Monday, April 7, 2014

Nothing From Scraps . . . Or Anything Else!

It's late Sunday night and I thought I should post SOMETHING so you all know I'm still here.

First, thanks for the well wishes on our upcoming grandparent hood.  I wanted to respond to your comments, but I got hit by a stomach bug Monday night--"hit" is a really good way to describe it, too, because the stomach pains were fearce.  I had to go to work Tuesday to get some things done, but in the afternoon, I came home, and I stayed home on Wednesday as well.  For a few days, I didn't feel like doing anything that I didn't have to do, and getting on the computer was one of those things I just didn't do much.  After that, I felt a lot better, but it seemed like I spent what was left of the work week trying to catch up, at work and at home.  (Poor Hubby came down with the bug a couple days later too.)

It's hard to believe, even for me, but I didn't do one bit of sewing all weekend.  Yikes!  Someone check to see if I have a fever!  Seriously, though, with spring weather arriving in Northern California, I had spring chores to do that kept me out of the Sweat Shop.  Me and all my weedy enemies spent some quality time together out in the yard both Saturday and Sunday.  Then there was the remaining spring/Easter decorating around the house to finish up.  And do you know what probably took the MOST time?  Toward the end of the work week, my friend Missy got me interested in a recipe or two from Cooking Light magazine, and that led to me re-reading a few recent issues from cover to cover, planning out meals for the week ahead, grocery shopping for the things I need, and then doing a whole lot of cooking, trying out some new-to-me things.

Cauliflower soup, for instance--it really doesn't SOUND that good but it was; AND it made good use of a head of cauliflower that had languished in the refrigerator for the last week or so.

Cherry, almond, and ricotta scones for breakfast.  Yum!

Cranberry and pistachio energy bars--cut up, wrapped up, and ready to eat on the days I have CrossFit.

Edamame dip--it's kind of like a pesto with edamame all blended up, and it's great for dipping veggies.

And there were several other things as well, but I don't want to bore you to death.  But for those of you who DID do some scrappy sewing for Scrap Basket Sunday, please link up and show us what you did--because there's certainly a lack of quilt content HERE right now!

I hope I'll get back into the Sweat Shop this week, because I certainly have a LOT of projects that need to be worked on. Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Missing you, Kim. Hope all is well.

  2. I haven't gone blog surfing in years, but was telling my Mom how much I want to do your "SPRING" wallhanging (bought the pattern years ago) so had to pop over and see if you're still active. SO glad to see that you are (though sorry you were sick - ick.) Anyway, I have a sewing room now (YAY) and am pulling things out that have haunted me. I think I'm going to turn your design to the horizontal to fit the space I have in mind (entry all, first thing you see in the door) for next year. Best to you! Debi

  3. Hi Kim -- I hope you have been feeling well and it's just the busy-ness of life keeping you away. Have a Happy Easter! Florence

  4. Hi, Kim! I hope you're doing well. I posted a link to my recent scrap project.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!