Sunday, August 26, 2007

I'm Quilting!

Sorry if my humor yesterday caused you any accidents or any otherwise unanticipated pain. I know it was unexpected since not every single one of my posts is necessarily funny, but you should know by now that I occasionally get a little funny and, as Sharon (Red Geranium Cottage) mentioned yesterday, it WAS a full moon. I think you're safe with today's post. There's just a slightly funny part near the end, but I don't think it will hurt you or cause coffee to splash across your screen or keyboard. Okay?

First of all, the Juki works just fine! I've been quilting away today but don't really have anything completely finished to share with you. I quilted the placemats I made last week but I need to bind them. I'm also quilting the tabletopper I made with the Scaredy Cat fabric. Remember this?

Well, I decided to back it with this fabric I had leftover from the Bonnie Sullivan Happy Halloween/Boo lines:

Have you ever quilted from the BACK side of a quilt? I don't remember doing it before, and had I thought of it ahead of time, I would most definitely have put the pins on the back instead of trying to reach under and unpin! (It's probably due to this new, lighter hair color--you know about blondes, right?) Anyway, when I sat down to quilt the topper and thought about what I wanted to do, I decided to just follow the meandering print on the back and it's turning out great! I'm using a variegated Valdani thread with a large needle since the thread's a little thicker. I'll get a good photo once it's done.

So, now what about the Monster? Well, I'm going to try it again once I finish this Halloween topper. Since the Juki's working just fine, I figure it must be the thread. Have you ever heard of putting thread in the freezer? It's supposed to help put a little moisture back in case it's dried out a bit and breaking--at least that's something I've heard. With that thought in mind, I put a spool of thread in the freezer last night and woke up this morning to find it sitting on the kitchen counter. My husband got up first and made a pot of coffee; when he got the coffee out of the freezer, he saw the thread and thought I put it there accidentally. Honey, the day I get THAT forgetful, please just shoot me, okay?! I seriously wonder what thoughts about me went through his mind this morning, but I figured it was best not to ask.


  1. I guess I can understand hubby's reaction - but I have heard that the freezer is great for thread. Especially metallics that break when they get too hot from friction. But I'm also told you shouldn't believe everything you hear ... so who knows ...

  2. Thanks for the's most appreciated :) I've never put the thread in the freezer but I have read about it. My hubby would just shake his head and move on.

  3. I've heard of putting thread in the freezer but I've never tried it. Now my hubby would just ask if I'd run out of room in my sewing room and needed to start storing stuff in the freezer. LOL

  4. I think the freezer might help the thread. Have heard that about yarn also.

    Now Kim I need that kind of fabric to get me going on stippling. Yes, I hand quilted a border on a quilt from the back as the fabric was to dark to show any markings. Works fine. Moving the pins will be a job. You can do it.

  5. Mine would only ask if that was what I was planning for a meal, and if so he only say how about going out for dinner:) Sneaky, but anythings worth a try. I have also heard that actually works for thread!

  6. I had thought about using that fabric for a meandering pattern. I have the beige background. Can't wait to see how it turns out.

  7. OMG Darlene, your a geniuse. Did I spell that right?? Anyhoo, I could use the freezer for storage of fabric!!!!!!
    Ok Kim, back to you, I'll talk to Darlene on her own blog. LOL!!! But I think that would be cool to quilt on the back of that quilt.
    And I think that's funny that your hubby put that thread on the counter. Mine wouldn't have even noticed it in the freezer.

  8. That backing fabric is perfect for stippling lines -- what a great idea to quilt from the back. Not sure I could do it though -- it would make me really nervous not to know what's going on on the front of my quilt!

  9. I love to laugh out loud and I did when I read your post.

    I really like your back for this. My friend quilts from the back all the time. I am going to try it someday but I usually don't think about the back of the quilt until I am almost finished. Guess I'll have to start planning ahead.
    Thanks for the reference to Kristie's blog. It is cool!

  10. What a great idea to quilt from the back of the quilt - the fabric is perfect for meandering. You have found the perfect "cheater" fabric! I like the idea of putting thread in the deep freeze - my husband already thinks I've lost my mind, so it wouldn't surprise him in the least if I started keeping thread in the freezer - lol!

  11. And the worst part is you can't get tooo upset with him, he was only being helpful!

  12. Hey Missy, that's a cute quilt and what a great idea to use the back as a pattern for quilting. I've read about that but never found a backing that I would like to trace. I have some of that blue polka dot fabric. I'm thinking of using it with my Winter Sentry (it has a border of stars). However, I find it a tad to dark so I'm going to bleach it. Which reminds me, I have a bleach load right now as we speak/write. Best get that testing square in there. You do have great taste in fabric! ;o)


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!