Friday, May 25, 2007

Kim Diehl is my Hero, and Other Stuff

I love Kim Diehl’s work. That’s a photo of one of her quilts. Her quilts speak to my heart and mind. Traditional pieced patterns with applique added to transform the quilts from the ordinary to the extraordinary. She uses the fabrics I use. In looking closely at her quilts, I know I have most of the same fabrics in my stash. But I’m not making those quilts, and this is what I was talking about yesterday–this feeling that I’m just cranking out quilts, one after another, without giving enough time and thought to making them "special." Worst of all, I don’t think I’m really taking time to enjoy the quilt-making process itself.

Thank you for all the lovely compliments on the quilt I just finished. I love the quilt too, but it’s someone else’s pattern and there are many other quilts out there in the world that look very similar; I didn’t do anything special to it to make it "mine." As a result, I’m not really feeling that rush of joy, pride, and sense of accomplishment I get when I either make something of my own design or add a piece of myself to someone else’s design.

That thing Marcie said in the comments yesterday–yep, that’s exactly what I meant, except I didn’t want to offend anyone’s sensibilities. Well, that’s not quite true. The truth is that if I used that word, my dear friend Eileen would have hopped on the first plane from Maryland to California and washed my mouth out with soap. Or maybe she would have just sat at her computer, reading my blog, shaking her head. Actually, I suspect she does that a lot anyway. She tries to keep me in line, so I try to behave myself and act lady-like. (Thinking back on a few of my recent posts, I have to say that sometimes it’s really hard, and Eileen has probably been shaking her head a lot.)

This morning, in fact, I had an e-mail from Eileen, saying she read yesterday’s post. She pretty much said that I should stop whining and get over it. She suggested I get out some of the pieced quilt tops I have on my quilt rack that are waiting for applique and have at it. Eileen’s my personal Jiminy Cricket. And she’s probably right. But darn it, there are just so many patterns and fabrics clamoring for my attention! I think I have an extreme case of SASD!

Another friend of mine, Kairle, e-mailed me the other day to tell me that Buggy Barn is having their annual quilt show in August, and both Kim Diehl and Carrie Nelson are teaching. Boy, wouldn’t I just love to go take some classes?! My horoscope today says, "You need to let your impetuousness guide you now. Accept a surprise invitation." I just thought I’d throw that out there in case any of you feel really sorry for me and want to invite me on an all-expenses-paid trip to the Buggy Barn for the August quilt show and classes. I’m pretty sure I’d accept your invitation. Unless you are a weird stalker, serial killer–then I’d have to think about it for a bit.

Okay, Eileen, I’ll stop whining now.


  1. Being the Carrie Nelson groupie that I am, I have signed up for two of her classes at Buggy Barn this summer. It will be such an experience for me. I hope I can stop myself from fawning all over her! Kim Diehl's work is outstanding. That is a lovely quilt you have pictured. I wouldn't beat yourself up too much about following a pattern now and then. You really have me thinking though, about how many things I have purchased that I don't really LOVE.

  2. I love Kim Diehl's work too but I can't applique. No, it isn't that I need to practice or take lessons .. I just cannot applique! I'd love to go to the Buggy Barn show too so if someone offers to pay your way, ask them if they'll do the same for me, ok?

  3. Yes, Kim, I'm just shaking my head. See, since I'm old enough to be your Mother, I can tell you these things. Now just stop looking at all those websites and ordering all that fabric and start using what you have and create all those very special things. You know we all think you can design as good as anyone.

    Thanks for the mention. Eileen

  4. NOTE FROM BLOG AUTHOR: See that comment above? That's Eileen. The voice of reason! LOL!

  5. Don't tell Eileen where I live--she could drive here! Altho I apparently need some monitoring myself.

  6. If you have the opportunity to take a class or two from Carrie Nelson then you must! I've taken more classes than I can count from Carrie - I'm an original groupie - she's a terrific friend of mine! I like to say I knew her "when".

  7. If you look through my blog you'll notice that I made the quilt you have pictured. I used prints and silky plaids from the Chocolat line and opted to leave off the applique. I do applique but decided I liked it just the way it was. I'm a fan of her books!

  8. LOVE the SASD post.

    There are quilts that I do spend a lot of time on, and then there are others that I just want to do quickly so they'll be finished and can be used. Because they're better finished, rather than languishing unfinished somewhere.

    I've put parmesan on popcorn - never thought of parmesan AND oregano.

  9. This has nothing to do with your entry but OMG you cracked me up big time talking bout the cows on my blog. LOL!!!!!!!!! I read what you wrote to my husband and he was laughing so hard. You are funny!!!! Thanks for all helpful info on all the different kinds of cows out there. Haaaaaaaaaaaaaa

  10. I'm a huge Kim Diehl fan and I made the quilt you pictured. It seemed like a lot of work at the time but now it's finished I love it. I think you should just go where your instincts guide you regarding what to make:)

  11. I feel the same . Also love the quilt above. Collected all the fabric, but has not started. If you find some one willing to send you a ticket to the quiltfestival, please can I come too.???????? Love your blog.Zelda from South Africa

  12. I love Kim Diehl patterns too but I've found several I'd love to do on a website for American Patchwork and Quilting magazine. I've contacted Kim and the magazine, apparently those issues are not available and Kim does not have copies. What to do, what to do? They would be in old issues late 99 up to 02. Any ideas, any copies you don't want and would be willing to sell? Email Thanks!

    If I had your gift for design I'd make my own but...can't!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!