Thursday, August 9, 2007

Our Blogging Community

For several years, I've been a member of an online quilting group, and I love those gals! We limit our group to 50 members, and there are maybe about 15 of us who are pretty active. I've come to care as much about them, their lives, and their families as I do the friends I see "in person." Many of us have even met face-to-face. I know my life has been enriched by the experience of joining a group of like-minded women where we can share our quilting ideas and projects and the non-quilting aspects of our lives as well.

More recently, I started my blog, and my world of friends has grown even more! I love to read your comments and will respond to your e-mails if I have anything to add and if your comments come through with an e-mail address to respond to. I love to visit your blogs. I keep your blogs in my "favorites" and visit whenever I can. I've never counted how many blogs I read, but I have a list in my favorites on my home computer and another list in my favorites on my office computer. Yes, some are duplicates but some are not; it just depends on where I was when I first found your blog. And my list continues to grow!

A few days ago, Bren awarded me the "Nice Matters Award." Well, I don't NEED an award, but it sure gives me a warm, fuzzy feeling to know that Bren thinks enough of me and my blog to name me as one of the people who enrich her life in some way. I'm sure many of you know Bren already, but if you don't, pop over there to visit. She's one of the kindest people I know and she has a huge heart. Thank you, Bren!

Now I'm supposed to pass the award on, but I just can't. I wouldn't know who to include and who not to include. There are some of you I visit every day; there are some I visit once or twice a week--not because I don't look forward to reading your blog, but because I know by now how often each of you is likely to post. Some of you I "talk" to and leave comments for; some of you have so many comments already that I know I'm not likely to have anything new to add, but I enjoy what you write anyway, even if I don't say so very often. Or maybe I'm just feeling quiet and have nothing to say. I still enjoy stopping by to visit you and see what you've been doing. Then there are the "friends" who leave me comments but don't have their own blogs--I appreciate all of you too and enjoy your comments!

And, so far, I haven't met any bloggers who aren't nice--you ALL are! My life is enriched by knowing all of you. So, as far as I'm concerned, you ALL deserve the Nice Matters Award! Thank you for taking time out of your day to read the stuff that I write--I love having all of you visit me!


  1. Kim I look forward to reading you every always make me laugh and that's a very good thing. I'm looking forward to retiring in a couple of weeks and I'll get to spend more time with my blogland friends.

  2. The world of blogging is a friendly one! :) I have made so many new "friends" here. I'd love to meet each and every one of my blog friends. Someday! The couple that I have, are wonderful.

  3. Seems Bren knows a good person by reading her blog. You are a keeper and we at QH are proud to call you friend.


  4. Kim, one of the main reasons I enjoy your blog is because though it is a quilting blog, you have let us in to be able to see who you are. Not just the quilter, but the person. Your talent for quilting and sewing (bags!) is wonderful, but you are a really great person too!

  5. Well deserved, Kim, we all love you and are so glad to call you "Friend", even if I can't spell Stripe for Kairle.

  6. What a great award to be given to you. You nicey nice you!!! LOL You really are a nice person and I have enjoyed getting to know you since I started blogging.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!