to pull out that fabric...)

Tamara said...

Just loved the Flirtations by Sandy Gervais that I made three charm bags. Of course I only needed one for myself. Was looking at the All you need is love but undecided what to do. I am still trying to start a charms annoynomous group for those of us needed help. ;-)

Those bunnies are darling. According to a search Easter is March 23.

Red Geranium Cottage said...

My OH MY!!! You have been one shopping fool the past few days. I need to get caught up on all your treasures you have received.
Smart dog you have there. Not that I'm surprised of course.
Love that bunny.

Tracey @ozcountryquiltingmum said...

I am so glad you are doing what you can to help the economy there because the fact it is a little soft is affecting our sharemarket which effects the whole country...little did you realise your $3 gorgrous bunny and a lot of packages were all to help me! You are so good!
Loving the rabbit stuff...just make sure you don't start breeding like them-I so hope that is a saying in the US as well as here and you don't just now think I am odd...or odder! lol tracey

MARCIE said...

Your blog is starting to read like an internet store. I will have one of those, and one of those, and etc. I boosted the economy a bit myself yesterday. Such fun!