Tuesday, August 28, 2007

It's Friday Night!

Wooo-hooo! Okay, yes, I DO realize it's not REALLY Friday night, but it is for me since I have the next three days off work, and then the three days after that for the long Labor Day weekend. No, I have no plans to go anywhere, except into the Sweat Shop, of course! And I did tell my husband that maybe we could go for a drive up to Auburn on Saturday. Auburn is an old gold rush town located in the foothills of the Sierra Nevadas. It has all kinds of cute shops, but the main attraction for me is the quilt shop there. It just so happens that it's owned by a husband and wife, and MY husband used to work with the quilt-shop-owner husband. The two men always wander off and talk car stuff, which is a great distraction while I fill up a bag of goodies! I don't know about you gals, but I ALWAYS hate it when my husband's standing next to me at the register of a quilt shop. I can't help but feel guilty!

I DO have to go out tomorrow and run a couple errands, though. My husband called me at work today and suggested that since I'll be off, it will be easier if I'd run over to the post office annex and pick up some new keys to our mailbox kiosk rather than him having to do it. Easier for who? That what I'd like to know! Of course, if he went before work, it would mean getting up 15 minutes earlier. If I go, it means getting up, washing and fixing my hair, and putting on make up! That's at least a 45-minute job, minimum!

Originally I was going to go to the grocery store and run a couple errands tonight on my way home from work so I could just relax tomorrow. But since I have to go to the post office, I figured I might as well run around doing all my errands tomorrow (wouldn't want to waste a good hair and make-up job). Which means we won't be having the large shrimp salads for dinner tonight that I was planning. Which means I was going to feed my husband tuna salad sandwiches for dinner instead. Until I realized I had no tuna. Which means he has to go out and pick up sandwiches and Starbucks iced lattes while I sit here and chat with you. It's all good. I think about now he's wishing he would have just not said anything about the post office and gotten up early to go get the keys himself. Funny how one thing leads to another, isn't it?

The photo up there at the top is of my quilted tabletopper--the one I quilted from the back side. I'm not sure you can really see the quilting all that well, but I'm very pleased at the way it turned out. Under it toward the bottom of the photo is the "Monster"--one of the projects I plan to get finished before I have to go back to work next Tuesday. Besides that, I have a fall leaf quilt that I've been working on for the last year. Actually I started it last year and worked on it a couple times and then haven't touched the darn thing in at least six months. That's another project I'd like to work on. And there are a couple others but maybe I should just wait and surprise you with photos. Check back in with me over the next few days and see what I've been doing with my time off. I have a sneaking suspicion that not only will I have a couple completed quilt tops and/or finished quilts, I just might have a couple photos of wonderful quilt shop finds! You know, I'm not sure that going to just one quilt shop while I'm off will be enough. Since I'll be out running errands tomorrow anyway, maybe I'll find my way to one or two other quilt shops. Sure is easier for me to pick up those new mailbox keys, isn't it?!


Mar said...

What a cute table topper, the vintage print border adorable. Lucky you to have a nice long break from work. ENJOY!!

Anonymous said...

Love the table topper. Guess what? We're having tuna on the road. I made tuna salad today for our little picnic tomorrow on our drive. I love it!!! Actually we both do. You need to be like me, free and easy, I dont wear makeup therefore if I want to run out the door I do!!! LOL!!! I may look like I dont wear it I dont know but never have. Ala naturaul!!! LOL

Anonymous said...

Love your table topper Kim and those quilts underneath look wonderful, we need clearer photo's. Did you quilt the topper on your home machine? I'm with you, I dilike it when dh stands at the registar with me.

Darlene said...

TGIF - enjoy your time off!

Love the Halloween topper - for me???? Yes????? Please!!!!


Carol said...

Sounds like your trip for those mailbox keys may turn out to be quite wonderful...hubby sure will be scratching his head and wishing he'd done it himself...Have fun!

atet said...

LOL...I love the way your mind works. And my errands today may include a quilt shop or two too....hmmmn....

Nicole said...

Cabin Fever! I love that shop too. Enjoy your days off!

Sharon said...

Love the table topper, you do a great job quilting on your Juki. Running errands, I don't worry about makeup but hair, yes. I figure if my hair is OK they won't look close enough to see there is no makeup. That is the reason I love my short hair do, always ready to run someplace.

You are so thougtful, making a trip to Auburn to please your DH, LOL, there is always a plan going on in your head. What better DH with a friend who's wife runs a quilt shop. You got all the lcuk.

Don't forget the darn keys in your frenzy to stop at quilt shops.


Kairle Oaks said...

Well, Kim, I say that you ditch all of your plans and head to Happy Valley! Quilt, Etc., is having their annual $1.99 and $2.99 yd. fabric sale starting tomorrow. I've got two empty bedrooms, you know!

Enjoy your time off!!!