Saturday, July 28, 2007

Girls' Night Out!

It's girls' night out tonight! Wooo-hooo! My friends Kathy (who is also my sister-in-law) and Lisa and I are going out to a movie and dinner. It's partly in celebration of my birthday, but that's mostly an excuse--we try to get together every month or two whether there's a birthday or not. I think probably the real nod to the fact that it's my birthday MONTH is that I got to pick the movie and restaurant. Sort of. Well, I DID get to pick the restaurant, and the movie was "suggested" as a possibility to which I agreed. Of course, I think it's probably a real chick flick, or what the movie promoters like to call a "date movie"--yeah, right! I guess that's a date early on in a relationship when the guy figures he won't get lucky unless he sits through a chick flick!

Anyway, we're going to go see No Reservations, which opened yesterday. Reviews seem mediocre, but I don't mind. My friend Lisa and I once sat through The Grudge (Kath was smart and stayed home that night!)--after that movie, anything's an improvement!

So, Lisa has big plans for stopping at Starbucks first and smuggling our drinks into the theater in her big purse. I have to laugh when I consider that about 25 years ago, we would have been smuggling in rum to spike our Cokes. Now we need our caffeine so we can stay awake and enjoy ourselves. Sad, isn't it?!

We'll go to an early-ish movie and then a late-ish dinner afterward at Fat's Bistro. Fat's has wonderful, to-die-for Asian food. (That's a photo of the outside up at the top; the main room is below.) I'm sure I'll be ordering honey walnut prawns. Yes, I'm in a rut, but it's a rut I like! Sometimes we each order a plate for ourselves, but usually we share. There's really very few things at Fat's that I don't like, so one way or another, I know I'll leave with a happy tummy. Fat's also has some outside dining, and I bet tonight will be a great opportunity to sit outside and enjoy the summer evening, as long as everyone else doesn't have the same idea.

Lisa joked about going back to Starbuck's after dinner. Joked? Well, we'll see. I wouldn't be surprised if we ended up at Starbuck's, sitting outside and talking girl talk. Girlfriends are the best, aren't they? The older I get, the more I appreciate these great friends of mine!


  1. Have a fun time, Kim. That's a movie that I wouldn't mind seeing!

  2. Have a GREAT evening!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Have fun....sounds like a great time.

  4. Oh, the resturant sounds wonderful. East a little for me. Yummm


  5. Sounds like a wonderful Girls' Night Out! I know you're having fun. The restaurant sounds yummy!! Can't wait to hear the movie review.

  6. I hope your having a good time tonight. I would love to see that movie too. Can't wait to hear your review. Cause I know it will be like no other review out there. LOL

  7. Sounds like a wonderful night. Look forward to hearing the movie review.


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