Saturday, August 25, 2007

Day of Beauty

Weekends are a good time to primp and pamper a bit, don't you think? So, when a couple people at work asked me this week whether my hair was darker, I thought maybe it was time to do something. I don't normally color my hair except about once a year, usually sometime in the winter when it starts to seem kind of dull looking and BLAH! Then I just use something a shade or two brighter to liven things up a bit. Well, for whatever reason, that dull and BLAH! thing seems to have happened to my hair this summer instead.

Now you'd think with the occasional gray hair growing in, my hair would look a bit lighter, wouldn't you? And you'd certainly think that with dieting and eating healthy and all, if there was any fairness in this world, I should just magically turn into a radiant, natural blonde. Well, wouldn't you? But no!

I'm not much of a girlie girl. Sure, I appreciate a nice pedicure as well as the next woman, but I really don't spend a lot of time fussing. For instance, I don't go to the hair salon. It would be different if every hair stylist told me I had beautiful hair that was a pleasure to work with, but most of the time, they mutter about how straight and fine it is and what a pain it is to get the tangles out. So I stay out of the salon and my hair is down to my rear end now, but I put most of it into a braid and twist it up on top of my head which makes it fairly easy to care for. But I digress.

So, Friday night I stopped at Long's Drugs on the way home and perused my hair coloring choices. Do you have any idea how many different lines of hair color L'Oreal MAKES now? After awhile and a good deal of comparison, I settled on L'Oreal Superior Preference (because, darn it, I'm WORTH it!). There's another brand I like (but can't remember the name of) that's a two step process: first the hair color and then the hair highlights. I really like that one, but it takes about half a day to use and I just didn't feel like spending that much time. After all, I DID want to get in a little quilting time and blogging time. Not to mention the cleaning time, the cooking time, and the sleeping time.

Every Friday night my husband asks me what I have planned for the weekend, and every Friday night I answer, "Quilting." Is he a slow learner or what? One of these days, I'll have to think up an answer that will shock his socks off, but in the meantime, when he asked me the same old question last night, since I think he gets a little tired of the "quilting" answer, I told him I wasn't sure but that I needed to clean house. So this afternoon, he came in from working in the yard, found me at the computer, and asked, "So are you done cleaning the house yet?" "No," I answered, "Are you done living yet?" "No," he replied. No mention of how radiantly beautiful I looked after my L'Oreal treatment either. But, once again, I digress.

So now my hair is lighter and, by the way, my house is clean. Everything has been beautified here, in fact. And this Beauty Day Saturday thing is becoming a habit now. If you think back, you may remember that last week I shaved my legs. Today I colored my hair. And if I'm feeling particularly ambitious next Saturday, I just might just trim my toenails. I think I'm starting to get pretty good at this beauty thing and still manage to find time to quilt.


  1. OMG Kim you have me laughing first thing this morning. You should really think about writing for Jay Leno or someone!

  2. I agree with Carol...I'm just glad the coffee isn't ready yet :)

  3. I work with guys - I'm the token female. The glasses I wear are about a year old but the lenses aren't much different from the old prescription. So I wore my older glasses, the frameless ones, for one week. They are, in my mind, different enough from the other square, metal-framed, Peggy Hill (cartoon: King of the Hill) glasses, that you would think someone would ask if I had new glasses. Nope, nada. Even CarGuy didn't notice. Really deflated me, it did; so having another woman around is a good thing: it keeps you on your toes.

  4. Oh Kim, I had forgotten that you shaved your legs last Saturday! Thanks for reminding us! I really think you should give us a look at your new and improved hair color and let us be the judge of whether you look radiant or not. We could all vote. Would that be helpful? (You know I'm joking. My hair is a disaster and I have'nt shaved in weeks).

  5. OMG, I spewed coffee all over the computer screen. You should start these blogs with a warning!

    I'm a real no-fuss person, too, but when I lost all my hair "that" year, it had gray when it sprouted back. I'm glad I had samples - so my hair guru matched it and we've been doing the same boring color one a month ever since. We call it a 'dip and clip.'

    Really my only indulgence is a manicure every two weeks. I hate doing it, really do, but I guess it's the years of court reporting and having your hands out there for everyone to see all the time. The rest of me is covered up with clothes/shoes, so who's to know! LOL

    Men don't notice things - but your baby girl boss will! So color away! You ARE worth it!!

  6. Agree with Vicky - please post a huge WARNING when you do these posts!

    Darn it, I think it might be time to shave my legs.

  7. when I look in the mirror the fact that I need my roots touched up is going to be more noticable than ever. It's hard keeping up with you, Kim!

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  10. Yay, a beautifying weekend for you! But be careful now....just don't get used to it so much that it cuts into your quilting and show and tell quilt posts -- we readers have our needs! LOL. I'm not a girly girl either and work with mostly men. I hate it when they make comments if I've changed something, so I tend to live in the past. Yuck -- probably should update sometime! ;-)

  11. Did you need my Miss Piggy bank for the beauty day?? You should have asked I would have loaned her out to you.
    What? You only do your hair how often?? No gray for you?? You lucky girl. And yes darn it you are worth it. The new color I mean. And about those toenails. I say let them grow and when your in bed with hubby give him a stab or two with them. THEN he will notice when you cut them.

  12. ROTFL!! I have tears streaming from my eyes. Priceless post!

  13. Is the house clean yet? I love it...and know my husband thinks that all the time.
    I just know you are looking gorgeous with the new colour...or even gorgeouser!!!!! And yes, you were worth it! Tracey

  14. What do you call a blond who dies her hair brown? Artificial intelligence! ROTFL


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