Thursday, December 27, 2007

From Meme to You!

Of course, this is the time of the year when we start thinking about New Year's resolutions. My husband and I have been watching what we eat for several months now, so continuing on with that is a no-brainer. In fact, today I took a bunch of my leftover Christmas munchies and treats to the office to share. I kept a couple of our favorite things here, but the rest went.

I don't usually get too ambitious about making resolutions, because I don't like to set myself up to fail--and I think we often DO fail at keeping our resolutions if we're unreasonable about what we can actually accomplish.

I DO have a Christmas-related resolution for 2008. Move to a country that doesn't celebrate Christmas! No, not really. I DO love the holiday. But this year, I'm really going to try to work on getting gifts and such ready throughout the year. Yesterday, during my lunch hour, I went to JoAnn's to take advantage of their 70% off all Christmas stuff sale. I was able to pick up a few things that sparked my creativity, so I have a little direction on a few gifts for next year. And I won't put those things away in a box in the garage--I'll leave them out where I can see them and remind myself of what I've planned. I'm also going to make a list of the people I give gifts to and ideas on what I'd like to buy/make/do. If I can keep on track with this resolution, I'll post what I'm able to get done as the year progresses. I know some of you have left me comments saying you'd like to do the same thing, so I hope you'll join me in keeping the motivation going by posting what YOU'VE accomplished during the year too!

But that's not the meme mentioned in the title of this post. What I want to know is what quilting resolutions you've made for 2008. And if you're reading this, you're tagged! I know a lot of us are trying to stash bust, but do you have anything specific in mind? Have you resolved to make any quilts to donate to a charity of some sort, perhaps? Or make everyone you know a scrappy quilt? Do you have a plan, Stan, or just a vague notion that you want to use what you have? NOT that there's anything wrong with that, mind you! But I'm curious, and inquiring minds want to KNOW!

Of course, if you're not on the stash-busting team, determined to decimate the stash in 2008, what ARE you hoping to do? For me, for the last several years, I've resolved to quilt the tops (flimsies) I have piling up. That's worked out okay, more or less. Although I've never gotten to the point where I've completely caught up, I haven't gotten any further behind either. But that's not my resolution this year--that's something that I think will come naturally now and I won't really need to work at it so much.

So what IS my resolution for 2008? I want to only make quilts I really, really, really like and resolve not to get side tracked into projects that I only really, really like! Hard to do, I know! Setting myself up for failure? Maybe! But I have several applique projects that I have half done, and these are projects that I really love--but I let myself get side tracked onto other things and set them aside. I have also seen quilts I want to make--some of the cute Christmas quilts I've mentioned during the last month or so. I think I need to make myself a list of quilts I want to make this year and try to keep it reasonable. I'll share that with you once I make the list--maybe you can join me in some!

Oh, and speaking of joining me in making quilts, don't forget that the next section of Hometown Christmas is due by New Year's Eve. Sharon, Ms. Red Geranium, are you listening to me?! I confess I'm behind--I still haven't made a block for the December 15th deadline, but I'll catch up.

So, back to the meme--here's your challenge. Please post to your blog what your 2008 quilting resolutions are, if you have any, and leave me a comment letting me know you have posted, so I can come visit and see what you have planned, okay? And if you have nothing specific planned--that's quite alright too. We all work differently. But I'd like to see what all of my Blogland friends are up to and enthusiastic about doing in the coming year. I've shown you mine (and will be showing you more!); now you show me yours!


Darlene said...

Like so many others, I've been contemplating my plans for 2008, too. I don't want to set myself up for failure either so I'm giving this a lot of thought. I'll be ready to post something on my blog very, very soon. Stay tuned! :-)

Red Geranium Cottage said...

My resolution for the year 2008 is to START my Hometown Christmas. ROFLOL!!! yes I said START. Oh wait I should say first I might want to FIND it. As for stashbusting.........I really, really like buying fabric.

antique quilter said...

great post , a lot to think about.
I pretty much have said what I would like to do in 2008 on my blog, make the quilts I bought the fabric for in previous years that I love and still do! I just found myself getting side tracked with the newest fabric line and buying more to make a different quilt sometimes making it but mostly just keep collecting! Made a lot of scrappy quilts and will continue to do that to use some of the fabric I have bought over the past 5 years .
I love the Hometown Christmas quilt...good luck catching up


Pat said...

I've already mentioned mine but I'll post it in more detail soon.
I plan to use the fabric I have on hand to make quilts for all of our family members, (all 50 of them) over the next couple of years. I just found out Christmas day that my neice is expecting twins so I'll have to bump that number up...LOL.

I'm not saying I won't buy NEW fabric... only that I'm making plans for using more fabric that I already own.

I'm curious to see what others have planned too!

Vicky said...

I've been thinking about '08. One thing for sure, I know I'm going back to dedicating the first weekend of each month to Christmas. It might be a good time to work on Hometown Christmas. I think my brother would like that quilt. I'll get my plan for the new year up this weekend. Whatever they are, they will be reasonable and do-able!!

Erin said...

wow Kim you have me thinking now! I want to use up my stash! I have a couple quilts to finish quilting..and then from there..maybe make a Hometown Christmas Quilt, a few others..I need to think a little more!!!

Anonymous said...

Interesting, as I was just writing my list last night of the quilts I want to make. I don't have a huge stash so stash busting isn't even in my thoughts. Will post in the next few days my to do list for 2008, and as I mentioned at the beginning of December I like to have my Christmas gifts made and finished by no later than the end of September. I've already eyed off a few ideas that I hope to shop for this weekend.
Will link back to you once I've posted.

Granny said...

I'm still thinking about mine. Definitely using the stash and working on UFO's but I want something else -- something more exciting but . . who knows what I'll come up with.

kcenya1950 said...

I have been reading in silence for a few weeks now and am finally ready to add comments. I also get way ahead on tops and have to stop and quilt them. This would be easier but inbetween the piecing and the quilting is the pinning which I do not like, love to avoid, etc. So periodically I must go on a finishing binge and I resolve to make no new tops until I have quilted the tops I have. All the places I have the tops stashed really need quilts, not tops. Now we will see how I do!

DPUTiger said...

The pile-o-stuff that's eating my mojo for breakfast is knitting-related, not quilting related. I have two projects currently on my needles that are going to be the last "new" projects for quilte a while. I want to spend January tackling the pile of "almost done" sweaters in this house so I can WEAR THEM!! After that, I now have a pile of about 5-6 quilts that are sandwiched and just need to be machine quilted. That'll be next on the list, but those sweaters are top priority!

~Kristie said...

Very thought provoking, Kim! I posted my list on my blog - which includes over forty tops I'd like to have pieced. Am I setting myself up for failure? Maybe... but I'll be VERY happy to get even a few of them done! LOL

merrily row said...

okay miss Kim, I posted the start of the list. And maybe tomorrow I will post that first Hometown Christmas block. Heck, I have 362 days to get that one done.


Patti said...

I just posted mine yesterday - and I've very excited about them this year due to my imminent retirement! I hope to have lots more time to accomplish these goals. Of course they are much more ambitious than I've written in past years - I hope I've not set myself up to fail LOL!

Juliann in WA said...

Okay - I put it on my blog - trying very hard to be realistic which we know is silly since I haven't included any plans for projects that I haven't even thought of yet. But it is a good beginning. Thanks for the nudge.