Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Coming Along!

I'm late posting tonight again, but this time it's all good. I came home to an empty house--even my husband wasn't home because he had a late meeting at work. What luxury! If only a cleaning service had visited before I got here!

My house is really filthy. At this point, I think the only really clean thing is the refrigerator I cleaned the other day. I might decide to live in it. After the domestic stresses of the past few days, I just didn't feel much like cleaning. Instead, I figuratively locked myself in the Sweat Shop all evening and got on with the very important job of quilting. At least when I'm in there, I can ignore any mess outside that door, and any mess inside the door is usually a happy clutter of fabric and quilting supplies, and I can live with that.

The quilting on the leaf quilt is coming along, and I think I just might finish tomorrow night; if not tomorrow, though, then most definitely by Friday. Well, unless a kid comes home to visit or some other natural disaster strikes. Of course, I'll still need to add the binding. Oh, and I guess I still have to clean house too, so there are a few possibilities that may side track my plans.

Speaking of projects moving along, how's everyone in the Hometown Christmas group doing? By now, you should have completed the first section and have the second section done by the end of the weekend. The first book ends, I think, with the red bird section which isn't numbered Section 3, but it will be the next one we'll work on, and that will be "due" by October 15th. Are you all keeping up?

I wanted to share a couple quilty things that have arrived in the mail. Since I couldn't attend the Thimbleberries retreat at the Main Street Cotton Shop in Hutchinson, Minnesota, I did the next best thing--I ordered the Mr. Halloween's Party bucket of strips from that line and I ordered a Buck Bundle of the Thimbleberries fall fabric line. If you're not familar with MSCS's Buck Bundles, they're kind of fun! A Buck Bundle consists of a 10" square of each piece of fabric in a line, so it's really about the equivalent of getting 4 charm packs. I didn't get a photo of the Buck Bundle, but here's a photo of the Mr. Halloween's Party bucket:

In other quilting news, did you know that Kim Diehl is coming out with her third book soon? She's one of my favorite quilt designers and I've preordered her book. Since I began quilting, I've always preferred quilts that are pieced with some applique added, and I love quilts done in the country/homespun/slightly primitive style, so when I "discovered" Kim Diehl, I felt like she was a kindred spirit. Looking closely at the quilts in her books, I see many of the same fabrics I have in my stash. Here's the new book:

My last bit of upcoming news is that a new Art to Heart/Nancy Halvorsen book should be out before long called "Be Attitudes." I really like the look of this quilt but I'm not certain I'd ever get around to making it, so this is one I haven't ordered. I may change my mind, of course. But for now, I'm resisting. Here's a photo of the book with the quilt on the cover--cute, isn't it?:

And since these aren't out yet, I'm not really "megging" you, am I? Nah! I wouldn't do that!


atet said...

Ya know -- that Art to Heart pattern. You wouldn't have to make the WHOLE quilt. Each of those blocks would make lovely little wall hangings. You could use some for decorating, others for gifts, and a single block wouldn't take that long would it? I'm just sayin'.

Pat said...

Funny you should mention Kim Diehl! I was just thinking about taking an applique class with her this Sunday at the Ft. Lauderdale quilt shop. A friend of mine has a spot reserved and can't go. It's about machine applique though and I'm not sure I care for that method :-(


Yvonne said...

I love Kim Diehl too...I have her first two books. I do like Nancy's new book also. I've gone on a "no-buy" till the new year so no megging here. I'll enjoy them through you. Your quilt is coming along quite beautifully!

Anonymous said...

Oh dear I'm shamed to report that I haven't taken a stitch in the Christmas quilt (hanging head and sniffling), been a tad busy with packing and cleaning. And no I don't want to come and clean your house.... I'll make that my first priority as soon as the moves over and done with and I'm unpacked. So I'll need to go shopping for the fabrics, oh dear, what a
Love your quilt that you're working on.

Kairle Oaks said...

Your leaf quilt looks so wonderful. I can see those leaves whirling around in the wind!

Still tempted by the possibility of coming to Kim Diehl's class at Corn Wagon in February?

Anonymous said...

Kim your Leaf quilt is going to be beautiful. I think you should quit that job and work in the Sweat Shop. I for one would hire you. The cleaning can wait. Get on with the important things.

Linda Z

~Bren~ said...

Your leaf quilt is looking good! I love the books, I think my favorite is the BeAttitudes. I like Atet's idea of individual minis.

Darlene said...

Love, love your leaf quilt. I'm not going to ask for it because I already know the answer. NO! So, I'll wait and ask again when you aren't prepared to say NO! teehee

I'm anxious for Kim Diehl's new book - of course I have the first two. I'm right in the middle of Country Whig Rose (OK, just one block is done). I did a couple of others but....(the mind is gone).

Cute, cute goodies from T'berries!

Anonymous said...

I used to order the Buck Bundles long ago. I have thought of starting it up again. I waited and waited for your post last night and I had to go to sleep!! Then I layed there and looked at that moon staring at me thru my window for hours. Shoulda got up and blogged.
And yes I'm putting off that I haven't started my Christmas kit yet. I'll get it, I'll get it. Just give me a minute.

Patti said...

And with a shopping basket "saved" at Checkers - with 28 things in it - I'm very susceptible to Megging right now. Repeat after me, Patti . . . you don't need these, you DON'T need these . . . you don't NEED these . . . . you don't need THESE!!!!!

Cheryl said...

That leaf quilt is coming along nicely! And I love those Art To
Heart Books. I'm still working on my reindeer quilt from last year -
it's one of my finish what you got

Mar said...

The quilting IS going very GOOD! I really like it. Another Kim D. fan here, love looking at her stuff, she has such warm and wonderful color choices. And the Nancy H. book it cute! I would make those for the crew at work, but they might get it! ;-o
p.s. if you aren't megging then you're teasing!

Vicky said...

Of course you are!!! Darn you!!! I love both Kim and Nancy's books. (sigh)

The quilting looks fabulous! Almost done!

Teresa said...

Hometown Christmas? *hangs head in shame*

Hopefully I'll be recovered enough from the 'crud' to work on a bunch of quilty things this weekend.