Friday, August 10, 2007

Sick Hubby!

Nothing from me tonight really. My husband came home sick from work today, and since the computer is in the bedroom, I think I'll be uncharacteristically kind and leave him be. I forcefed him a little scrambled egg and a couple bites of an English muffin when he got up to sit in his recliner and look at a different ceiling, but he was making noises about coming back to bed, so I'll shut this puppy down and head into the Sweat Shop for a little quilt work.

The weekend is here! Yippeee! I just wish hubby felt the joy! Quilt on, blog buddies! Hopefully I'll have a chance to chat with you a little more tomorrow.


  1. So sorry hubby is sick! Hope he gets well in enogh time to enjoy the weekend.

  2. Hope he gets well soon. Quilting is more fun than being online anyway. lol

  3. Sick is no fun! I hope that DH gets feeling better over the weekend. Hopefully a couple of days of rest will help him get over whatever it is he's got.

  4. He probably faking it! If not Get in the car and come see me and Yvonne while Mom, Dad,Kathy and Kelly are here. The wine is flowing and the BBQ is cooking!

    This page is great. I might start my own!

  5. Sorry your hubby is sick. Hope he feels better soon.But...........where does your brother in law live??? I'm reading here that there is wine flowing!!!!!!!! PARTY ON!!!!


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