Sunday, June 21, 2015

Where Have You Been?

I was reading a blog the other day--actually I was looking at something on Pinterest and linked over to a blog to see how the woman had repurposed something--and I wondered what she had done more recently.  Nothing, it seems.  Her last post was MONTHS ago, and that post came out of the blue after another absence of months.  And I wondered whether something terrible had happened to her.  And then I thought about the fact that I hadn't posted anything FOREVER either.  It occurred to me that there are some of you who are wondering whether I've had a devastating illness or death even.  Nope!  Just lazy.  Or busy.  Or something.  It's funny how our priorities change over time.

I'm still working out, dieting, and trying to lose weight.  I stopped doing CrossFit in December because our "class" had dwindled down to two and I didn't feel our trainer was all that interested anymore.  I tried another program in January called Kaia Fit--it's similar to CrossFit or boot camp but it's just for women--and I strained my Achilles on the third evening.  So I had to wear a walking boot for seven weeks.  Between the holidays and lack of exercise, I found by spring I had gained a little bit of the weight back, so I started exercising on my own, at home, around April, and I got back to really watching what I eat, so I think I'm about where I was last year at this time.  My Achilles still hurts a bit and I have shoulder problems, so I'm not sure a gym workout is right for me anymore.  I've purchased a FitBit to track my activity and I log my food on My Fitness Pal--I think both are excellent tools for anyone out there trying to do what I'm doing.  There are apps for my smart phone too.

Speaking of which, I was probably the last person in the world to get a cell phone.  I hate being on the phone and I didn't really feel I needed one.  When the Wild Child was pregnant, she thought it might be important to get in touch with me at some point, so she bought me a used cell phone and added me to her plan.  That phone was okay for emergencies, but it was damaged and didn't hold a charge, so she recently upgraded to a new phone and passed on her older phone to me--and it works great.  I still don't like to talk on the phone, but I DO like to message.  A few weeks ago, Hubby and I traveled to Portland (where the Wild Child, significant other, and my grandson now live) and being able to use a GPS/map program made a big difference in traveling.  So I've finally been dragged kicking and screaming into the current century, and I've found it's not so bad after all.

That also brings me to Facebook.  For years I didn't "do" Facebook because I didn't think quick "snips" or brief comments on life were very meaningful--not like writing and reading blogs.  I still believe that but I finally succumbed and started a Facebook page.  I don't write a whole lot on it though but now and then I post something.  You know:  quick "snips" and brief comments.  If you'd like to "friend" me to make sure I'm still alive, leave me a comment here and I'll add you to my friends list--be sure to give me your full name or link to your Facebook page so I can find you.

When Hubby and I were in Portland, we visited Hippo Hardware and I brought home an old window.  Recently I started decorating for the summer patriotic holidays.  I saw this idea on Pinterest, so I can't take credit, but I purchased a cotton flag and coffee dyed it; then I put it behind my "new" window on the fireplace mantle.

Here are a few of my other recent patriotic projects--most copied from or inspired by Pinterest; in fact, you can access my Pinterest boards HERE to see what's inspiring me.

And yes, I'm still quilting.  I finally finished appliqueing the border of my Country Houses quilt--it's what I worked on at the applique retreat I mentioned in my last post.  I don't think I have a photo of it to share though.  But it still needs to be quilted, so maybe I can share that next time I pop up with a post.

Today is Father's Day and we have a couple of new fathers in our family to celebrate, so I'd better get off the computer and get the festivities under way.  It's also the first day of summer--happy summer everyone!


  1. Good to hear from you! Enjoyed your Patriotic pictures and news.

    Finished my homespun houses, but no vines or stars on the border. It's quilted and I'm satisfied it isn't a UFO.

  2. So happy to see your post! I'd love to be your Facebook "friend." I don't post much either. It's fun to follow your adventures and see what it's like in your neck of the woods.

  3. Wonderful surprise!! So glad to hear you are well and your family is well. Love your projects, as always. Did you make the flowerpot man?? That is the best!! Still miss your posts! Happy Summer. Florence

  4. Hi Kim, nice to hear from you, I would like to be Facebook friends with you.
    Eileen Carnevale

  5. lovely to see your post - great patriotic decorating tips as well! Happy summer to you ....I am enjoying some short winter days here in Aus - if I had the resources I would spend our summer somewhere in the northern hemisphere to avoid the heat :)

  6. I miss your posts - was excited to read yours this morning. Wish you would go back to regular posting. Peggy Barcelona

  7. Glad to hear you're still alive and kicking...I've missed your posts. You were one of the first blogs I found and you inspired me to start my own blog. Love all your patriotic stuff. I've been adding to my collection a bit at a time, watching for sale stuff - LOL!

  8. I am so glad to hear from you. I am one of those who was worried (that's what I do), that you had some great disaster in your life. I am glad that's not the case. Love the flag idea. I live right across the bridge from Portland and have never heard of that hardware store. Now I have to take a gander at it!
    Take care and know that you have Peeps out here who enjoy your posts. Make it a great day.
    Carlne Anthony

  9. Have missed your posts. I used to read your blog everyday and loved seeing what you were working on.
    Do you do Instagram. That seems to be where I spend most of my time now. Lots of quilt inspiration. On FB I am Sally Stover Williams and Instagram QUILTERSALLY.

  10. So glad to see you back on the blog. I missed your posts. I look forward to checking back. Have a great day!

  11. Oh how I missed you but I understand how family, especially little ones, can take over your life (as it should). Love your decorating - you are an inspiration. Love to be your friend, Judy Braun Stone.

  12. Nice to see a post from you. I also miss your posts. I used to read your blog first thing everyday. Now I read FB first thing everyday! I'd love to be your FB friend. I'm Kim Juilfs on FB.

  13. Hi Kim,
    I would love to be a facebook friend- I am a bad blogger these days though I finally got a new post up the other day after 6 months.
    You can find me under Anna McCurdy edmonton alberta Canada.
    Congratulations on your grand babies. Sounds like your life is full and filled with many things.
    Warmest regards,

  14. Hi Kim,
    I would also like to be added as a fb friend.
    I already sent you a friend request (Deb Silva).
    I really enjoy reading your blog and would keep up on fb as well.
    Deb Silva

  15. Such cute posts. And I had to chuckle. I often think the same when I come to a blog with no updates. But then I remember how crazy busy life can be, pray for them, and hope to see them again sometime. For some bloggers, who I've known online for as long as I've been online (8+ years), I will try to find them elsewhere to ensure they really are ok. So far, they always have been - hooray :)

    Thanks for a lovely visit. And I'll be saving your sweet site to my Pinterest Quilt Board :)


  16. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

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Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!