Tuesday, March 18, 2014

An Experiment

My new camera arrived today, but when I took a couple "test" photos, I found the USB cable I had used for my last two cameras doesn't fit the new one.  So I ordered the correct cable, but in the meantime, I discovered that I could transfer the memory card to my broken camera and download photos that way--until the new cable arrives in a couple days.

The test photos I took were of the blocks I've made for the Star Light, Star Bright quilt along.  The deadline for putting the quilt top together was today, which I didn't make--I still need to add the sashing.  But since I have the photos of the blocks downloaded, I thought I'd show them.

These blocks will be set in a 4 by 4 setting, and there wasn't enough room on the design wall, so the other four blocks are just laying on the quilt rack--

I have an idea to add stars in the sashing also.  I like the way these look so far, but I need to find a place to lay them out and then work on the sashing--and I think I'll need to wait until the weekend to do that.

A couple of you asked about my St. Patrick's day outfit.  Well, originally I wasn't planning to participate, because I didn't want to spend a lot of time on a costume, but I literally woke up Sunday morning thinking about cutting down an old green velvet-y dress I had.  Back about 10 years ago, I loved that dress and wore it all the time, so I'd kept it in my closet long after it served its usefulness.  It was long--around calf/ankle length with long sleeves.  So I made it short sleeved and tunic length, and then I cut it up the center front and added hooks and self-covered buttons to close the bodice part.  I used shamrock fabric to make a long sash to wear at the waist.  I also added ruffled lace to the V-neck of a sleeveless, cream-colored top that I wore underneath the tunic.  Finally, I constructed a hat to wear with the ensemble:

I made the hat from a small plastic cup and a plastic plate; I covered both with shamrock fabric and glued them together, and then I added a few decorative bits.  A length of lace was attached so the hat could be held on my head and the lace tied in a bow under my chin.  Yes, you're right--the hat IS rather small and silly.  To these garments, I added black jean leggings and high black boots.  Hubby thought I needed gold buckles on my boots, but we couldn't figure out how to attach them without damaging the boots, and I figured what I'd already come up with was good enough.  So that was my outfit and everyone seemed amused--all in all, it was a fun day.  And when I went to work out at CrossFit that night?  I did my 1,000 meter warm up on the rowing machine wearing sunglasses and the hat.  Yep, I got some mileage out of that costume!


  1. Oh come on ....show a picture of the St. Patty's dress! :)


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