Sunday, July 29, 2007

Monster, Movie, and Megs

Here's a new photo of the monster quilt. Of course, it looks much like previous photos except that this one features Spike because she wouldn't get off of it! I've actually gotten to the point where I'm quilting those blocks that go around the edge of the quilt and had finished the side facing the camera when I took the photo this morning. Since then, I've finished the blocks at the foot of the bed, and it's on to the other side next. I'm sure hoping to get the quilting done by sometime next weekend. After quilting the blocks, I still have to quilt the bottom setting triangles--I wanted to see how the quilt looked again on the bed so I could decide if I wanted to stay with the straight edge or do a scalloped edge. I think I'll stick with the straight edge but I'm not certain. What do you think?

The movie we saw last night, No Reservations, was a pretty good chick flick. I'd give it a B+ for entertainment. It wasn't Academy Award material, but that's probably just as well. Sometimes the movies the critics think are wonderful bore me to tears. ("Literature," with a capital "L," usually does the same thing!) I guess my tastes just aren't sophisticated enough! Yes, No Reservations was fairly predictable and the general plot is one we've all seen many times before, but the three of us, Lisa, Kathy, and I, enjoyed it quite a lot. Our dinner was excellent, as it usually is at Fat's. And yes, we did manage to stop at Starbucks TWICE, and ended up there at the end of the night, sitting at an outside table talking. I think I got home around midnight. Last week was a tough one at work, so being able to spend some time unwinding with my girlfriends was a real treat! Of course, after all that caffeine, I stayed up quilting until around 2:30 a.m., but it's the weekend--that's what weekends are for, isn't it?!

Okay, you Blogland quilters, you're going to have to stop talking about great patterns, fabric, books, etc., because I'm just to darn suggestible. Carole blogged about some purchases she recently made and what did I end up doing? Stopping at the quilt shop Friday night and buying the Swatches pattern, Awakening, that she mentioned. I had seen it and liked it at a quilt shop a few weeks ago (I think that was the $75 spool of thread trip) but managed to leave the store without it, but I just couldn't pass it up a second time. I have a bit of a "collection" of Kansas Troubles fabrics, and I think a quilt from this pattern and the KT fabrics would look great!

Then my Blogland bud Sharon had to go and blog about her shopping spree and share with us photos from a book she bought, Comfort and Joy. Well, gosh darn it, wouldn't you know it?, I then got online and now that book's on its way to my mailbox! Click over to Sharon's blog if you want to see a couple patterns inside the book. I love that wreath pattern!

I have no self-control. AND I think I'm getting so tired of quilting the Monster that I'm subconsciously trying to distract myself with tempting treats to work on once I finish this project. And I have no self-control. No self-control whatsoever. Sheesh!


  1. love the you can't wait to get it finished.....girls nights out are wonderful........and I to have see that pattern a few times lately and think it looks like a buy pattern..........

  2. The huge quilt is looking just wonderful, it will be such a thrill for you when it's finished, it's been a long haul. I love that pattern, it's very cute, I can understand why you were tempted.

  3. The quilt is wonderful! I think straight edge too. It really needs nothing else to "make" it. Sounds like a fun night. So sad the tomorrow is no longer your birthday month! :( I can not wait til November, I too will make a month out of it!

  4. Spike is a good looking kitty!

    I usually don't like the award winning movies either.

  5. Beautiful work on the quilt, Kim!

    Glad to hear you had a great time with the girls. It's always good to have friends that you can relax with (says the girl who just got back from morning bagels with her friends).

    Tell Spike "hi" and give her some love from me!

  6. Oh Kim, your quilt is beautiful! I do so love that pattern that you've used!! Just a wonderful quilt to have one your bed and be able to say "oh yes I made that one"!! :> And Spike is a beauty too! :D

  7. I love your quilt and the kitty is very cute too :)

  8. The Monster is beautiful. I can't believe you quilt that thing on your home machine. You are truly wonderful.
    And don't blame me cause you have no self control. LOL!!!! You'll be happy when the book arrives. It's worth it!!!

  9. Your quilt is wonderful....I like your kitty...great name. You're tempting me that those patterns but I going to resist....really I am.

  10. Self control?? What pray tell is that? I don't understand this concept you speak of...

  11. Way to go with your monster quilt! Your quilting looks great! I can't believe you can do that on a non-long arm. You are good! That Mary Hickey book looks adorable. She does the cutest stuff. And finally, good luck with the diet. Ugh!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!